Questions Sitemap - Page 51

Questions Sitemap - Page 51. Browse Questions on Qfeast

How many bones are in the human body? It's easy
How many hearts does a worm have? Come on. My Dad told me
Why does animal cruelity and child abuse happen? And why? Now, don't call me stupid. I just want to know your thoughts on child/animal abuse.
What is the meaning of life? (3) I belive the meaning of life is to die, and in the end die happlily.
How can i get better on Qfaest? Can anyone give me some advise on how to get better at doing this please?
What do you think a emo is,and are you one? Tell me what you think a emo is. If you think your a emo tell me your behavoir/music type/clothing style/persinality/social life status.
What is Rabbit in French? Come on it starts with an L and ends in an N
What car is your favorite and why? Be detailed!
Can anyone relate to anyone or anything on Qfeast?
Is war better then peace? Or vice versa? I'm honesty not sure.
What Would You Do If You Only Had One Day To Live? Imagine the world is coming to an end. If there was only one day left, what would you do? (I honestly don't know why I'e gotten so deep all of a sudden. I haven't watched my daily dose of Spongebob yet...)
Do you like veggies? Not everyone likes 'em
Which animal is your favourite? It would be nice to know.
How would you describe Steven Universe to a potential viewer of the show with no prior knowledge? So while trying to introduce my stepdad to Steven Universe, I realized how difficult it was to explain the magic and physics in the show. So here's my question: How would you explain Steven Universe to a viewer who is interested in the show? Think about how you would explain difficult things to understand like what a Gem is, or what a Fusion is. Don't forget, you'll have to leave out any spoilers! Think hard, and try not to copy from any other summaries! ;)
What's your fave TV show?
Have you ever reported someone on qfeast? I haven't I just wanted to know if anyone has. If so why?
How can I gain more followers?
Are Qfeast Drafts private before being published? Just asking this since I'm a major noob at everything...including Qfeast story writing! So, can people only view your stories after you publish them?
When will I get my first period? (6) I am 12 years old. I have been in puberty for 1 to 1 and a halve years, my breasts are getting bigger, I have pubic hair and its the colour of the hair on my head and a bit wavy, same with my arms legs and armpits. I have discharge every day, usually a little blob on my undies and then even more on me. I have had one cramp under my belly button, I get headaches alot but no spotting. My mom got her period when she was 13, both my friends bannana and grape (I'm obviously using fake names, duh) have had there's. Bannana got her's on Thursday, it is now Saturday. I also eat alot now, I am also very tired all the time. If I need to put more information into this I will, but please give me an Idea of how long until my period, the Majority of the tests I do on here say something like 1-4 months, but still give me your idea please. Thank you - Maddalena.
Is the illusion of freedom better than the knowledge of oppression?
What is the most annoying stereotype you have to deal with? Sorry I didn't know what category to put this in?
Who feels like they're in the best fandom?What is that fandom?
Can someone give me advise on how to stop thinking about my crush?
What is your opinion on the term; PoC? I find it not better than Colored person and I just think it's a stupid acronym in it's entirety. Most people just use it to reference black people or sport other races from white people.
If you had one potion that would take you to one fandom, which fandom would you choose? And what would you look like?
If you were to change your name what would it be?
If you were to be born again, Who would you want to be? It could be anyone you want!
What is your Option on Donald Trump?
What Diamond do you think Amethyst was made for? (Steven Universe) Tell me which Diamond you think Amethyst was made for and why
What are you scared of? (1) I am terrified of THUNDER and lightning! Also creeped out of spiders! Also...losing another family member! What is your fear?
What's your favorite anime character?
Hollywood U or High school story? Which one is better I can't decide so I need you peeps to decide whether or not I shall get both games or one game!(p.s. I only did one picture of HSS sorry)
If you could ask God one question you knew he would answer right away what would it be?
If you were to get a body modification, what would it be? I'd probably get the Hylian Crest tattooed on my back, a triforce on my left hand, and maybe I'd get plastic surgery for pointed ears. (Yes, I'm THAT big of a fan)
What is your phobia (darkest fear)?
