Questions Sitemap - Page 77

Questions Sitemap - Page 77. Browse Questions on Qfeast

What are you guys doing this weekend?? Saturday: I'm going with my best friend Lauren to a birthday party, and then for most of the time, I'll be on here, or watching YouTube videos. Sunday: I'll barely be on, because I'll be in the car most of the time... The person I think has the best weekend will get a shoutout!! (by the way, like my drawing??)
How does Islam see Jesus?
Help! Issues with boys! All right, so there's this guy at school. He's attractive. BTW I'm not in elementary so this ins't just a one day problem. Anyway though, I was mean to him at the begging of the year last year. He's a year older than me. But then I realized that I liked him. So we became friends ish.. Then he dated my friend. Neither them knew I like him. But then she moved and we became better friends. Then it's been about half a year and we haven't really been able to talk because the years are separated. But today he was all like "hey, why don't was talk anymore? You're so much different then he used to be to be.*wink wink* and I was like "uhh..."(stupid me!) so I was like well we don't have classes together anymore. And he's like, that didn't stop you from dating R (not giving his name) he's in this guys glass. So now I'm unsure what to do. Should I try talking to him more? Bye, we didn't do anything last year. I would never do that to my friend. Anyways, plz hurry back with answers! Thanks! :)
when will I get my first period!!! hi my name is aviary and I just want to know when I will get my first period. I just turned 13(that's when my mom got her first period) recently and I wear an aa sized bra. I've been getting discharge ever since last year I think but im not exactly sure get a normal amount if discharge everyday and have a good amount of pubic hair. I get really small cramps once in a while and I don't get mood swings or anything like that but if you could help I just really want to find out when my first period is coming I really just want to know. also is there any way I can make it come faster?? please don't say "you don't want it " and stuff like that thank you :)
I'm a background person. Kinda ignored. A little help, please? So I made up this thing, kinda goes with society. I like to call "Ranks in school" no official name though. So basically, there's popular ppl, in the middle, ignored, and background ppl. I'm a background person. Just in the background, a follower, I talk quiet, sometimes ignored, stuff like that. And the at home, I'm TOTALLY crazy!! I'm all tough, and funny and random at loud and awesome!! And that at school I'm dorky, quiet, confused, socially awkward, a sidekick to my friends, get the idea? I could go talking to you for half an hour about this. Yet, I haven't ALWAYS been a background person. Kindergarten- weird, troublemaker slightly ignorant? First grade- same as kindergarten Second grade- laughed at almost everything, talkative Third grade- tomboyish, sassy Fourth grade- funny, talkative, tough-ish Fifth grade- a follower, tomboyish, not exactly tough, ignored, not dominant Sixth grade (now)- quiet, background person, dorky, socially awkward, ignored, scared, hesitant And when I try to tell my BFF about it, she doesn't care!! I'm not sure what I exactly need help with. For more detail, comment below asking a question or for more detail. Thank you!
when will I get my period? (girls only boys away{unless ur a docter}) Please only girls. My mom told me all she could. So I'm 10 years old going 11 on may, 6. My bra size is 32a and my boobs have been developing for 3 years. I have had discharge for 1 year started off white know its brown. I have cramps frequantly but the are very painful. My mom got hers when she was in young 11 years. I had pubic hair for 3 years. I have all the signs of PMS. Thanks! :-)
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Was Islam Spread by the Sword?
Who's your first Doctor? [Doctor Who] My first Doctor I remember watching was the 7th Doctor when I was about three? I believe the story was Remembrance of the Daleks and it's one of my earliest memories. This was, of course, before the series had come back with the 9th Doctor since I was five when that happened. Who's your first Doctor that you watched?
John's father has five sons named Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Forty...Guess what would be the name of the fifth?
how can you spell eighty in two letters? Remember, its says letters not numbers
Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?
How do you deal with someone's negative attitude? I've been dealing with someone who is depressed and pessimistic. I'm not exactly an optimist but he's dragging me down and I feel like I have a responsibility to make him happy but that's impossible because he refuses to be joyful! It's so aggravating to deal with someone who can't be happy when all you're trying to do is make him happy! How I am supposed to treat him?
