Questions Sitemap - Page 85

Questions Sitemap - Page 85. Browse Questions on Qfeast

Who has heard of the Redroots??? they are an amazing band i just saw them live and met them!!! they are soo nice i <3 them!!!!
Which girl is more attractive? Or are they similar? Girl 1: Girl 2:
I need activities to do? I need something to do because I'm sick of waking up and doing home schooling and either watching TV or playing on my laptop. I don't have any friends as I'm stuck with the label the girl who's Dad killed himself which I don't really care about because after all these years they haven't found anything else to talk about and don't say I'm in denial because I'm not. I would take up skateboarding and bmxing but all the parks near us are shit I have been thinking about writing a letter to the council like Andy Dufresne in Shawshank Redemption. I like rock, blues and country music and drawing nature although we seem intent on destroying it but the reason for that is shopping malls, reading and old, horror and action movies and jackass and supernatural. I would like the activities you suggest to be fun, active, being liable to learn something like a piece of wisdom or anything useful, something where I'll gain friends mainly boys as I get on with them better, maybe something stupid that you can laugh about laugh about like jackass and something that if I learn it I get something in return. I would also like my Mum to move to America I know its a lot to ask but there's nothing left for me in England and not much for the rest of my family. I'm just a 13 year old girl who hasn't accomplished anything. Please help
Who's more witty than me? There were 4 men on a boat, there were five cigarettes, there was nothing on board to light the cigarettes, how did they manage to smoke?
Got time for a riddle? I'm real when you're sleeping, I'm fake when you're not. What am I?
Should I be nice to him? So I've had some rough times with the guys (they would say something mean to me or my friend and i would instinctively protect me or them). Now I want to have a good last year and I want to be friends with everyone. But it's hard to to make a witty comeback and still be nice I'm trying but I feel like they are still being mean to my friends and me which I cant stand and i have to defend us! So should i even try and stress when they might not change?
Are you guys up for a challenge? Here's a riddle just to see how smart you guys are. You can see it, you can spiritually feel it, but I'm untouchable in the physical realm, I'm good, bad or just plain neutral, what am I?
science fair project ideas? hey guys do you have any science project ideas im having trouble finding some
Who reads Invisible? Who reads my story Invisible? I just want to know who I need to thank for being such great supporters and loyal readers. Thanks you guys!
Should I Keep Writing my Silver Night fan fic? I still get little readers, but it's getting interesting now! If you like Warrior Cats or Warriors you'll enjoy this story, I guarantee. Also, I take characters.
What anime can I get? I live in New Zealand and all can find is dragon ball Z and Pokemon I really want more anime. PLZ help!!!!
Favorite song? (If it's a One Direction or Justin Bieber song don't bother) Don't wreck my question with a bunch of "baby by jb!" "what makes u beautiful!"Shine bright like a diamond!" and that crap. If your favorite song is blurred lines then leave right now and never come back. If it's a good song then post it, I want to see what the awesome people on this site like, not the directioners and beliebers. (you're entitled to your own opinion but this is my question so i do what i want)
do you know who Micheal Andrew is? He is 14 and already swimming faster than people who went to the Olympic trials! I got to watch last weekend and he's AMAZING. plus he's cute. Anyone who knows of him yet?
Hey Star The Wolf Lover It's Me Landon Rodenberg Are You ON Yet you promised me
In what year was the Boy Scouts of America program founded? I'm a boy scout myself; so I thought it would it would be interesting if I made this question. (Here's a hint. It was founded over a century ago.) :)
Does anyone else like the same music I do or all you all directioners and beliebers? I like the bands: OneRepublic, The Fray, Coldplay, Green Day, All American Rejects, The Beatles, Queen, Evanescence, Imagine Dragons, Linkin Park, Nickelback, Shinedown, Pink Floyd, and Three Days Grace. Does anyone else???
Can someone help me with my PERL script? I'm trying to make a PERL script run only when it finds a specific PERL module file. Can anybody help me?
What do you think? I was thinking about life and what it holds, and how theirs so many things that's are going to available for us the second generation. What do you want to be? Where do you want to go?
