Questions Sitemap - Page 91

Questions Sitemap - Page 91. Browse Questions on Qfeast

any tips dead island Ok so I'm gettin dead island tommorow anybody got so pro gamin tips for me
Are you ready to tell your secret? Tell me, are you really ready to tell the secret? Please don't tell secrets that are very personal. Tell secrets that is very no personal.
Has anyone seen Perks of Being a Wallflower? Best movie ever. Just wow. Amazing. It is the definition of perfect. I just can't. I really can't express my love for this movie. So wonderful. Seriously, if you are 13+ go watch it. If you're younger than that, just don't. Wait a while. It has some pretty, lets say, intense scenes and themes and concepts. K, bye.
Is there any easy way to learn how to play the guitar? Hey guys. Our Leavers Concert for leaving school is coming up, and me and my friend Nicole have been chosen to do the art. But you're also allowed to do performing etc on the night. I'd like to learn to play the guitar to play a song, any easy way? I know, there's no easy way of doing that, but I'd like to learn an easy way of LEARNING the chords. Understand? Sorry x D But please only answer if you have an idea, thanks!
How do i help my friend? My best friend Megan is attempting suicide because her boyfriend cheated on her then called her a red-headed b***h. How can I make her see that suicide isn't the answer?
how do i register a small business in Montreal it is a mascot company, and i would like to know a detailed explanation of who to contact to open the company in a few weeks
Which book does this blurb belong to? Here is the blurb: Kidnapped and taken to a frozen land after a the fierce battle with Lord Morgarath,Will and Evanlyn are bound for Skandia as captives aboard a fearsome wolfship.Halt has sworn to rescue hi young apprentice,and he will do anything to keep his promis—even defy his King. Expelled from the Rangers he has served so loyally,Halt is joined by Will's friend Horace as he travels toward Skandia.On their way,they are challenged by freelance knights—but Horace knows a thing or two about combat.Soon his skills begin to attract the attention of knights and warlords for miles around.But will he and Halt be in time to rescue Will from a horrific life of slavery?
Any Fan-Fics on here? I was just wondering. I'm in the mood to read some. So of you have read some or have written some comment the title and ill read them. (0)(0) <- it's watching you!
Anyone else live in MN? Look at the picture. If you do then you might know what is happening. Here's what happened.... On Tuesday night it started raining, the next morning all that water had frozen and became ice. All the ice that was on the trees was too much weight for the trees to hold so they were breaking. Some trees are even split in half! The power isn't that good either. Right now they say this might last 24-48 more hours. The good part is that there is no school. We even got about 6 inches of snow. I thought it was supposed to be spring, but I guess not. What do you think about this?
what would be the most difficult parts of living in the secret annex
Does anyone like Ingrid Michaelson? If you haven't heard of her, you should look up Be Ok, and Locked Up by her. She's an amazing singer!
When was the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend? How old are you now and when was the first time you had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
What is the RBR? Who is in it? What is the RBR? Answer this if you are in the RBR
Let's be annest.. you an Otaku? lol to tell the truth I anm on my self.... if you don't know what Otaku means here is what it means!~ Otaku (おたく/オタク?) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime and manga.
mustaches or swag????
Do I have ADHD or ADD? I can't sit still for long periods of time and sometimes (mostly in math class) I zone out and miss the lesson i'm learning.I ALWAYS leave math and writing to the last minute unless i'm typing and the only time I can sit still is if i'm chained to the chair.Do I have ADHD or ADD?
Is the things I think normal? I'm afraid to be alone because I think either: A)Someone will come and murder me B)A ghost will hurt me Is this normal?
What is the point of TV? I mean all it does is engross children and make them lazy. Granted sometimes the TV shows help charity e.g Comic Relief. But mostly the programmes are just piles of crap e.g The Undateables.
What is a good single word with same meaning as the "the person whom I am talking to" expression?
can animals get pimples?
