Questions Sitemap - Page 42

Questions Sitemap - Page 42. Browse Questions on Qfeast

What is your favorite show on nickelodeon?
An awkward moment, again. Have u guys ever had any awkward moments? Want to say something? Well… do it on the comments section. (Sry, got bored)
what's your opinion on fnaf getting a movie ?
What is your favorite show on Cartoon Network ?
What is your opinion on Yandere Simulator ?
What is a Weeaboo ? I alway's hear this word but i don't know what it means
If robots has a personality and such as humans, do they qualify as human? So, long story short, if there's an uprising of robots who basically seem human, do we treat them as human? The robot has a personality, ways to learn, and can be mistaken as human. Would we treat them like humans?
who's your fave show director
Veterans Day is at the corner, what question would you like to ask a veteran? I can't wait to be apart of a Veterans Day show! There will be so much veterans! But what would you like to ask a veteran?
Is there anything cool on Qfeast that i need to see? I want to know everything that is popular.
who's your fave game developer ? plz tell me
What is your opinion on memes?
do you have a youtube channel ? do you have a youtube channel if so then let me know what it is so i can go subscribe to it :)
How many hotels does Trump own?
what's your opinion on frisk x asriel ? please tell me i wanna know your opinion
How / what to write in the Personal Statement section of an University Application? I'm supposed to be filling out a University Application, but I don't know what to write in the Personal Statement section... AND THE APPLICATION IS DUE IN THIS FRIDAY (11th of November)! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I can't write about myself to save my life, and there's nothing interesting about me!
What is your opinion on Trump winning the 2016 Election? If you want my opinion, it's this: I'm going to pray for the US every night for the next four years.
What is the best place to sit in a movie theater?
who's your fave charather in yandere simulator i'm just curious
Should Qfeast have an app? If we complain enough, maybe the creators will make it happen, so let's blow this up
Which pokemon (any one) would you choose for president? Any kind you know
Why do people lie?
are you gonna miss the old Fnaf characters? hakajajshajajsgs
is it bad that i'm a karamatsu girl ? please tell me i want to know if it's bad that i'm a karamatsu girl
Is it a relationship dealbreaker for you if your partner has a different religious belief than you? Well?
What is your opinion on Septiplier and Pewdiecry? Well please tell me i want to know what other people think of this ship
what do you think of vocaloid ? well tell me what do you think miku , luka , rin , lin tell me i want to know your opinion
What would you do if you're entire high school class was stuck on a desert island? You're on a cruise ship and it hits an old WW2 naval mine. You basically just have the clothes on you're back and something small on your pocket such as a pocket knife (If you carry one on a regular basis or on travels), a sea salt cellphone, etc. Luckily the island is large and is mostly flat with the exception of a few hills along with a few small islands surrounding it. The island was occupied by Imperial Japanese and the island has lots of guns and a few tanks. So what would you do? Answer honestly please because I'd to get some different perspective.
Where can I watch The Middle online for free? My parents stopped paying for the entertainment feature on Now TV, which means that I don't have Comedy Central anymore, and I can't watch The Middle. So I need a way to watch it online for free. I've tried to look for websites to watch it on, but all of them either don't work or are only available in America. Do you guys know anywhere that will work for me?
What is the difference between a Father and a Dad?
Reaction Fact #1: Did you know that we're going to Mars in 2033? Orion will blast off in 2033 hopefully NASA will get there first.
Do you crush on aparri ? Do you love aparri?
What is the difference between 'accident' and 'incident'? Can you also provide some examples, please?
What are some good, inspiring things to say to a child who is hospitalized? For Christmas, I'm going to bring a load of gifts, books, games, and toys to my local children's hospital. I'm also bringing cards. What should I write in the cards? I don't want to say cheesy things like "GET WELL SOON!" and I'm not saying anything religious.
What is the difference between crystal and diamond?
why do people act meaner online? there to pussy to say it to there face, why?