What do you guys think of my "jeff the killer" cosplay i made? i made this at 1 in the morning and umm scared my little sister to the point of being punched but ya so i hope u enjoy
what do you think of the latest tecnology i really want to know what people think of the latest gagets and gizzmos also what do you think will happen in the future
Alieware-can it be refunded? I bought an Alienware aurora R3 last Christmas, so its not even a year old. Now I m freaking pissed of it 65% of the time i had it I am just trying to fix problems. First my graphics card had a problem my screen was on blue lines, and many more shuts down unecpectedly and also more than 5 times I loose all my imformation and games and it doesnt allow you to install your own windows too i wanted to change from 8 to 7 but it says no drivers where found please choose but u cant choose! Once everything was OK I shutdown and then after a while i put it on and screen just flashes from black to grey and simply you can do nothing about it. Then it said it will try to fix the problems then no problems where detected and then the machine reinstalled i thought only disc C would be deleted because i had disc D as well , it actually made then into 1 and deleted everything! then my screen was half the size again and all those Alienware stuff like the change color option nothing i had i had to make everything again contact them which will take me another week. So many problems occured I have still not mentioned because it will take me a day. Guys Dont buy Alienware I have checked forums some people say its good some its shite but i choosed to buy it because I was looking it every day for 3!!! years!! and at the end very disapointed very dissapointed. Read the top only if are looking for Alienware OK so my Question- Can I refund (return) This Alieware and get money back. I have all disks and things with it they gave me condition as new refurbished (graphics card being changed with the same one) The only thing I m missing is the box it came with all carton boxes are binned. Can i still return it?
Boy crushes There is this guy in my school and I like him. One day my friend asked him if he liked me and he said no really fast. My friend told me and she also said that he made it sound like I annoyed him. I don't know what to do. I need some advice even if it hurts. What do you think
Exactly how many passengers were aboard the RMS Titanic on her first maiden voyage? Here's a fact about me you guys probably never knew about... I LOVE the Titanic, one of the most famous shipwrecks of all time. I love the Titanic just as much as I love legos; I'm even thinking about making a quiz over it in the future. But for now, just answer the question and have fun! :D
I have a big butt and big thights?!? Ok you're probably thinking, 'ugh , the same question asked by a typical teenager ' (I'm a girl ^.^) But no, My body is reaalllyy weird. ... The upper half of my body (my stomach and above) is thin, like I've been exercising to get a thin body but no, I haven't. Past my waist it starts to get fat.... my butt is huuuge! (Not like the huge you're thinking of right now) and my thighs are big because of that too - my butt Im seriously not sure why i have this huge butt because no one in my family has a huge butt... just to add in, im Indian and normally they have quite small or flat bottoms.... well im pretty sure of that.? Ok so when I go to school ( this happened quite alot in year 8+9 )*Notice, I'm in year 10 right now and im quite short/ near to the average height... I think ^.^* the girls (some of them just the rude ones) kept saying 'oh I like your bum,' 'Your bum is so big!' and you... get the point.... When I went to my friends house her mum saw my butt and she was like to her daughter in their language - I think it was a joke but it hurt my feelings - 'Did she get plastic surgery?' and then my friend told me what her mum said and im like 'Ohh hahahaha, ......' I need help and advice, please don't give me an answer like 'boys love big butts' I dont care about BOYS Ok? Anything else would be great :) - Thanks xxx
Who on this site is a fan of The Simpsons? I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE SIMPSONS!!! Who else does?? Also what is your favourite episode? Mine is Homer To The Max! MAX POWER! HE'S THE MAN! WHO'S NAME YOUR LOVE TO TOUCH! BUT YOU MUSTN'T TOUCH! HIS NAME SOUNDS GOOD IN YOUR EAR! BUT IF YOU SAY IT YOU MUSTN'T FEAR! FOR HIS NAME CAN BE SAID BY ANYONE! Ahem. Sorry. So yeah who else loves the simpsons?
Who do you love more? Hazza or Taylor Swiftie? Hey guys, who do love more, the flirty but cute Hazza (Harry Styles) or the beautiful and talented Taylor Swift???? Answer in the post below!
