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Questions Sitemap - Page 28
Questions Sitemap - Page 28. Browse Questions on Qfeast
Have you ever tried something and it didn't work? When you showed someone else, it worked
What do reputation points do? Besides getting you privileges I mean. Like do you get recommended to people the more popular you are?
Do you know anyone who works for Fortnite? My cousin recently started working for them. I’m not sure what he does exactly- it’s not programming or anything but he does get paid for it... I guess I just wondered if anyone knows what hired gamers actually do... maybe this is a stupid question but oh well
Can people tell me what Tumbler is like? Lightning wont let me.
Quick question time! (1) Have you ever thought somthing in a movie. About a month thinking about it, your friend (or anyone really) showed you somthing and you cant un see it (about the movie).
Whats your secret show? So I know some people say they hate a cheesy show but then actually watch it... say, for instance, My Little Pony. I don’t watch it but I do watch Barbie and Tinkerbell. Just wondered if anyone else has any secret binging addictions...
Is there anything that tramatized you?
What do you guys think about the song once i was 7 years old?
Has anyone read the Wings or Fire series? Just wondered... they’re about dragons btw
when will the end of the world be? tell me your opinion.
Have you heared of yanny and laurl?
Has anyone seen this? So there is this tv show called Speed Racer. I don’t like the show but I like the movie despite its occasional cheesiness... just wondering if anyone else has seen it? And look, it’s Christina Ricci!
When you turn your phone sideways, which side is the home button on? I like to have it on the right side. Just wondered if anyone else had a preference
are you sad about gabe the doggo died ? he died January 2017 on the 17
Does anyone else play gagaball? Aka octoball?
What do single people do on Valentines Day? So I’ve never had a boyfriend which meant Valentines Day was never a big deal to me. It’s like any other normal day. So I just wondered what all the rest of ya’s do... Chocolate? Hang with friends?
do you think gabe the doggo is borking up a riot in heaven? do you think so do you think the doggo is borking a riot in heaven? he is starlightcrusadier
Does anyone know how to change your username? Is it possible?
what do you do when you have a crush on someone? (1) I really need the advice! I have a crush on someone I barely even talk to!
what do you do when you have a crush on someone? I really need the advice! I have a crush on someone I barely even talk to!
What's the best anime in the world that Begins with letters A-S
Should Ji-Li have written a Da Zi Bao against her family? Read desc Ji-Li Jiang is a book set when her country was banning traditional culture. In the early chapters, every child in her neighborhood writes a Da Zi Bao, which proclaims their hate for their teachers. The Da Zi Bao is similar to posting an "fff yoo" on somebodys qfeast wall. All the kids who write one are praised, but Ji-Li has nothing to put on her paper. Then later, her family is the most despised by the people because of their history. If Ji-Li had talked smack about her family in a Da Zi Bao, would the other kids have separated her from her "awful", "rich", "anti-progress" family? Would her announcing how much she too despised her family's ways have made the kids stop bullying her? She would be less depressed if she wasn't targeted by the mean kids
What is your opinion of "Whump" fanfiction? Whump. A fandom term, commonly used by fan fiction authors to describe physical and/or mental abuse laid on a character in a story. -Def from Urban Dictionary Btw. It has little to no plot, aside from excuses to beat a character for the reader's pleasure. Is this right or wrong to you? How do you feel about this simple story telling method?
Can you tell me why? I'm confused. Why is it when tou put "f" in front of "i", the dot goes away? fi Its only on lowercase
What's your favorite meme Just curious about your favorite meme or memes. My favorite memes are savage patrick, the boi memes and the kermit memes
Does anyone else like the card game Hearts?
What Do You Think Of Fallig Into The Dark so Far ?
What color? Im thinking on making a clubhouse, what color
What did you say a long time ago that you regret doing? Mine was saying that season 5 of mlp was going to be stupid. The cmc get their cutie marks!
Does anyone else watch Jayden Croes on youtube? he's super funny but also really cute when he's not making those faces...
How would your parents react to you coming out of the closet?
Why would your period stop if you're not pregnant? If im not pregnant, not on drugs, and still young, why haven't I had my period in six months? It's been worrying because before, it was on a normal schedule.