If you were one of the Sans's from ANY AU which would you be? any AU not just the ones in the pic. Go on, you know you wanna!
Where, in London, was Tom Riddle's diary from? Hmmm a mystery needed too be solved...
What's you're favorite twenty one pilots song? Makes sense I need reputation points h e l p m e I'm spamming y'all now
who's your fave youtube-er ? well who is it it can be anybody minecrafter , gamer, developer just anyone :)
how was your holloween ? well how was it
Which NBA team do you support? What are your colours,who is your team? Lets find out and compare to others to see what the most popular teams are. Also which teams DONT you like?
What are you dressing up as for Halloween?
What's your fave Creepypasta Plz answer my first question lol
Have you ever read THE GIVER by Lois Lowrey? pretty self explanatory. Pic is actually on the copy IM HOLDING RIGHT NOW
Who is your favorite pokemon? Title explains it in 5 words and 24 letters and one question mark.
What should Qfeast fix/add/change, in your opinion? Self explanatory. No h8ing on other people's ideas, pls.
What is your favorite thing about yourself? What is your favorite thing about yourself? Both physically and personality wise.
Where would there be the best place to be during a Zombie Apocalypse? This is mostly for any stance towards you (The Reader) just type in what you'd feel be the safest place if you were caught in the Zombie Apocalypse as described below. Details I feel like would be important to answer this question. -The Zombies are fast and running similar to 28 Days Later -They decay over time -You have as much time as you'd like to go anywhere -You take as much stuff as you want as long as you can carry it in you're suit case or on you're back if it's a good distance that can't be reached by vehicle. Such as inside a dense jungle or high mountains.
Does my 7th grade crush like me back? Ok, so I'm a middle school girl and I'm in 7th grade. At the moment I have a crush on this boy who is sending mixed signals. One day during science class, my friend next to me asked me who my crush was, so I told her. My friend had said that he was on her bus, and that she could ask him who he likes (they're good friends) So the next day at school, my friend says that my crush said he liked me, and he was blushing and everything when he told her on the bus. It seemed like he was really into me. But then the next day after my friend told me what happened, I had asked her to tell him that I like him back. He ends up denying it and told her he was joking, and that I'm a creepy stalker. But when he told her that, my friend said that he sounded serious. Why would he be joking if he acted like he really likes me before? Also, before this happened, there were some pretty clear indicators that he liked me: •Stared all the time •Looked nervous and shy around me •Followed me •Acted differently towards me than other girls (didn't talk to me, etc.) But I'm still really confused. He's a shy guy, so maybe he's lying that he was joking? I'm really confused. I need some help...
Why can't I microwave my ramen? WHY? I just.. Okay the real question is why does the container say "Do not microwave!" when I microwaved it for a minute and it was fine? Why is it there? It isn't neccasary... o-o (random art on the page dun ask.) I know this is a stupid question it's A CRISIS. C:
Help Me Pick a Song for an AMV? So, I kind of want to try and make my first AMV and put it on YouTube. The only thing is, I'm kind of stuck on what song to use for it. I'm making the AMV about Crona and Maka from Soul Eater. The songs I'm tuck on are Until the End by Breaking Benjamin, Gasoline by Halsey, and Freak Show by Set It Off. So, could you just listen to those three songs and tell me which one you think fits them better? Thanks!
Did I get my period? About 6 months ago I had tons of discharge and a brown spot in my underwear then it abruptly stopped... anyone know what happened?
Have you ever traveled with your pet (dog or cat) on a plane? Do you have any advice on things that I should know about that?
Why do we sleep with the head towards the wall?
When will I get my period? (3) I'm turning 12 on thanksgiving day, I have breasts and pubic hair but not in my armpit. I have slight almost painless cramps once in a while. Am I getting my period soon? Also I have a little vaginal discharge
What's the cutest/sweetest thing a lover has said to you? Mine is "Stop it I would never cheat on her shes my everything"
Is it true that the vegetarian diet can affect the development of the brain?