Can anyone come up with a starter to this blurb? The Decorated Sword - a mystery by You The Beutiful, Stunning town of Leely holds a secret. Jennifer Blue has the perfect life working as a Model in the city and Living with her sweet boyfriend, Tom Parker. However, when she finds a Decorated Sword in her cellar, she begins to realise that things are not quite as they seem in the Blue family. A Party leaves Jennifer with some startling questions about her past, and she sets off to Perfect Leely to find some answers. At first the people of Leely are hopeful and funny. She is intruigued by the curiously considerate Vet, Phillip Lee. However, after he introduces her to hard coffee, Jennifer slowly finds herself drawn into a web of Murder, robbery and perhaps, even abduction. Can Jennifer resist the charms of Phillip Lee and uncover the secret of the Decorated Sword before it's too late, or will her demise become yet another Leely legend?
Window 7 or windows 8? Lol for me I HATE WINDOWS 8!! I so would go with windows 7~
When will my 1st period come? Hello!!:) My name is Chrissy, this is the 2nd time ive asked this question but things have changed since then. First of all today is my 11 birthday!!:) so here is an update. Ok. So, 1st of all if u r a boy or a perv PLEASE GO AWAY!!! Thanks;) okay so i dont want rude comments or answers like "it comes when it comes and bring extra pads just in case!!!!!!" Like nooo if ur a doctor PERFECT!! Keep reading okay my height is "4,9 1/2" (four nine in a half.) my bra size is 30 a my breast r getting rounder darker and (awkward) hairier. My ummm crouch hurts!!! I feel a throbbing WHY THE HELL IS IT THROBING!! Ive had discharge for as long as i can remember (no joke). Its a yellowish brown and smells fishy. Ive shaved my legs and pits for 1 and a half year (exact) my uhh crouch has LOTS of hair black curly from thigh to thigh. My sister got her period when she was in 5th grade. Im in 5th grade. She got it when she was 11 IM 11!!! Don't know about my momma mot planning on asking. But my sis started her second round when she was 13!!! What does that mean!!?? I play soccer and volleyball. Could that delay it??!! Ur very confused girl, Chrissy<3
can i charge for my services hi there i have always protested about buying shop named carrier bags on the grounds that i i am advertising for said shop or store by carrying that bag please could you tell me if i am in the right and are there any laws in place about this issue
What's the difference between last and latest?
my girlfriend broke up with me help? My relationship has just ended, i met my girl late feb 2012, seen her for the following 6 weeks then made it official in early april 2012, im 26 now but 25 at the time she was only 17, she was obsessed with me , very clingy always wanted to stay over , would jump at the chance to spend time with she was amazing , but it come at wrong time i was out of work but everything still went great, but after a bit the routine was the same , doing the same thing but we still loved each other so much she even got my name tattoed on her which i did try and talk her out of it, that was december 2012, then i met her family well her dad in march i had already met her mum earlier last year, and she adored me even the last time i seen her , and she would sayn over facebook txt how much she loved me every day until ab t 3 weeks ago i upset her because i was jst annoyed at something and said"are we done then/finished" which didnt mean , "so she said your finishing me??????" and all that day she blanked me all my msges for like 2 days , then said she needed space, out of know where she's never been like that if anything i felt we needed space because we talked to much every day and it was the same thing all the time, and i couldnt help my myself so i kept msging her for the following week, she only replied bluntly, and cold with "dont know what i want" that sort of thing, and because i kept msging her she said "sorry i cant do this know more" then said she felt bad and wanted to meet clear the air i ignored her for the day, and she wanted to talk and take things from there start a fresh, and a week later she deletes me off facebook because i said "ah forget waiting we need to talk now rather than later" and once she deletd me she said she dont feel the same about me anymore because i kept msging her and it put her off" ive tried everything for closure and to jst talk, she igores my messags and she replies with "stop going on" this has ripped me apart inside, how can her feelings change so soon, and act like im nothing to her, when before this she loves me the world, her words, now im nothing to her? ive said all i could logically and emotionally but shes not interested, a loving /adorable/caring//amazing girl to what i can only see as "hate" from my part, help would be great, a brillaint relationship with a horrible break it makes it harder
What is the best bubble tea flavor??? There are so many flavors to choose from!!