I am getting a new puppy she is a dalmation but i don't know what to name her She is hapyer and funny and sweet
can wishes become true Guys and girls I really want to know your thoughts on this so please comment
Does anyone else think its weird that all us Americans know nothing about Ilvermory but could walk around Hogwarts blindfolded? So I just wondered and wanted to know if anyone else thought of it? I am Hogwarts all the way, though!
What do you want most for your birthday?
Favorite fnaf song or custom fnaf song like one night at flumptys Hey look he title says it
What is America like? I'm moving to America on may 17th after living in Asia for the majority of my life. (8 of 13 years 2 B exact) so what is America like? Positives, negatives, I'm really looking for personal feelings. Is one of my classmates guaranteed to shoot the school one day? What are corn dogs? Why is one state pronounced Kansas, but the other one is not Arkan sass?! Explain America! Explain
Do you like coffee? (1) Coffee save my life. It keep me awake. Me is only get 4-2 hour sleep. School work cut into time. It save me. Coffee save you? plz tell me? I is just a fox.
Do you like fortnite? If you do like fortnite you can tell me all about it ?
What is your favorite Anime? (10) this can be a game or a show, anime is every where! my favorite anime show is Aho Girl, and my favorite anime game is Yandere Simulator! whats yours?
Doing a warriors fanfic and I need names I already have: Frostpool Spiderstone Firestorm Cedarclaw Rowanbranch Roaringbrook Ashfeather Eagleclaw And ferntail
Cat names needed! They can be anything, I'm getting two kittens this summer and I can't think of any names T.T
What is your least favorite emoji?
Who still likes SAO? Feeling like I'm the only SAO fan left, would be nice to know if there are still some fans out there
Favourite dead meme? Key word DEAD
What is the most weirdest stuff you can find in a video game?
who is the mean one? so i have kind of a tough situation with someone rn. so there is a game you may know called animal jam and in school i let her use my old account (cause we were allowed to play it) and of course i knew the password so back then we were good friends and then but pn summer vaca i would sometimes login to her account when she was offline and i never took anything (i did once but i imediatly gave it back) and all i did was change her outfit and her den. so there is a AJ youtuber called bepper (u prob know her channel if u play the game) and i saw her and at that momment i logged into her account and i logged off and bepper was gone. so she lives three houses down from me so she told her grandmother, and her grandmother legit took her down the street for her to tell me i couldnt talk to her anymore. now we still did but from that day foward she would say we werent friends. and now she says she barley knows me and ive known he for 3 years. so i keep saying its my fault and idk so someone help me pls.
Has anypony watched Infinity War? I just watched it about, 5 minuets ago. I want to know if you watched it. I was surprised by the ending (no spoilers for people who didnt watch it yet)
What's the shortest amount time you've ever slept this year? (in a night) this description made no sense before, but i've stayed up a whole night. i've gotten like 30 minutes of sleep, but that was in the morning after pulling an allnighter.
Question for girls So let's say a girl was on her period and it stoped for like a month and it came back and she didn't know how to hello her parents this and she went to her school and everything was fine no one knew and she went to her aunts cause that's where her dad temporarily lives and her aunt found out cause she forgot to flush and her aunt is the only one who knows. Th is is totally a hypothetical question. But what would this girl do.
What is your favorite quote from a horror movie? I have so many but one would be do you like scary movies from the 1st scream
What is the dumbest thing you've ever done? You get it
What happens when you get two even answers on a personality quiz? Say there is 6 questions, 2 traits, and you get 3 and 3. What happens?
Two girls, one love I have a crush on two foals, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo is kinda mean when I joke around and Sweetie Belle is nice when you don't get on her bad side. Scootaloo is defence while sweetie belle is offence.
Please roast me with your best shot! I ain't lying. No, Scootaloo didn't dare me to do this. I don't have a pic because I'm on my Ipony, and I can only upload photos on my phone.
What would a world populated by clones of you be like?
How do you get through a Crisis? Ok, let's face it. We all go through a crisis at some point in our lives. How do you survive it?
Are there any good pages on this site to find a co-writer? I'm new to this site and i really like to write. I'm looking for someone to co-write a thriller with and I'm not really sure where to find someone on this site.
A game isnt loading, what do I do? So, I got a new game, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mysteries. One issue, it’s saying there’s a connection error. My WiFi is strong and I have enough storage, what is going on?