Do you love Osomatsu-San ? who loves osomatsu-san i do ichimatsu-nissan :3
What is the funniest answer you've put on your homework?
What era would you travel to? (Back in time) If you could, would you travel back in time? When?
What do you think of Ants? (More additional questions in the description) What do you think of ants...? Their existence, and what they are to you. Take that thought for a moment, and now the true question must be I have contemplated this many times... If you see ants like you do...whatever the case, what would a god or gods look at us as?
who's your fav charather in the game undertale ? who do you think the best charather or who's your fav charather
How do i stop being scared of mc on survival mode? im a scaredy cat and have No idea how to stop myself from being scared of survival mode..
What is the best pick up line youve used or recieved? The best one Ive used is "Do you work at Dicks Sporting Goods? Because youre sporting them goods!"
Does it annoy you when someone spells something wrong online? It annoys me A LOT
Can you stick your tongue all the way out, while breathing through your nose? Tell me, can you work this miricale? (i know i cannot)
How do you change your profile image? I really need to know! Please be specific.
What is your favorite song by Twenty One Pilots?
How many acts are in the Quantum Break game?
What subject would you like to teach as a teacher? What Subject Would You Like to Teach? English? Maths? Science? HSIE? PDH/PE? Geography? Music? Art? Social Studies? History? Language? Sport?
Favorite Creepypasta character(s)? It can even be unknown Creepypasta characters people don't know much or heard about, and make a list if have more then one.
Are all the Great Lakes (USA) connected?
What is the one thing you'd change about the world? Only one thing.
Are you the same person you were five years ago? If not, what changed?
Is it alright to torture terrorists for information?
Is it wrong to buy expensive food when people are starving?
What's your weird like/obbsession/fettish/idea? sounds confusing, but basically means whats something you like that is weird?
Can you comment all the MODS not Expansion Mods for Sims 4 please ?
Is Sims 4 going to release a Sims 4 Pets expansion pack ?
If you could be a fictional character, who would it be? It could be your OC or goddamn Harry Potter. Anybody you want!
Which Cartoon Character is the most memorable? The cartoon character you had been loving for a long time...maybe you really admire them. like 1 of my frnd is crazy about SHINCHAN and me for example Ninja Hatori. and likewise
Who is your favorite Superhero, and why? My favorite Superhero is Spider-Man, because he has yes cool superpowers, but also big limits compared to other superheroes, and he has to deal with every-day problems, like all of us. Inside he's a normal person, and he got to learn the most important lesson for his own mistakes, before to become a hero: with great powers come great responsibilities. So yes, I'm curious to know your favorite Superhero.
Can you ever be truly happy without money?
If lying is wrong, are white lies okay?
Should adults and juveniles be given the same punishments?
What do you think about the Game "UNDERTALE?"
what did you guy's think of fnaf sister location ? well what did you think of fnaf sl
One word for Markiplier
Favorite Hetalia character(s)? List the characters if you like to, if you have more then one.
Favorite Black Butler character(s)? Make a list of them if you like to, if you don't have one favorite character.
who would win a fight between chara or frisk ? who would win
Any good book recommendations? something along the lines of Biography Fantasy Sci-fi Horror Action
Whats the most scariest thing thats ever happened to you? I love asking questions like this!
Best Story? post a link of you're favorite/best story on Qfeast. Everything welcome. Get more reads on you're stuff. You may include a description. Have fun and Read on!
do you like or watch soul eater?
If you had any WILD pet, what would it be and what would it's name be?
What is the capital of Namibia? Do you know this
I can pause my dreams when I wake at night then resume when I sleep. Can anyone else I suffer from very detailed dreams. There's no fantasy just like the world today but it's not. I've spoken to myself as 20yrs older, I've spoken to an aboriginal elder, and what they call a tall white. I have recordings of me talking fighting crying etc. Love to hear from others similar
do you like fairy tail?