Has anyone read 'Jedi Quest', 'Jedi Apprentice' or 'The last of the Jedi' books? I really love those books and I wish I could make a quiz about them but I don't know if anyone will take them.
Is Agents of Shield a good show? I really don't know if I should watch it or if its lame. Please help! So, this guy and my bestie were talking to each other and laughing together and then I felt jealous. What does this mean? HELP!!!
A little girl kicks a soccer ball, it goes 10 feet and then comes back to her. How is this possible?
Is There A Way To Get Rid Of My Laziness? I can't be bothered to type. Title says it all. ^.^
Are you a Creepypasta fan? Are you a Creepypasta fan? If so, who's your favorite character and why?
Who's the best Hunger Games career? best career? I like Clove
What would you do for a Klondike bar
Why does Islam allow polygamy for men but not polyandry for women? Where is justice here?
Sound interesting? Petra Pan has a normal life so one day she gets bored and draw a comic which she name "The Sorcerers of lavada" It's about these 4 clans of magic, Rosettle, Tramcle, Lotisia, and Lavada. Each were made up of sorcerers, a combination of witches and wizards. Full of humans, elves and monsters which had taken up the ways of magic. The cites around the tribes grew scared of them, so much that they burned down the tribes not knowing that there would be survivors. Well later during class she doodles her self in that world as one of the survivors from Lavada. Days go on and she doodles people like "little Skipy", "Ashley" and "Lilly" Characters from her book. She goes to a park with her sister and meet someone called Ashley, who's six! The same as a the Ashley in her story! Any way Interesting?
What are some good names for a book? I'm writing a book and i need more names. Can you give me more ideas? Please only add First and Last names. All of them are basically tomboys but there are around 8 girly girls. Mostly girls but boys name would be useful
Which candy is really TRUELY the best? I know everyone talks about this one candy totally being the absolute best. Which do you think it is? If you see one you like in the comments below, just press the I agree button, instead of having twenty million comments! Thx!
how could we believe in any religion? Since no one has able to see God, and since no dead person was resurrected to tell us what happened to him after death, how could we believe in any religion?
Do You Have An Enemy Object/Animal? I mean like an object as something you hate. I don't mean like if you hate haters or boys or something like that. I mean like how PewDiePie hates barrels. I hate ladders and wasps. Not people but animals or objects. If so, what is it?
Does Acne Make or Break Beauty? I have wicked acne and I feel like if I lost it my self-esteem would rise and I could actually feel pretty for once...
When is a person considered to be pure from the Islamic point of view?
do you guys know any good bands Any good bands you know
What's best Just dance game? exsept 2014. Like the game Just dance 2014 (newest) what others are good?
Is it good to be different? People think Me and my friends are really weird. We make silly noises, watch random videos, do silly stuff & laugh at most things. Is it okay to be different from everybody else or should we be normal?
How can I tell if my crush likes me? I really want to know if my crush likes me, so I know whether to ask him out or not. He always makes me laugh, sometimes he'll talk to me, but he never really talks to me at break and lunch there's only been a couple of times.
anyone here like anime Gtggghjhhuuuji
Sooo everyone :3 what is your favorite Anime~ -3- if you feel like it you can add what its about and why you like it as well :3 thats up to chu~
Is anyone excited for Captain America the Winter Soldier?
guys im goanna get a new puppy but i cant decide which one to get one is a chocolate lab he is loyal, kind, gentle, and playful the other one is a black lab he is kind, understanding, shy, and playful at times which one should i pick? p.s there both males
Whats your favorite kind of cookie plz answer
Boys, Boil and Bubbles? Me and my boyfriend are hitting it off. Like crap, man, like crap. I just don't know how to make the next move. He makes hints, like coming into my room, or nibbling on my ear *which is NOT gross if you think about it...or DONT* and I didn't get what he was getting at until he actually nodded towards my bed. I'm only 16!!! I think he wants to have yhu-know-what with me, and I'm not saying I don't ever want to either, I just don't think the time is now. All that stuff that men and women do in bed, I kind of like the idea. I just don't want to do it NOW. But my boyfriend...he's so sweet. There's not a chance I can turn him down easily. Any suggestions?