Is there any other good anime's to watch I've seen a lot and i can't find any more ( i put the list in the comments
iMessage games? I'm looking for friends from qfeast and other sites to iMessage me. Don't tell other people your contact stuffs, if you want to play I game with me, and I want to play games and chat with everyone on this site. Make a chat and I will tell you my info you tell me your name. Also, I never tell anyone else your contact or use it otherwise. Ask ally check. Or semp.
What are the lyrics to bad romance that are in the lady goo goo song? So I heard that Lady Gaga sued Moshi Monsters because she didn't like Lady Goo Goo. I read somewhere that they used the lyrics to Bad Romance in Let's do the Moshi Dance. I've listened to the song millions of times and I still don't know what lyrics in Lady Goo Goo's song are the same lyrics to Bad romance. So what lyrics from Let's do the Moshi dance are the same as Bad romance? Also who else misses Lady Goo Goo?
What do I do? Ok so I'm in high school so I have to take the bus. But when I'm on the bus everyone ignores me and once somebody nicknamed me as "The Lonely Girl" I sit next to my friends but they normally just say hi and then ignore me for the entire drive. I don't like how my friends don't talk to me when I'm on the bus and instead talk to people behind them. I have one friend who ignores me and sells gum to kids on the bus instead. So basically I feel lonely and invisible on my bus because nobody talks to me. Once nobody wanted to sit by me and in the end this boy I knew did but only because there was nowhere else to sit. So how do I get my friends to notice me? Wow this was long.
Ideas for this? I'm thinking of doing a confession page. Any thoughts?
What was the highest denomination of United States paper money ever printed? Yes... The United States has printed paper currency HIGHER than the $100 bill before. (Around the 1920's and 30's) Some include the $500 and $1,000 dollar bills. What I want you guys to do, is to find what was the highest denomination EVER printed. GOOD LUCK! :)
So, I'm turning 17 in a few weeks and I'm being asked what I want and I don't know. What do you guys think? I have a decent phone, tv and laptop. I have everything I need in my bedroom. I just need ideas. I already have plans for driving lessons and a car .. ?
Who watchs Downton Abbey? This a series in England before world war one. The entertaining tale of Lady Mary, Edith, and Sybill and their parents and the battle for the estate. I love this so much and the fourth season is coming out in January! does anybody else watch this?
The cost of 12 pens is 6.36. Work out the cost of 9 pens
have you seen the commercial about hump day? the camel was like, what day is it? what day is it? then people are like. yeah... ITS HUMP DAY WHOOH WHOOH!!!!!!!!!!
who would you date if it was a celebrity? i would always and never change date bradley steven perry or rylie mcdough. rylie mcdough is the picture of the boy that i use for my brother in the story one afternoon in my basement 2
what freedoms do you have? when i'm talking about freedoms in your life, i mean like what freedoms? freedom of internet at your house,freedom for technology for example, cell phones, ipod, ipads, computers or any technological stuff. what are your freedoms??
My boyfriend is too jealous & I don't know What to do.. So me & This guy been dating for almost 2 years, he's always been respectful with me & My family. I have a guy best friend (he used to crush on me) & One day he put his arm around me when I was walking so I guess my boyfriend saw & he pushed my friend off & they were so close to fighting. I hate how he's over protectiv of me, he always Wants to be next to me everywhere I go. He gets mad over a stupid comment a guy makes on my pictures on facebook I know its disrespectful for someone to say things about my body on a pictures so I understand why. This guy I recently blocked because he commented on my picture saying " You got a small waist and fat butt" and he sends me nasty pictures & I told my boyfriend he got really angry & said its my that guys tell me things I don't like jealous guys Well a little bit but nit that jealous it's annoying, His mom adores me & his whole family like me but I dont know if I can still be in a relationship with him I do like him I just wish he could trust me & stop being so jealous. Should I dump him? Help pleasee!?