What would be your ultimate one power?
What is your would be your zombie killing weapon?
If u had 5 wishes, what would they be?
If you had one wish, what would it be? Would you have money, power or wealth? Or something else?
I am not sick, but every morning I try to eat something, I feel like throwing up. What is wrong with me?
How do you pronounce Alphys? A lot of people say it differently- so I'm going to collect how many for each pronounciation so I can finally end the start of Internet War 86
Will my friend's relationship last? She barely even lets him talk to other girls, even though I've known him for 5 years and she's known him for 2 at the most. She also gets mad if we mess with him. She is never away from him and is always hugging or kissing him. I know that's what girlfriends and boyfriends do but seriously people who don't even know their names talk about them.
does anyone have a youtube account ? plz leave a link
Who is your fave rapper? (And fave song) Drake, Eminem...
when is my period going to come for the first time? Hi i'm Grace, i made one of these with the same question yesterday but i thought of more to ask. I have not gotten my period yet and i would like to know when it would come. I am 12 years and my mom got hers at 12 years. My sister said i will get it soon, but i'm not sure. I want my period but i still need to know if it hurts. All my friends have it and they are younger than me. Is there any signs that will be able to tell me when i am close? is there anything i can do to make it come sooner?
Why does Slender Man wear a suit? Sorry I just want to know?
Who likes Pokemon, and what's your fave character? Pikachu...
When will I get my first period? (5) Hi I'm Grace, I want to know when it would be around right to get my first period. My mom got hers at age 12 and I'm turning 13 in June. I have no spotting but have got discharge that Rubin's my underwear. The quizzes I took say less than a month. Should I be scared? Does it hurt at all?
Do you think Bucky Barnes is a villain? Personally I don't think he is a villain.
If fear is the oldest form of control, What's the newest?
Why is Steven Universe so popular? It has become so popular on qfeast. Can someone fill me in a bit on it, too? I havent been able to watch some of the episodes. My siblings always fight for the TV so I barely get to watch anything.
What are some of your all time favourite movies? I have a lot of movies that i love. The list goes on and on and on... Share some of your favourite movies!
What's your favorite Anime intro/theme song? Example: Crossing Fields (SAO), Guren No Yumiya (AOT)
What anime character would you? Date ? Sleep with? Be friends with? Kill ?
Is America a "Christian nation"? What I mean by this is, if you are not Christian you are AMerican, and how if you are Muslim (just as an example) and live in AMerica, you are not agreeing with traditional American values (because suddenly America has a religion?)
Do you miss the old shows on Nick and Cartoon Network? (1)
Do you miss the old shows on Nick and Cartoon Network?
Can you name a Disney channel show without a blonde character? Besides That's So Raven, I can't think of any.
Who is your favorite Athlete? Which athlete do you like best?
Do you love Undertale? This is a videogame played by multiple youtubers such as: jacksepticeye PewDiePie Markiplier and, Cryaotic
Whats the relation between Levi and Mikasa Ackerman
If you had one piece of knowledge to give the world what would it be?
What is important enough to go to war over?
If you were to live in an anime what anime would you want to live in? I just got bored and wanted to do a little question for today hahaha
Which fnaf character would you be in real life? I would be Foxy even known I am him.
how many do you think are in this world?
What do you thinck they should add to qfeast?
Who is your favorite Star Wars Force Awakens Character? Which Star Wars Force Awakens character do you like best?
Minecraft Story Mode Quiz! Trailer In the quiz there is 10 questions. Here are the people you could get: Jesse, Axel, Olivia, Petra, Lukas, Reuben, Ivor, Soren, Gabriel, Magnus, Ellegard and the Wither Storm. Some of these questions are hard to decide in a way. Here is an Example: How would you feel if your best friend betrayed you? If you do take the quiz, who do you think you will get? Please like, i spent 3 hours making that quiz!
Who is your favorite Super Hero? Who is YOUR favorite hero?
