Can we get rid of haters?! *Sigh* treelover, BobbyTheMob, jayswaggs, and more. Can we please just drive them out? If any one of them post on this, I'm not going to delete it. I'm going to sit here and laugh at their idiocy. Anyways, what I wanted to say was that we all need is to just ignore them. If they get on your wall, ignore them. Don't argue unless you have a really strong thing to hit them back with. Don't let them break you down. Remember, a boat can't sink unless it gets water inside of it. You can't fall apart unless you let it get inside your head. So, yeah, just ignore these dorks.
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Qfeast was so much better before haters invaded.

on December 25, 2014
on December 25, 2014
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We can ignore them and maybe they will go away?

on December 24, 2014
on December 24, 2014
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If there's one thing I learned about haters, it's that ignoring doesn't do anything. The best way is to make them feel guilt. Everyone has a point where they'll surrender. Most haters' point is when they find out that what they're doing could kill who they're harassing. Most people don't know...let alone care, thats how I got rid of RedRibbonedGirl's hater. (Well the hater deleted her account about 5 minutes after I posted that) I told her exactly what her words affect. I told See More her what other's thought of her. I told her what will happen in the future. I'm not going to ignore, I will fight anyone if they're hurting my friends. I don't care what circumstance or what consequences.
on December 31, 2014
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I hate how many haters there are. I'm not involved with a lot of it, because I don't understand half of what the haters are talking about. But seriously, what is WITH them!? ?
on December 24, 2014