Being a jerk, or being sweet? So today on the bus my friends older brother was talking to me on and off. We've never talked before. Anyway. I heard my name and said "what?" And he says "that's why it's so hot. Because you're on the bus." I started laughing and I "apologized" for being so hot. I went back to talking to my friend, and he threw something at me. I was like "What the (fill in the blank)!?!?" He started laughing and was like "I was trying to throw my gum at the window!" So I told him to not do that because it could get stuck in my hair. Then he just laughed some more and we had a conversation about shaving my hair off. He teased me some more. But he had told this other girl earlier that she was beautiful. So was he being sweet, or just a jerk because he does this to alot of girls.
I don't know what to do about my boyfriend Okay so me and my boyfriend have been together for about three years on and off, we were recently off because he says that I just get with other guys all the time, when honestly I've never cheated on him. he cheated on me and the way he see's it is that I get with everyone when i'm at school; like I just take them into the bathroom or something. but I don't, so last night he was digging around my room and he found a condom wrapper, from when my sister blew it up like a balloon just to mess around. and he started saying I was lying and that I got with all these other boys, but I didn't! I do love him and I really want it to work out, but I don't think he's the same anymore. What should I do?? i'm so confused. HELP?
I'm scared of losing my virginity with my boyfriend & afraid that he's lying about the way I look just so I can lose it to him So me & my boyfriend been dating for a year and 7 months. He's a virgin & I am too. I'm scared of losing my virginity because I heard that it hurts really bad & That its A myth that all girls bleed. I don't wanna be embarrassed while I'm having sex with him. I also wonder if he really likes me because his friends date girls for a very long time it all depends when the girl decides to give it up & Then they leave them. He says that he "loves me" & that my body is a turn on because I have thick thighs , big butt & A tiny waist. I feel like if I give him what he Wants he'll leave me & Im really starting to grow feelings towards him & I don't want to lose my virginity to someone who just wants to hit it & quit it.. Please help! I don't wanna make a stupid mistake!
Dumbest thing you did when you were a kid? Okay so when I was little I had this brilliant idea I mean brilliant LOL. One day I decided I was going to put masking tape on my feet and try to walk up the wall and on to the ceiling. Of course my mom was like that's not going to work stupid. So I'm just curious to see what kind of dumb things you did when you were a kid.
In what year was basketball invented? I've known the answer to this question for a long time. So I thought I may as well ask you guys since most of you don't already know it, that way it would be more of a challenge...
Who was the inventor of the electric light bulb? For this question... was a little bored and had nothing to ask, so.. I thought of this. :)
Friendship Trouble- help? So, me and my best friend have been BFFs since the third grade. It's been 6 years of great friendship, and I love her as if she was my sister. But lately, she's been really distant. She's always, I mean ALWAYS, in her iPhone. Even at lunch when I'm Trying to talk to her. She also hasn't invited me over in weeks. But whenever we do get together, even at the movie theater, she's on her phone. And it seems like I'm her "on call" friend, whenever she needs something (like homework) she calls me and begs me for the answer. Normally, I would gladly help her out, but she doesn't even try before asking me to help her. I just don't know what to do. We've been together through thick and thin, and sure we've had our rough patches, but we've made it so far. I don't want to say goodbye, but I can't keep being her servant, or keep being treated like I don't exist. So...what do I do?
What do you love? So I love making these Keep Calm posters and I wanna do them for other people so tell me what you love and I will make a poster saying Keep Calm And Love________. There will also be a picture of the thing you love for a background. I can also make one saying Keep Calm And Follow (insert your username here). If you want either tell me in the answers which one you want and if the you the Keep Calm And Love____ one tell me what you love. : ). Isy out! PEACE ✌! Oh here's one I made : ).
What do you guys think of my face paint I did? :3 yush I made this design on my face, by myself, with nothing but facepaint so whatdya think?^^
Warlock imp miniature I want to have a warlock imp from World of Warcraft, but i want him to be a model about Warhammer size. I don't mind if its not the exact thing. Just something that I can use as him. Also I was wondering if there aren't any out there, if i should make it out of green stuff.
what do you do when you're alone? I just Call people on my phone.
Does anyone else use pictures to express themselves? I always use 'dramatic' pictures to express my feelings and emotions, all of my photos on Qfeast are about my emotions. Anyone else do that? If not how do you express yourself?
How do you upload a Facebook video to Youtube? I made this awesome movie trailer w/ my bro, but how do u upload from Facebook to youtube?