What is your favorite band? I love bands... I'm bandsexual lol. I have so many bands that I love by, My Chemical Romance is my favorite... soooo who is yours?
What was your first reaction to..Creepy pasta? What was the first ever creepy pasta story you ever read whether it was Jeff the killer, smiledog or even cupcakes(from mlp FiM). Post in the comments also don't forget to post your reaction.Did not know what to classify it as so yeah..
Am I girly or boyish? Here is why I think these friends. Girly side: I LOVE to talk about boys and I like boys. That's pretty much it. Boyish side: My favorite sport is basketball and I usually hang out with boys. I HATE to wear dresses and skirts and I don't really care about gossip. I also wear gym shoes all of the time.
Why do girls wear makeup? I mean like wearing makeup is stupid! Your hiding your natural beauty you already have! Sorry to be rude to people that DO wear makeup, but I just think its REALLY stupid to wear makeup. Natural beauty is best! Please tell me why girls wear makeup so much!
My Guyfriend Is Dating Someone Else, But He Likes Me Too What Do I DO!?!?!?
How was the life million years ago? the life million years ago
Any Tobacco Facts? I'm doing a powerpoint about tobacco, I need some more facts about it. Any one got any?
Which name do you like better: Triss, Tess, or Tessa? I want to qrite a story but I don't know if the main character's name should be Triss, Tess, or Tessa.
What are some other things that LOL and OMG could stand for? Our Migrating Geese, Lucy the Octopus Lady...
Why do people say LOL? Really, your not laughing out loud! OMG is fine if it means Our Migrating Geese but really, lol? When your standing right next to someone? They can tell if your laughing you know!
what are broken pencils? here are some riddles: -how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood -20 people jumped into a pool 24 heads popped is his possible? -what are broken pencils? -what is a math teachers favorite type of ice cream? answers: 1= uoy llet em 2=sdaeherof 3=sseltniop 4=etaloklahc
What does ROFL mean?
What is your best April Fools Day joke you pulled on someone? I'm wondering what you've done. I don't really do April Fools Day jokes but I do them sometimes so I'm wondering if you've done some.
Did you play any good April Fools' Day pranks on anyone? There were quite a few April Fools' jokes for me today...three of them I played, one I watched and one got played on me! What about you? :D
For our R.E homework we have to research a founder so I decided to do qfeast's founder. Does any one know qfeast's founders name
What book/series should I read? Anything I love all BOOKS! I've been wanting to get my hands on something new. Just anything. I have read a lot of books but I want to see other peoples opinions!
What should I do, im so dead! please help me!!! so there's this girl who is sort of my friend but not really and she has a boyfriend and her boyfriend and I are quite good friends and he's been kind of flirting with me, anyways today when his girlfriend went home he kissed me! I pulled back kind of but I was up against a wall so it was kind of hard. I kind of like him so ive been avoiding him so i don't start liking him too much but today he found me. So anyway please help! should I tell the girlfriend or tell the guy its not ok or what. PLZ HELP ME!
Would you rather be deaf or blind? This is a really hard question I don't know myself...l don't know probably blind cos I wouldn't be able to cope with not hearing or playing music again but then I don't know cos I love art too and I wouldn't be able to see...
Give me a fact about eagles! Gimme a fact! :D *Few days later* Ugh. Any Qfeaster who says 'She means actual good facts' or somethin like that , listen to this ... IDC! ANY TYPE OF FACTS IS GOOD ENOUGH! This is suppose to be a fun question , not using it for studying! Good or not , idc whatsoever. Sorry .. I'm just really annoyed.
Who are Hollypaw's, Lionpaw's, Jaypaw's parents? I know, that it's either Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. or Crowfeather and Leafpool, Both show evidence leading to each side, but can someone please tell which set of cats are the true parents?
What's the big deal? What's the Big deal with mlp isn't that show for 2-6 year olds? X-(
Why was my tag game reply taken down? People have been posting up their tag game replies in story form. I got tagged and I did just that, but it was unpublished! I don't understand.