What's your favorite book? (2) Well, I guess mine are Harry Potter and warriors
Who would you KMK? Um KMK Stands for Kiss Marry Kill so just think of people you know and choose what you would do :'3 Mine are: Kiss: Izzy, Marry: Noa, Kill: Luan
Is brony con fun? Ive never been to brony con. Im probuably going to bring the rest of the cmcs for brony con.
Anyone else watching boku no hero S 3 ? I am and waiting for the episode 4. And do you think U.A has any kind of traitor? Who do you think it is. What do you feel about this season? Any manga readers can tell me more about this arc and hints about traitor? (i don't mind spoilers)
Does or did your art teacher yell at you when you said "purple"? Lol! My art teacher says it alot! I like saying purple.
What are you afraid of? (2) FEAR= Forgetting Everything And Run Share your list of fears and I'll share mine!
what is the meaning of life? (6) what do you think the meaning of life is?Type it down below
Who is your favorite rapper? Mine is eminem.
What do i do? My moms boyfriend joe is a jerk to me and my brother Joe is in a motorcycle club, its more like a gang, cause they sell drugs, and joe is super tall and really fat. he hurts my brother and me, joe calls me gay cause of my short haircut. What should i do, i called the police and they did nothing! and my mom doesnt care!
What do you like to drink?
Wat your favorite Youtuber? My favorite is Majira Strawberry. Wat yours?
What's the difficulty level of generation 3 starters in the games? Can you tell me each of them if they're easy or hard or normal. You can say details or specifications.
What if i told you that i like scoots? Ya, thats right. Scootaloo and I, Starlight. Two cutie mark crusaders.
Do you go through this sometimes? I hate the act that people just judge you based on what you look like instead of how you really are inside. Do you agree?
What's the difficulty level of generation 1 starters in the games? Can you tell me each of them if they're easy or hard or normal. You can say details or specifications.
whats a fandom?
are mangle and funtime foxy the same thing? idk i look at polls and see ppl asking questions or making polls where the ask something about mangle and i see a pic of what i believe is funtime foxy so since i know like nothing about fnaf can u pls tell me thx
What size shoe do you wear?
What would be good prizes for a contest on qfeast? Suggestions?
Would you risk your life for someone you love? UM SO I just kinda want rep points so I made this! And my answer is yes.
Who has Amino? Amino is a roleplay app basically.I want to know who has an amino app so I know who I could talk to outside this website.
How does one say yeet in the past tense? This is very important for me to know.
What's your Favorite spring 2018 anime?(so far) (Excluding S2 ,3 like TG , BNH) Spring 2018 has so many good anime. It has all kinds of genre like drama, romance, slice of life, yuri, comedy, psychological.. What's ur fav? Mine is definitely Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
Ask Sapphire. Sapphire: Ask me a question and I will answer!
Do u like me? As a friend, not at all, even more than just friends.
How do I evolve Pichu? I know how to evolve pickachu but not pichu
Do you know Alan Walker?
What is your fave song?
Would you kill me or let me live?
If I died, what would you do? PLZ TELL ME!
im thinking of making a story. what should it be about? just let me know what type of story you guys would prefer me to do. it can be about anything from tv shows to video games. ok?
Why does drama even exist? Theres alot of drama going on and i want to know why it exist!
what is your definition of insanity?
How many musicals do you know? I need to know this for a math project of collecting data. Just give me a number and not words since I need to look fast. THANK YOU!
Birthday Twins?! Type in your birthday and look for people who has the same bday as you! Mine is January 23, anybody my bday twin? :)
Do you have deviantart?
What language do you know or want to know?
when do you think robots will take over? a time to pick
is it possible to have auto-vampierisem auto-vampierisem - it means that you drink your own blood
Characters needed for a story about... A school for kindergarten-12th grade is built in the poorest and most secluded country in the world. The principal did not recieve permission from villagers or the government to build a school, it's like it appeared out of the blue-- or green since everyone lives by the jungle. However, the parents are forced to send their able bodied and disabled children there like it's any normal learning institution. I need characters for students! This story is in the works on qfeast. Submit as many characters as you want, as many as you have, a hundred is fine if you really want to fill out forms for an hour. Please fill out the form correctly, I put it as an answer if you scroll to the bottom. The story will be called "Chalkboard under the trees"