Does anyone on here have a muzy? if so my muzy name is the same as my qfeast:)
What Should I do????!!! AGAIN! I need help again. I have a crush and I sit next to him. It's like I'm never there, but today he talked to me a lot and didn't really talk to his friends. Then at the end of today a guy told me that he liked me. I really like the one guy but, the other one has been there for me and... I'M CONFUSED!!!
What are some good books I can't find any good books to read so just name any random book names.(manga's are good to)
Who's better? Shadow Sonic silver or Knuckles or tails Any idea? I THINK SHADOW!! Shadow: you better not be god damn fain girls !!!!
Did you know, that at any given moment, you are no more than three feet away from a spider?
wat do u like more m&ms or skittles? wat do u like mor? if u dnt like either tell me wats ur fav.
should the elderly get free bus rides??? it has been debated for ages and i have to do a speech on it! so im asking u qfeasters wat u think!!!!!!
Favorite Animal? just wondering. Well,I know XXxSilentHopexXXs is penguins, IceCats is cats, and mine r wolves what is ur favorite animal?
READ DESCRIPTION PLEASE Me and my friend are thinking of making a story. It'll be a One Direction fan fic. But the problem is we can't decide on a title. The choices are: Live While We're Young or Summer Love. Oh and if you want to be in our story comment who you were in the story and stuff about your character. My friend is on here and she needs more followers so if you WANT to, follow her at . . . . . Directioner.Malik. Thanks
What was your first Anime/manga you read/watched? lol Mine was Peach girl, it was a really good anime series :) to tell you the truth~
Who's the better Youtuber? Ray William Johnson (RWJ), Pewdiepie, Nigahiga, Jacksfilms, Hoiitsroi, or Smosh? Who rocks the whole website of youtube?!?! My personal fave would, and always will be, RWJ!! And if you have no clue who any of these people are, then say who is...
what is better chocolate or candy?
*sigh* I have this friend that isn't being herself and it is making me heart broken...c-can you help me?(Completed!~) I am really worried about her... w-what if were not friends anymore? We diddn't had a big all started with this news thing on Doctor who. She got really mad about it and told me about it which I don't even know Doctor who.. and that's where it hit it....I just want her to be herself happy and running and playful and stuff and m-maybe Rp again!~*crying* b-but I just don't know... I am worried... p-please h-help? (Well I got the problem solved!~ but since I bet you guys got good advice I will keep this on just in case if someone has the same problem!~)
Is anyone a fan of Macklemore? YOU ARE NOT A FAN IF YOU HAVE ONLY HEARD THRIFT SHOP. At least go listen to Same Love and Otherside, then come back and comment that he is awesome.
I broke my moms lampshade and she is really mad what will i do? i was doing a weird dance and i put my hand up and it punched into the lampshade and broke it.... glass everywhere.................. what do i do???????
Which Would You Prefer, Hot Dog, or PB&J? Simple question, what would you rather have in your lunchbox?
My parents won't let me be homeschooled Please help! I used to be homeschooled and loved it. We moved and my parents sent me to a public school. Everybody there is SO mean and calls me cruel names that hurt me. They also call my family names (my parents don't know.) I tried talking to my family, but they said it was a good school. I MISS my homeschooling program and cry alot. Please give me a way to convince my parents to homeschool me! Please! ;(
Do you enter your details, press enter and you can't register? Like on virtual worlds such as Gaia online, Tumblr and more? You just entered everything and then suddenly it says: Sorry, we are unable to register you at the moment. Does it happen to you? Is there a solution? :P I'm so annoyed. -fume coming out of ears-
I'm depressed, I really like a boy but he ignores me, what should I do? He's really cute, and I like him, but I'm too shy to talk to him.
What would you call this dog? I think that this dog is a Delilah! What about you?