How did Britain change during the Industrial Revolution Using no more than 140 characters how did Britain change during the Industrial Revolution
What does music mean to you? To me, music is an escape. It seems that for every feeling, ever problem, and every emotion, there is a song. If I'm feeling happy, I play peppy pop music, when I'm sad I just listen to rock or alternative. I just love music. Without music, I wouldn't be who I am. So, what does music mean to you? What's your favorite kind?
Do you love to dance yes or no? Dance is a type of art that generally involves movement of the body, often rhythmic and to music. It is performed in many cultures as a form of emotional expression, social interaction, or exercise, in a spiritual or performance setting, and is sometimes used to express ideas or tell a story. Dance may also be regarded as a form of nonverbal communication between humans or other animals, as in bee dances and behaviour patterns such as a mating dances.
In what year did they start making LEGO Star Wars sets? SECOND LEGO QUESTION: I love legos; I even used to make my own stop motion animations with them. To be honest I don't know what I would do without them. Legos are the best. :D
If a boy takes your things (pens and stuff) is he flirting or being annoying?
Want a drawing of a person? If you want I can try to draw a person for you just tell me how he/she looks like I'll tell you when it's ready or if I can draw it or not! :)
On what date did the Civil War begin? Back in the 6th grade, we learned a TON about the Civil War; the deadly battle between America, resulting in over 600,000 fatalities. I want to see if any of you can remember the exact date in which the war had started. :)
why do friends leave us after breaking friendship none
WHATS THE BIG DEAL?!?!?! I know so many "blue eyed" people who are always saying stuff like "Blue eyes are so much better than brown" and "Blue eyed people are the smartest and most talented." I AM SOOOOO SICK OF IT!!!!!! WHATS THE BIG FLIPPIN DEAL!!! (Not saying all blue eyed people are bad!)
What kind of books interest you? Like what kind of genres and characters? Hello everyone. I am curious about what kind of books interest you and what kind of characters interest you. For example do you like scary realistic novels that don't have mythical creatures in it? Do you like books with vampires and werewolves? I hope to get some good feed back please comment :)
What's the smallest breed of dogs? I thought of this question after I finished my first one. ("What's the largest breed of house cats?") GOOD LUCK. :)
Who else plays gaia online? its a really fun game I play you guys should to.. and if u already do my user is: Mary_chan123 that's my avatar as the pic by the way ^^
What do u think about this drawing? I drew this with an app and was just wondering if u liked it
Help me pick a song! So there is going to be a Talent Show this year at school.I want to audition but first I need a song.So,I narrowed it down to 9 songs.You guys pick your favorites and the 4 most chosen songs will advance to round two where 2 will be chosen and then the finals where one song will remain.Here are the songs: •Firework-Katy Perry •Made in the USA-Demi Lovato •Here's to Never Growing up-Avril Lavigne •Roar-Katy Perry •When She Loved Me-Sarah McLachlan •Best Song Ever-One Direction •A Whole New World-Aladdin •Stars Aligning-China Ann Mclaine •Who Says?-Selena Gomez All votes must be cast on or before:October 31st 2013.Any votes cast after will be ignored.You are only allowed to vote once and you can vote up to 3 songs.Have fun!
Anyone happen to be obssessed with Foster The People? An indie band with really great music that gives me goosebumps each and everytime I listen to it. Anyone out there feel the same way?
How do i know when my true love will come along? I am waiting and waiting but no one catches my eye. I am starting to think i have already met him but i am not sure. How will i know????
In what year was the LEGO Group founded? Like most questions I ask, I already know the answer; but I want to see how many of you know how old are beloved, plastic, Lego bricks are.
What is the name of the first successful personal computer? Here's a couple fun facts: It was first released in 1977 and was produced by Apple Inc. However, I want to see how many of you already know the answer to this question. The idea of this question simply popped into my head, probably because I was thinking of Steve Jobs (co-founder of Apple Inc.) earlier today.
Can anybody recommend some good books? This includes qfeast stories.
is perming hair only for girls?
placement of air conditioners! hey guys..actually i was doing my homework and i had this question,"why the air conditioners should be installed above the level of the windows". i REALLY need help guys!! :/
What do you love as a hobby? So..?
