Questions Sitemap - Page 68
Questions Sitemap - Page 68. Browse Questions on Qfeast
I prank texted someone in my school, he doesn't know it was me,but he posted my number on instafram
The guy I texted was my BFF's crush. He knows she likes him, lots of people know actually. So we decided I would prank text him and be his "therapist".
I thought it would be all cool, just a prank text right? Nope. He said he would call the police, but luckily he didn't. He had no idea it was me, even though I gave him clues.
Then last night, he posted my number on instagram! Luckily, only 3 students have my number.
But someone will find out soon, or he will call the police, and I can't share my cell phone number (until everyone forgets about it). HELP!
EDIT: There is NO way I'm telling him it's me! You aren't helping me at all with your "tell him it's you". Also, my BFF recently told me that "he's not the kind of person" who would call the cops.
Why Do They (The Popular Girls) Socialize With Me?
Okay, I'm not trying to offend anyone here, but I"m really annoyed and confused. I'm, or at least was a harsh bitter person, everyone in the school knew about that for a long time, it was so bad, I would get "power surges" do to a long ago past (3 years to be exact). Well, recently, I've opened up more to my friends and have been loosening up, but I still hated the popular guys, namely the athletes, cheer leaders, etc. Well, these popular athletic girls all of a sudden keep talking to me, and my friends. This started only slightly last year, but it's getting more and more ever since I opened up. Now, like I said, I don't like popular people, especially since I'm kinda starting to turn into one myself. And what's even worse, I'm starting to develop a crush on one of these girls, which I don't want. Any advice, it's getting a bit wacky...
It has come to this...
Oook so it's time to tell the truth: Some of you may know I have a disorder, General Anxiety Disorder. It was self-diagnosed at first as an explanation for some past events. It was worst in 7th grade but I got over it in 8th grade. Unfortunately, it has returned. Some of you asked where I had been for the last 7 days and this is my explanation. GAD often leads to panic/ anxiety attacks and other various, less or more severe, symptoms, my worst one being permanent exhaustion. Despite everything and how much I love everyone, I must confirm my greatest fear of it will be a rare thing for me to return to Qfeast between school, sports, drama, home life, stories, and this new issue etc. I will do my absolute best to return when I can but I fear it will not be more than once a week. If something is really crucial for me to get to, email me here: [email protected] I hope this won't hinder any friendships and feel free to email me whenever you please about anything at all! I love you all so much ~ <3 ElleyD <3
What Makes A Better Story?
So my main story I have been writing on is almost over. Yeah sad :( I enjoyed it though. Now, I have two main story ideas.
First story idea: Fallen Angels
Five angels were cursed by powerful demons leading into Heaven having to mark them as "Fallen". Unwanted and misunderstood, these fallen angels protect the world of angels, humans, and demons in silence. When the Enchiridion, the book of knowledge, is taken by a group of demons and dark angels, the fallen angels must band together to return the book before the dangerous group starts destroying everything, but will their cursed powers destroy the fallen angels before they get the chance to be accepted? Will needs OCs for angels and demons
Second story idea: Internet War
Tabi is a online community used for most of the activities in the world. In Tabi, you have your own personal avatar with all your personal data kept safe and sound. Along with your personal data, your avatar can fight, function like your real life job, and get a job as an admin on the site. Until 13 strong artificial intelligent, A.I., hack into Tabi's main servers and start taking control of people's avatars. The A.I.s start hacking into the avatars that control the nuclear missiles, street lights, train rides, alarms, and several others. Now enemy families must join together to save the world before the A.I.s destroy it. Could the families actually work together, or will their hate for each other ruin everything? Will need OCs. A LOT.
PLEASE just put in which one sounds better. Thank you! Oh and NO HATING! Please
Which Opening Paragraph is Better for a Fanfic?
I'm writing a Warriors fan fiction. I already got most of it planned and a couple of chapters up on a different site but I think I'm gonna re-write it. Like, real serious now. Which opening sounds better guys?
Option 1.
The Moon was a thin silver claw in the sky, gleaming bright against the deep dark blue. Thick storm clouds approached from over the hills. The forest was dim, little stars glinted through leaves, shining courage and hope into the shadows. Silhouettes of all sizes were slinking into shallow burrows, woven reeds, bramble dens, some curled up in the open, fearless of the coming storm. Sleep was coming over the lake like a thick, warm blanket.
Option 2.
The Moon was a thin, silver claw in the sky. Its bright gleam raked the dark abyss surrounding it. Thick clouds slowly curled over the distant hills, ready to strike with a storm. Slivers of light flitted through the forest canopy, darting across the dimly lit foliage and shedding courage into the shadows. Silhouettes vanished into dens, a few stayed out in the open, fearless of the sharp gale that foreshadowed the approaching cloudburst. Sleep was sweeping over the lake as swiftly as the billowy wind.
Please answer!
Pokemon X/Y Crash
So i got a copy of Pokemon Y, and it played great.. until the ice cavern around the 6th=7th gym. i went into battle, and i made my lucario use Aura Sphere, The animation played, halfway through the volume stopped and then an error screen popped up, i thought this was a one time thing, but everytime the animation would play for ANY MOVE from ANY POKEMON it would crash, so i turned off the battle effects and continued the story, i eventually caught yveltal, and its moves work fine, but my fennekin or lucario or anything else cant make a move, i dont mind the no battle effects, but at the 8th gym, the animation that plays when you beat wulfric crashes the game too, keeping me from progressing through the story, i tried updating the game and repairing the software, but nothing works, is anyone else having this problem? and is there a solution that doesnt involve restarting my game? Please And Thank You -Light