Who Let The Smile Dogs Out? Lol... I don't know... Who let the dogs out? Or... Who let the Smile Dogs out? BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE SMILE DOG!!! So... Who let Smile Dog out? I don't know... Jeff? Jane because she wants to be a troll? Ben because he also wants to be a troll? I'm random...And very random...
Who is your top 5 favorite Minecraft MOB? mine is 1. chicken 2. slime 3. cow 4. pig 5. sheep
How can a man go eight days without sleep?
What Do I do When My Crush Is Dating Someone Else?
What Should You Do When Your Friend Shouts Out Your Crush Out On The Bus?!?!?! So I told my friend my crush then she tell my other friend so they go and sit where all of my crushes friends sit and then he just yells out his name!!! And I was so mad but on another side I was a bit embarrassed!!!
If You Could Rate The Eeveelutions Best To Least, What Would The Rating Be? Mine Would Be: 1. Sylveon (FAV) 2.Leafeon 3.Flareon 4.Glaceon 5. Vaporeon 6. Jolteon 7. Espeon 8. Umbreon (Least Fav)
what is your favorite part of frozen? what is your favorite part of frozen please tell me :D
What was your favorite Sonic the Hedgehog game and why? I want to know what your favorite sonic game is :3 pweaze tell meh the reason~
Whats another word for....? Ok so me and my mom HATE the word (Viginal) discharge, and we've been trying to come up with a word we could use instead of discharge. What word could you think of?
Why is it that boyfriends are annoying? my recent boyfriend doesn't let me do somethings he is ever jealous and it is annoying so much. he thinks that if he prevents me from talking to other dudes i won't break with him. what can i do and i love him though he annoying :p
Boy problems anybody can help? There are two boys and I think they like me but I'm not sure they always try to beat each other in doing something that I need like when my markers spill they always try to be the first ones to help me pick them up. Do they like me? Let's call them Bigfoot and Leprechaun. Bigfoot tries to always kick the ball perfect when I'm watching (he is on the football team) and Leprechaun is sometimes caught in the classroom sharpening my pencils, sorting my desk, and putting stuff like magical creature action figures (i don't know where he gets them) and there is one more we can call him Shadow, but he seems to be doing stuff secretly all the time and I feel like somebody is watching me but I can't see them.
why does everybody think i'm a player okay so a little birdy told me that everything thinks i'm a player.. but i have no idea what they are talking about, so i want to know what do you think?
If You Could Rate The Mane Six Best To Least, what would the rating be? Mine Would be: 1 (My Fav): Applejack 2: Rarity 3:Pinkie Pie 4: Twilight 5: Rainbow Dash 6 (Least Fav): Fluttershy
Are you excited for Avengers 2!!! I cant wait for Avengers 2 on May 1st 2015!!!
Does having a baby hurt? I AM only 13 years old but I am VERY curious and worried. I want to have children when I grow up but I am scared that it will hurt really bad.
Has someone ever seen you without clothes on, OR you seen THEM? This is a part 2: have you been seen with no clothes, OR even seen someone ELSE without clothes. Weird question but I NEED to know since I'm bored. This is for entertainment purposes by the way, not gross out someone by talking about adult stuff. You know?
What do you do when you're really bored? One night I got extremely bored, so I drew a picture. I drew Rainbow Dash from MLP FIM. First thing that came to mind. But what do you do?
How do I keep playing my music on YouTube whole I'm on qfeast? Ok so I'm trying to listen to my music that I have on another tab (YouTube) but I don't know how to get to play I need my music!! Or I kill! (No, not you) but yeah I need my music or I'm grumpy!
What should I do?? (3) In gym class today we started swimming lessons. I have two gym teachers: a girl and a guy teacher. While I swam underwater, I bumped my head into a ladder and the girl teacher let me get dressed early. So I went into the girl's locker room to get dressed but didn't go in a stall since it would be 10 minutes before all the girls come barging in, anyway. So, i slipped off my swimsuit and got up on one of those benches meant for sitting on that are in between the lockers. And I started walking like a fashion model on it. And then the GUY gym teacher suddenly walked in and saw me. I froze for like 5 seconds not knowing what to do and he walked out but I had no clue what he was doing coming in but obviously he had no idea anyone was in, I finally got dressed and then eventually gym class ended but I was embarrassed every time I walked by the guy gym teacher while walking to classes. And it looked like he was trying not to smile. And now I don't know what to do because I'll be so embarrassed every time I see him now and I just can't meet his eyes and I wish i never had to show my face to him again:">
has anyone read the book The MorganVille Vampires?