How upload a song onto your pages??? Help!! i made a fan club called Little mix fancub, how do i upload a video onto it ?? PLEASE HELP?
If you were a voice actor in hetalia what Hetalia voice would you be? and why?
When does a Growth spurt happen? What age does it start for girls?. How long does a growth spurt last?
I'm a BIG fan of manga+ anime. Is there a helpful site on how i can improve my anime drawing skills? Thanks
how do i make my hair grow?? my hair used to be quite long then i cut it shoulder length a few years ago and it just never grew past my shoulders since! please help me because i want my long hair back
Who has heard about Amanda Todd? I heard about her today, a teenager who committed suicide. It's really sad. :'( She did it because she was bullied and all. :( It's really tragic, but I wanna know if anyone has heard about her or saw her one video when she explained the tragedy before she committed suicide? I didn't watch the real video, I watched 'Teens React'. This one girl was crying. I can't believe it, but it just shows how cruel bullies are. :'(
What kind of dog would suit this Bow Tie Collar? I don't know....
I want to talk to someone on Skype, but how do I know they are who they say they are? I want to talk to a 11 year old girl. Like me, but I don't know anyone with Skype my age. If you are 11 and female, comment your Skype name, please!
What is the Meaning of Life? The Ultimate Question! Please don't answer 42, that's the meaning of life, the universe, and everything in it.
How do you get rid of your nightmares? I had this really scary nightmare last night and i want to know how to get it out of my mind.Because after I watched Harry Potter 3 I had a dream that a werewolf attacked my family what do I do I can not get it out of my mind!
Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall or Louis? (1) So, I'm thinking of making a story. who should it be about? Comment. If you want to be in the story i need you to comment your name, age, and description (for the story) also, how you know or are related to the main character.
Harry, Zayn, Liam, Niall or Louis? So, I'm thinking of making a story. who should it be about? Comment. If you want to be in the story i need you to comment your name, age, and description (for the story) also, how you know or are related to the main character.
Which dresses/suits should we have at my Half-brothers wedding? I am in charge of clothing.I'll post the choices ina story named 'Bridal Choices' and you can just comment the number of your choice.There will be Bridesmaid dresses,Brides dresses,Grooms suits and Flower girl dresses.
What's your favourite dessert?
Goddess qiuiz. Which goddess are you (girls ONLY) Who is the Greek Goddess inside of you? Take the Goddess Quiz and find out which Greek Goddess are you, really?
what hairstyle should you get and what make up should you wear? So you've got a idea of what you want but is it right? I mean a hairstyle depends on your head shape and makeup depends on your feautres. Why not take this quiz and find out what hairstyle you should get and what make up you should wear
What kind of Easter egg are you hoping to get for Easter? I got what I wanted, that's all you need to know....
What are the parole districts in Illinois and why can't I find any details of this online anywhere?
Have you ever been hurt by someone so many times that you feel like giving up? I know I have, many times, by lots of people. What about you? Have you ever felt abandoned from your own opinion? Abandoned from friendship? Ever feel really hurt?
Read Description Please.... Okay, so if a publisher went around all of the qfeasters who had written at least one story, and asked them which one they'd like to be officially published (as in sold in real life) which one would you chose to be published out of your wonderful stories? And can you tell me which one of mine you like, I wouldn't know!
Could you please help me! Well I am writing a new story which will published soon but I need about 5 dog names. Could you find?... A Boy Puli that sounds jamacan. A girl Bull terrier that sounds rough. A boy Chihuahua that sounds all cutsie. A girl Labradoodle that sounds beautiful. A boy Affenpincher that sounds grumpy. Thanks for the help you give!
Do you ever see or hear things that aren't there? ( If you have what?) Have you ever seen people or figures when nothing is there, hear voices when nobody's home but you and all the tv's and radios are off, are they ghosts or what are they.
What breed of dog do you think this is?
What is a really unique breed of dog? Any friendly, unique, preferably BIG breeds I should know about?