How would you rate Oreos from 1-10? How would YOU rate Oreos?
what was the last word you said to me ?
Have you made a song for Gravity Falls's theme song? I've made three.One that I think sucked,another one where I used the instrumental theme and another one for the last ep which is coming :( Alex H. and some others have not stopped posting things like 'Goodbye Gravity Falls' and it's killing me cause I don't want it to end.
When is SAO season 3 coming out? When is the new season comeing
Star Wars: Could armor in the star wars universe stop modern bullets? When I mean modern bullets, I just mean modern firearms in general. I ask this because I'm making some star wars fanfiction, and I would like to know the above question. The main character would use some form of solid projectile weapon. I know in general, most star wars characters (even the rebels) run around with no armor (or just a helm). While the stormtroopers with their "life saving armor" are in full body suits of armor that 'should' help protect the wearer from laser fire. Though, is it easier to stop a laser, or bullet as well? Would the armor be thinner when stopping a laser? What do you all think about all these things?
What is a Bae? I have no idea what the hell that is can y'all tell meh, I'll give you a cupcake ???❤️☺️
does anyone have a boy they like but they don't even know you exist see I have a boy I like but I don't even know is they know I exist. It drives me CRAZY.
Whats your favourite video game? Mine is probably spore.
what does valentines day mean to u?
How do you handle stress? I have been having a lot of stress lately. I need support! Please tell me how to handle this!
If you were to get any pet in the world what would it be? Giraffe,pig,raccoon whatever you want
Is it a good or bad choice to tell your parents you're depressed? I'm depressed and its been that way for about a year and a half. I want to get out of it. I want to be the happy girl I used to be, but it's hard with all the stress going on in my life. I want to tell my mom and dad but I'm afraid.. I mean, I know they'll be there for me but I don't want them to worry about me. Please don't judge or say anything mean... I just need help.
Do you have a bae? If you do list their names and state the reason why they are your bae. Then follow me plz!
In what way are you your own worst enemy?
If you looked into the heart of your enemy, what do you think you would find that is different from what is in your own?
Who decides what morality is?
What's the most obsessive fandom to you, dear friends? Me, can't decide. FNAF and Creepypasta are tied. Fangirls constantly fight over who's hotter, Jeffy-kun or Slender. The fandoms would be cool without the OBSESSIVE fans living in Mama's basement.
If you could invite anyone in the world to dinner, who would it be?
who is your fav undertale character ? and why? who is your fav undertale character and why? mines is Flowey
Why there are fundamental and abrogated verses in the Koran? Koran
i want to make a quiz realeated to inuyasha,sailor moon, youkai -watch or pokemon but i dont know which one to do first? the one with more votes wins.also dont fight that the other one is better than the other one.
can someone get on YouNow with me ? please ill give you the name of my account
Do your siblings annoy you? Mine does All the time it is sad. P.S her name is Ellie. (she loves a boy)
Can you get boyfriend or girlfriend addict? I only say this because i have a friend and when she gets dumped she moves on to another boyfriend and she has dated everyone on in her friend group and I think she is going to start moving out of her friend group to find other boyfriends. just saying
If you could ask a single person one question, and they had to answer truthfully, who and what would you ask?
have you ever stalked my account ? have you I don't really care I just wanna know
Have you ever felt completly alone like no one likes/loves you? Have you ever felt completly alone like no one likes/loves you and hatred like no one understands you just so you know your not alone everyone is here for you even i am here for you to so have faith in yourself soon or later your life will change
How can you put an elephant in a refrigerator in 3 steps?
How do you learn Japanese fastest? See, you know the show I like, Glitter force? It has many Japanese versions to it! Smile Precure, Suite Precure, Heartcatch precure, Princess precure, Dokidoki precure... Those are just a few! I want to understand what they are saying in those shows, because they are in Japanese! Can you help me? BTW, I already know what Sumairu Purikura means.
Is there a Special Someone In Your Life? Valentines day is almost comin' to town and I wanna you have that kind of someone in your life? wink* wink*