How can I not be bored all the time?
When will I get my first period? (1) I just turned 12 a month ago and my mom got hers when she was 12-13 my boobs have been developing for 8 months they are pointy and I wear a size 32A bra. I have discharge everyday, sometimes more sometimes less and sometimes I can feel it when I walk. I am EXTREMELY moody, sometimes I'll wanna cry, laugh, scream or I'm just downright irritated! I have a BIG appetite I can eat and eat and eat all day long and not get full. Lately I have been getting bloated and getting cramps alot more than usual. I am 76 lbs, 4"8 (Keep in mind my mom is really petite she is only 5"3 and 103 lbs) I have gained 15 pounds in the last like 4 months and I have grown 3 inches. I have mostly blonde thin pubic hair and leg hair but I have some darker ones, and I have no underarm hair. I have taken 28 quizzes and 11 of them say "A few weeks or sooner" and 9 of them say "1-2 months" and 5 of them say "3-6 months" and 3 of them say "1+Yrs." Plz tell me when I'll get it so I'll know when to wear a thicker pad. Thnx!
Is this bad? Is it bad that I enjoy reading people's stories of times they were seen without clothes? It makes me feel good for some reason. Don't make fun of me please just please tell me why I like that and why I like having dreams of being undressed... I feel a liiiittle awkward if I'm really seen that way(mostly by family) but I like imagining being seen that way by boys who aren't family and stuff and having those kind of dreams. Why do I like that? Why does it feel good to me????
What is your opinion on Greeks and Romans: A Medieval Journey? Do you like Greeks and Romans: A Medieval Journey? If you do, tell me what you like about it. If you don't, tell me why. Please read the story before you answer.
do you think i should make a resses fan club page? i like reeses should i make a reeses fan club.if you like reeses comment if i should or not
Have you ever been in a musical? I'm just wondering if you've ever been in a musical because my school is doing Beauty and the Beast in 13 ays and I'm SO EXCITED!!! LOL I talk about it like ALL THE TIME and I LOVE LOVE LOVE rehearsals because they're SO FUN and I laugh, like, constantly! Anyway, have you ever been in a musical - or are you going to be in a musical? :D
Where is Patches? no seriously where is she? I've looked for her everywhere and still can't find her.
How do you know if a guy likes you? See, there is this SUPER CUTE guy at my school.. but he's the "shy" type if you know what I mean. Lately I've been thinking about him alot, but I can't find the answer if he likes me or not. To help the theory: - We danced together at the school dance, HE ASKED ME. - We took a picture together at the school dance, with 2 of my other friends and one of my friend's crush. - We have known each other since the beginning of primary school. - We have played soccer together, he's a HUGE soccer fan, and he always tends to help me if we are on the same team. Yeah, I don't know, because I heard he liked this other girl, but that was last year. Maybe he likes me? If you want any more things we did, tell me and I'll help. I REALLY want to know the answer.
What is your favorite sport Any sport is fine.
Does everyone you know dream about you? I was wondering - I'm not talking about people you know but haven't seen in a while. I'm talking about people who see you every week or every day or often. I always wonder if I've been in my crush's dreams before or if all the people I often see have at least dreamed of me once. I'm so curious about it.