Guys act like I'm one of them I have a lot of things that I need advice with, so I'll number them. 1. All my best friends are guys. One of them likes me, and I like him, but I think we're too much like best friends to go out with each other. 2. My best friend ever moved away to Scotland, and I really miss him. We've emailed and texted, but it's not the same. 3. There's a boy in my year (Liam) , and he has a hobby of picking on me. He has a gang, and the other day he asked me to be in his gang. He wouldn't take no for an answer, and then he hung me upside down. Luckily Jack (one of my best mates) jumped in and saved me, along with James, Callum and Matt. But now Liam is out to get me alone, and I don't want to walk home alone, in case he jumps out on me.
Do any of you miss LalaLucy?
Must i go for him now? My crush and best friend broke up. Must i go for him now or wait a few weeks?
Do you love china anne mcclain? I would like to know all my fans
Do dreams come true? I've always wanted to be a doctor but I find it hard so I thought about being an actress cause I've always wanted to be on Tv, you know meet famous people but I don't sing that well, I don't take acting lessons, I have big cheeks and I don't exactly live in America or UK so I was wondering, could I one day be what I want to be or will I just be a doctor? :(
WHICH ONE OF MY KITTYKATS ARE YOU? Sorry that this wasn't a quiz, it's just that my computer won't let me add any pictures to anything so I can't make them. Anyway, here are the questions: 1. What's your favourite colour? *hides behind the Doctor* Don't kill me... a) Light colours e.g. sky blue, yellow b) dark colours e.g. black, navy blue c) RAINBOW d) Dark blue + yellow 2. Which of these describe your personality? (Be honest) a) Bubbly, energetic, very funny, cheeky b) Smart, mysterious, lazy, laid-back c) Short-tempered, athletic, quick-witted d) All of the above apart from lazy and short-tempered 3. What colour is your hair? a) Very dark brown/almost black b) Ginger/ strawberry blonde c) A range of colours but still natural d) Brown/light brown/almost blonde but brown 4. Which of these do you like best? a) Exploring, eating meaty things, cuddling people (:3) b) Being cuddled, watching your friends attack stuff (O_0) c) Attacking PEOPLE, eating, being tickled a lot (^.^) d) DOCTOR WHO OF COURSE!!!! Me: Aaw me too XD 5. If you were at Hogwarts, what pet would you have? a) Cat (:3) b) Raven c) Toad d) Pigmy Puff (me: aaw cute) e) horse, cat, dragon, pigmy puff, raven, owl. (Me: Are you even ALLOWED that many pets at Hogwarts? You: I guess..) 6. Last but not least, do you like kittykats? a) Of course who doesn't?? b) To cuddle, yesh (Me : aaw, you're adorable You: ^.^) c) Yeah, but I couldn't eat a whole one (Me: SERIOUSLY?? YOU EVIL) d) Exactomundo I love them 7. HAHA, I LIED!!! So anyway, did you like this? a) Yes of course b) I luv you :3 (Me: That's not really the question but aaw) c) Meh, could be better d) OF COURSE!!! e) oooh, jellybabies Me: WHERE?! *scrambles off to get them* RESULTS Mostly A's: You're Molly! You're quirky and you love a cuddle although you also like attacking things if they annoy you. You have browny fur and greeny eyes that are massive, but no-one minds because you're JUST SO CUTE!!! Mostly B's: You're Skye! You spend most of your time curled up asleep or daydreaming. You love a cuddle, but you're quite lazy and prefer to watch OTHER PEOPLE do things. You have calico (ginger, white + black) fur and people love you because YOU'RE JUST SO FLUFFY!!! You're quite dim-witted though, so you often get in people's way. Mostly C's: You're Parkin!! Everybody loves you because you're so cute and affectionate, but some people stay away because you can get a bit cranky or over-excited sometimes. You have ginger and white fur and brown eyes. Mostly D's: Um, you're not a kittypet. I think you're ME!! Everybody likes you because you're cheeky but smart, and you are so sweet that you can easily brighten up anyone's mood. You have long brown hair and dark green eyes. You are quite tall, and quite skinny. However, if you're not a girl, you're just the equivalent, but you're hair's short and wavy. Mostly E's and D's: Um, you're just yourself, I guess. You be whatever you want to be, but you'd definitely be one of my friends. Message me if you want and/or comment. Please also tell me what you got!! Enjoy!!!
what book have u read lately? actually i <3 reading books...i am really getting bored these not getting d right book 2 read..plz recommend a book!!
smilers!? and others what do u think about miley's performance at the MTV VMAs??