What breed of dog would fit my family? We have a big house but a huge pool in my backyard so we need a dog who can swim.We also have 6 family members.Me,my sister,my 2 brothers,my mum and my dad.The type I really want is a boxer or Labrador/Dalmation mix but i'm not sure if they'll fit in with my family.I despretately want a dog but my parents won't let me have one until I pick our 'just right' breed.Can someone tell me a breed that will go well with us?
How can i sow my true feelins towards my boyfriend Im very careless when it comes to relationships, because all of my past bf wanted the same thing [Sex]. But my current bf told me e loved me so many times and i say it back, but sometimes it has no feeling to it. So can someoone please tell me
I like a guy and I think he likes me what should I do He is also a good friend and if I do nothing about it it's going to stay the same should I make the first move or should I wait till he does?
how do you revise for SAT tests?? i've slipped at school a bit and it is getting close to my SATS test!! i want to try really hard to get a good mark. How do you revise for it??
Sugar, Pepper,Chilli or salt? which do you prefer most.
my mum filled out an esta form what do i do my mum has filled an esta form out for me and printed it out aswe are going on holiday to florida on thursday 28thmarch 2013. i have only shoplifted once and they have just given me a warning. i havent told my mum as you can understand i wont and she has ticked no for a crime and im scared. please tell me i can get into america im so scared about all of this and need to calm down but i cant until i know i will be ok
What's the name of the game In this game, I remember you had your own little world which you eventually had to build bridges, to get to other places in it. It was a virtual world sort of like virtual villagers however you had really cute aliens with large-ish eyes. They had eggs ( which were babies) and I think I remember they worshipped a GIANT egg. I found it so fun when I was younger, and I loved the graphics. Does anyone know the name- also I got it off of!
OHMIIGAWSHOHMIIGAWSH! I NEED SERIOUS STYLING TIPS FOR A DATE. Okesh, I'm goin out with this buff boy that goes to my bruvvas secondary school and I've liked him for a long time. We're going for a walk in the park, but I think it's gonna be windy. I have bangs and shoulder length hair, do you know any simple hairstyles that I could do. Also, I'm planning on a sleevless turtleneck top thats white and a denim skater skirt. I'm gonna be wearing ugg boots and my wooly white tights underneath because I think it will be cold. I know this sounds cheesy but what if this outfit isn't sexy enogh, what if the wooly tights look weird, what if I stain my white top, what if I don't brng a cardi because I want to show off my top but get really cold? Do you think he will put his coat around me? AGHHH HELP-!
on my laptop i have three usb ports but one of them is a sata usb what does this men
How do you get an email address without your parents knowing? I want to text with my friend Lauren and she says I need an email address how do you get one?
Your favorite Love Song? I need a list of some love songs to put in my story for a wedding chapter. I can only think of "I Will Always Love You" by WHitney Houston and "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. I need up to 5 songs and if I pick your song, I will give you a shout out in my story, "A New Killer Is Born: Chapter ___: The Wedding" I will give you a shout out and a huge thank you for your help. So please help me? I can't think of any songs right now =/
Looking for help with textile course! Hello, i wonder if anyone out there can help me please... I am currently studying applied arts and for our textiles class our design brief is 'measured'. The problem i have with this class (i'm not very good at it as i prefer the jewellery classes) is that i can never think of anything to do for my sketchbook. I can't think of developments etc so far i only have some pictures, acetates and have no idea how to make things fun/quirky and basically exciting. Can anyone help or give me examples or even a good website to look at?? Many thanks
Read the description. Ha. You fell for it. Your read the description. Now you are under my spell. Mwahahahahahaha. You will now remember the worst thing you have ever done in your life, and regret it. Ha. You will now think of the funniest moment of your life and laugh. Mwahahahaha. I bet you remembered those things, didn't you? Now, you're going to imagine a tiny elephant wearing a pink wig on a unicycle holding a flashlight. You imagined it, didn't you. Mwahahahaha. Okay. Don't judge me. I'm really tired and really bored so Me+Tired+Boredom=Stuff Like You See Above. So yeah. I'm tired. Bye.