What should I do about this? (1) I'm in 7th grade and my favorite teacher is a guy(I don't have a crush on him) but I love him in that family kind of way, and I don't know how to tell him. I know his family too because he goes to my church and I've known him since I was 11(I'm 13 now) because I started going to that church two years ago. And I'm jealous because my dad is boring and not fun and that teacher is though(he has a daughter and a son) so different than anyone else I know. Just... Awesome. (It's hard to explain) I hope you know what I mean! And how I could tell him I love him because you know how some dads love their own kids more but I mean I love this guy like a father and I know this is weird but I love him more than my own parents!!! Again, I hope you know what I mean and can help. And don't say that this question is stupid - everyone has their own problems and there is nothing wrong with this one.
do any of you think i should make an advice page on friendship problems? i am thinking on making a friendship advice page what do you think
Do you ever have dreams where you are undressed I have them a lot I don't know WHY. Dreams where I have absolutely NO clothes on in front of everyone. But in some of those dreams everyone acts like it's normal and it's very weird. What are your dreams with no clothes on?
Here is a really hard Question (I know the answer), but what country does Frozen take place in? Guess if you like!
What is the latest funny thing that happened to you? The latest funny thing that happened to me would probably have been at rehearsal. I won't write the story here (you probably wouldn't get it) but if you want to know it I'll tell you. ;)
is it weird to practice kissing yourself in the mirror?
What was your last embarrassing moment? Well we all have more than one embarrassing moment, I'm sure - but what was the last one you had? Just wondering I'm bored.
have you watched women in black?
Want Pretty Much Any BOOK For Free? So this is a little tip but hard to explain. If you have an Iphone this wont work for you. Atleast I don't think.. But if you have android you are set! First what you need to do is get the app called GOBook. After you have downloaded that find the app called Utorrent and download that. After you have downloaded that search for the app Piratebay. I promise that is the last app! Now go onto the piratebay app and search the author of the book or title. I usually do author because its easier to find books that way. Now after searching the name, on the right side of your screen there will be an S standing for Seeder and L standing for leachers. Now in most cases it will pop up the most seeders. Seeders are how many people providing that torrent for you. For example if it says S-300 and L-29 that means 300 people are seeding that torrent and 29 people are downloading that torrent. When searching an author you can often find a torrent with the authors collection with several books/collection. Read through the titiles of the torrents that are listed. Click on one that appeals to you. When you click on it you want to see how big the file(s) are, how many seeders, and what format the book is in. First off the smaller the file(s) are the better(less space taken up), the more seeders the faster the download,and the best format for the GOBook app is epub. Now let me walk you through this! Step by step starting with searching on pirate bay. I searched Stephen King on the piratebay app. The first one I see is Stephen King-Complete Works [1974-2013, EPUB, MOBI, ENG] ( mobi is another format and ENG is language). The file is 49.64 MiB which is very small for how many books are in it, which is great! and it says there is 125 seeders and 11 leachers which is also good. So click on that torrent. When clicking on that torrent it will list all the books that is in the file. At the top of your screen there should be a icon with an arrow pointing down with a line under it. Click on that when you click on it, it will either take you straight to the utorrent app or ask if you want to open with utorrent click yes. When it goes into utorrent a little message will pop up and say Add Torrent, click add. Now it will download, i will tell you how long it will take and some other information. Let it download, usually it takes about 1-10 minutes depending on the file. Once it is done, click your home button, and go to the GOBook app. Which will open to an empty shelf click your menu button on your phone which will show: Import, Themes, Download, Setting, Help, Update, More and Quit. Click on Import, it will take you to your sdcard, scrawl down to download, click on that, and Click Stephen King. When Stephen King pops up again click on that, and at the bottom it will say Batch Import and Back to shelf, Click Batch Import. At the bottom it will now say Cancel, Select all and Import. Click Select all and now it will check all the files, now click Import(41) the 41 is how many books are in that file. It will take you back to your shelf with all the books you downloaded on there. Some may not have covers, but most will. Now if you look at the top of your screen you will notice Utorrent is still running. Slide down your notifications and click on the utorrent notification. At the top there will be a search icon and an icon next to it click on that and it will pop a menu up, click exit and utorrent will stop running. Now say you get a bad torrent or not the right one but you imported it to the GOBook app already that is fine. What you do, is go into the utorrent app and click on the torrent you no longer want and click the menu button on your phone or at the top, then click delete. A question box will pop asking if you want to delete the file also, check the box and click ok. Wallah, the torrent and files are gone. Also you can delete just the torrent and not files. If thats what you want to do just click ok instead of checking the box. I hope this helped! Happy days right?