Anyone like to draw anime people? Anyone like drawing anime people? Im just wondering..
what team is better team amazon or Chris is really really hot off of total drama world tour what team is your favorite
if it was pouring outside should the school keep the students inside okay yesterday it was pouring outside and the middle school cafeteria is in a completely separated building well we had to run it the rain it would have been fine if it wasn't for the fact on the way back the concreate path was under water and two of the pipes on the roof were making water falls i'm not kidding my friend jack ran under one by accident and was drenched from head to toe so when we came inside everyone was drenched so I just saying shouldn't the school had done something about?
I am 17 and i want a baby. Am i crazy? Details (Optional)
Whats the best dream youve ever had? Mine is in my school hall and Ian Somerhalder come over to me and tells me not to be embarassed cause just fell over and then he hugs me ... so nice !! Whats Yours?
Has anyone got any tips for learning how to cry on cue in acting? I want to learn to cry in Drama so my performaces are more emotional any tips
Please can you tell me if my picture of Damon Salvatore is actually good? I drew this yesterday in front of Don't tell the bride please can you tell me what you think truthfully and any tips would be great thanks xxxxx Personally I think its fine but not brill ... how can Improve it going to look at comments tonight
What Celebrity would you marry and what would be yoir dream future ANY celebrity who would YOU choose and why? I would Choose Ian Somerhalder because he is totally gorgeaus!!!! and really kind and nice with charities and stuff
Why can Vampires such as Katherine get into The Boarding House when Vamps normally have to get invited in in The Vampire Diaries I just don't get why all Vampires in TVD can get into the Salvatore house please explain someone also want to meet other TVD Fans
What Do Men Like In Females I Wanted To Know What Men Like In Females
What's the largest breed of domestic house cats? I already know the answer... however, I want to see if YOU peeps can figure it out. You'll be amazed by how big these house cats are!
What has happened to Miley Cyrus? Seriously. She has lost all class. I still remember her as Hannah Montana. Now she's singing about getting high in the bathroom and dancing like she's in a stripp club. And I get it, she can't be tamed and all that fun stuff. And yeah, maybe only God can judge get, but in my opinion she just threw her life away. (The pic is of her at the MTV VMAs)
What do I do? I have friend troubles at school! I have a friend and we were always with each other but one day, I accidentally told something to another person that I wasn't supposed to tell impulsively and she ignored me for the rest of the year, I ignored her back. Then some of my friends said that she wanted to be friends with me again but I was not ready to answer. And we still didn't talk to each other on the last day of school and I was supposed to go to another school in Grade 6 but it so turns out that I have to complete my old school since it has Grade 6 and there's no point in going there if I have grade 6 in my other school so that means I have to ignore her again for another year (We're going to the same classes). But I don't know what to do! She might bully me and turn everyone against me or something! I'm scared so please help! I am very shy so I might not do the stuff that you tell me to do. (I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense to you, I'm not good at writing things like this!)
Whats the name of the high school in Detroit Rock City???? Im wondering so I can set help as my high school on here.. I really go to SudburySec
What Do Guys Like In A Female What Do Guys Like In A Female
Who likes Megaman Battle Network? Who likes it? I am a huge fan!
Spot the quote!!! Just write which ones you think they are in the answers. 1. "Would you like a jellybaby?" 2. "Asta la vista, baby" 3. "Don't drop the banana!" "Why?" "Good source of potassium!" 4. "Bowties are cool" 5. "To the girl ON FIRE!!!" 6."Tell me, do you like an underdog?" 7. "WHO DA MAN??" 8. "BADABOOMBA!" 9. "Alons-y Alonso!" Thanks! :)