What Religious belief do I hold? So i've puzzled over this for years but I just don't seem to know which religion I belong to.My family is Catholic but I really don't feel Catholic.Muslim customs don't really appeal to me.The Islamic ways aren't me either.I'm just not sure which God I worship.Well,actually for sometime now i've worshipped the Greek Gods telling everyone who denies they're real that they are real,Sacrificing food for Artemis,dedicating myself to praying to Zeus,Poeidon and Hades and reading Ancient Greek Myths.But i'm not sure if the Greek Gods are a religion.Anyone know or are willing to place other religions forward?
I MAKEUP HELP ASAP !! So I volunteered to be a makeup artist for a performance. And to be honest I don't know that much about Makeup ... HELP .... TIPS.......... I don't use make up .... Nor do I want to ( other then lipstick) so I need to know as much makeup stuff as possible Asap. One of the girls needs to look like Taylor Swift and the other person I'm not sure. They already know what colors and stuff they WANT but I make the final touches to the colors.... "Taylor Swift" Wants Red lipstick pink blush and pink eye shadow ...... and not sure on the eye liner. and the other girl wants one lip purple and one lip blue pink blush and blue eye liner and shadow. BOTH want black mascara !!! I don't know whats the latest " fashion statement" but i need as much help as possible - from the colors to how to put it on (with out putting too much on or not enough, and with out hurting them;) )
Who is alita chanhom? Who is alita chanhom?
Does fruit count if you eat it with chocolate? IS fruit still healty if you cover it in chocolate and sugar?
Can anyone tell me what I should do? So,i'm a really shy girl around strangers.And so I usually don't talk to grown ups alot.Well,my teacher,Miss Ferri,calls my mum up today and tells her that i'm not talking to her enough.So they give me this long lecture about talking to my teacher.But the truth is I don't feel comfortable talking to my teacher and sometimes I get nervous.I've told them this but they won't listen.What should I do?
am i in luv or obbsesed?!! ok i no this sounds weird but i think i mite b in luv wih niall horan of 1d! i no idk him in person but i can stop thinking about him, when im sad i think about wat he would tell me and it cheers me up! he is soo much like me! i have heard rumors about him likeing selena gomez and i wanted soo bad 2 cry! but his happiness in more important 2 me than mined! i have acuually cry 4 45 mins when i heard a rumor that he had a gurlfriend, wat do i do ?
If they tell you that you will get your visa in two weeks is it true? My husband went to his las appointment for his visa on March 5 of 2013. They said that he needed to send my original birth certificate, but they told him not to worry that when they get my birth C... by mail they will send him his visa in two weeks. This wednesday it will be two weeks already and ipaid $20 dllrs so my birth c... would get to juarez the next day the minute he told me... My point is do they keep there word when they tell you in two weeks we will send it? I'm going crazy cause they havent send him nothing?!! :/ please help!!
Read the desription please:) Who likes Ed Sheeran?? For some reason the website wouldn't let me put that in the question box... Anyway! I love Ed so so so so so so so so so much. (:
What do you guys think of Makai and Koishii? I would really like to know what you think of my twins in the story Taken... feed back people! please!
What is the nicest dog you have ever seen? Mine has to be 2 Leonbergers I saw walking down the promenade. The most prettiest dogs ever!
Harry Potter riddle can you solve it? "What is the name of someone who lives in discise and tells nought but lies? What is the middle or middle and end of end? Last tell me what sound is often heard for a hard to find word? The answer is : What creature would you not like to kiss?" Answer it as best as you can or you could find a sphinx at your throut
moving to a fixed term contract I have worked for the NHS on a permanent 20 year contract. If I change my job and go on a 12 month fixed contract, will I loose my long service benefits such as holiday entitlement, pension.
Do you know these girl bands? I am just wondering because I asked all my friends and they said no. 1) Little Mix 2) The Saturdays