Questions Sitemap - Page 44

Questions Sitemap - Page 44. Browse Questions on Qfeast

What site do you think has the worst drama?
What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
how can i get my dog to talk to me? lately my dog kevin has been looking at me in a way that suggests he'd like to say something. for the better or worse, i'd like to hear him out. my question is, what can i do to make him feel comfortable and safe expressing his feelings in an active, verbal way ?
What is your Natural Booster? What are those thing/things that always make you energised or something that always Work as wonder when you are Feeling Down
Does this guy like me? (1) So I like this guy named Daniel and he knows i like him, when i told him he just gave me 2 thumbs up. What does that mean? I also catch him looking at me in class. Do you think he likes me? Plz comment with advice.
My lips are super chappy! Do you know any way to make them better faster? I've been having this issue ever since I started some new acne medicine and I believe it is one of the side effects. The problem is, it hurts whenever I open my mouth and I also play a trombone in my school's Marching Band! It doesn't usually hurt when I play, but sometimes I can't get a note out, and I'm worried that I'll mess up for our performance next week! I've so far tried two chapsticks for about a week or so, and a new one for a couple of days. This has been happening for about two weeks, and seems to be getting a little better. I can say though that it is not getting any worse. Anything I can do to make it go away quickly?
Sorry this isn't a question.. I am Bonnieiswatching's alt! I lost my password for some reason. It's me! Bonnie! I made the personality test " Which Tecoup Bird Are You?" You can take it if you want! I am sorry I can't return to my original account. I'll tell you if I find out my password! :)
If you had to convince a person not to kill you, what would you come up with? So you have to convince the person to not kill you or your friends. You have to be fast but if you whine or make a rude remark it will not change their mind, nor will begging for mercy.
If you create a quiz. Do you want make 100 question? Pls tell just a reason xD But i hope you like my question. I say yes of course but i cant :(
If you were to become a president, what country would you rule and why? Sometimes it would be fun to find out what others like, here is the question above!
What do you not like about Fandoms? Tell me what is your fandom and what do you really hate about the fandom. I believe it's the "not-child-friendly" stuff that people do not want to see.
What is a rule at your workplace/school that you think is stupid? Do you have any stupid rules at your school or workplace? This can be any rule, whether it be a dress code, something that is banned, or anything else! I find these things hilarious, so please share them!
What do you measure distance in?
if you could have any pet, what pet would you have? (it can by mystical) I want a duck or dragon. either works
What do you fear? This is a simple page...since I have been comtimplating the subject about my own fears for over a few months...I want to see what you all fear, and whether my fears are similar...or isolated to anyone else's.
Do You Like Sabrina Carpenter? Do you like her voice? Or her acting? Do you think she's pretty?
What is the meanest thing that people say online? Is it KYS or something else, (words only)
Is it wrong to use a alias online?
What fried food type do you like best?
When you think of Nazi Germany, what is the first word you think of? For school I am writing paper and so I am conducting a poll.
What do you think about Keemstar?
If Percy Jackson and annabeth really fell into Tartarus can't they just go to hade's palace? I'm sorry if this is wrong but can't they just follow the rivers and walk to hade's palace and tell nico to shadow travel them out?
If you could be any fictonal character, who would it be?
What is your worst/biggest fear? uh,,,
What Do You Think Makes A Good Slave In Flower Skies? since I am the creator of flower skies, i know what makes a goo one. but what do you think?
What do you think life is?
What's your favorite cereal? I was bored. Im not tryin to stalk anyone. I just ate cereal that's why I felt like askin.
Have any of you read the immortal instruments series? If so can you tell me whether they're worth reading them all. I love the first and second one but want to know that they stay interesting?
Is This A Good Story Starter? You awake on your back, staring at a white tiled roof. Your whole body hurts, but your head hurts the most, it's throbbing. You dont dare move, knowing that it will only cause more pain. Your eyes travel the room and you realize your in, or what seems to be, a hospitable.'s not your hospitable. This place smells of honey and flowers...and it's rather clean. You...dont recall any place like this...where are you...?
Someone you know was thinking to join Qfeast. What would you tell them?
What gender is my budgie? I took a picture of his beak as I know that helps.
Who is your favourite Harry Potter character?
How would you compare Elon Musk and Steve Jobs?
If you changed brain and body? If you had a brain transplant and you later had children would the children be yours or would they be the children of the original body owners children?
Do you ever get on Qfeast and just hop around from thing to thing? like, you are in the comments of a picture your news feed, then go to notifications and do stuff there. Then someone replies to your comment on the pic in the news feed, so you go and reply to that. Then you go to make something and about halfway through making it something pops up in your notifications. you want to look at it, but you don't want to lose you progress on the thing you are making. you try to finish the thing as quickly as possible so you can look at the thing in notifications. Or something like that.
What is your birth stone? Mine is an Emerald.
What Is Your Main Fandom(s)? Im curious
What is your patronus?
What was your reaction to Black Lives Matter shutting down a Toronto Gay Pride Parade? BLM Toronto halted a Gay Pride Parade until their demands were met because it had a police float. What is your personal reaction to it?
Does anyone know how much data overwatch take? I've been thinking about buying this but I need to know how much it takes since we've got limited internet, I play WoW all the time and it never made the internet go over, So all I really want to is how much would it take for like a whole day of gameplay.
How do I make friends? (1) hi, I'm new here! :) and I was curious as to how to make friends on here. any advice?
Who is auditioning for Kpop Star Hunt Season 6? Hey did you hear they are going to do the last season of kpop star hunt. It's called "Last Chance". The judges are Jyp, Yg, and antenna! They are holding global auditions! They are holding auditions in the US on September 3rd. New York,Boston,SanF, Los Anegelos I believe. I was thinking of auditioning but I'm still not sure so I wanted to have some opinions and advice. Anyway, please let me know. For more information go to the official website or you can search it up.
What Is The Age Gap (allowed/accepted) For Relationships? this is the best way i can explain it ;v; Like, a 15 year old female being dating an 18 year old male? and i mean socially accepted ;v;
how do you pronounce Pokemon? How do you pronounce it? I say po-keh-Mon! Wau?
has anyone here read the nightmares books?
I can't get on my Twitter account. What can I do? I don't know what happened or what to do, but my account isn't letting me on! I can't get in, even though my password is correct! What do I do?!
If you were an animatronic, how would you react? If i were an animatronic I'd feel a bit horrified but amazed at the same time.
how do you say "excuse me"? (1)
What Is Your Favorite Warrior Cat Book? And if you care to explain, why is it your favorite?
Do you think PETA is bad? Ok, ok. Before I start let me tell you that PETA is not what it sounds. So here we go PETA is an animal rights group based in Virginia, also home to a high concentration of roadside zoos that they constantly ignore. The corrupt organization is led by Ingrid Newkirk and has done a lot of bad things. First of all, the only good things PETA does are it's campaigns to end hunting, fur coats/ etc, and SeaWorld. Second, they very rarely rescue animals. Most animals that end up in PETA "shelters" are euthanized. Only about 1-2% of animals make it out alive Third, they protest zoos and related places. I mean, COME ON! Zoos and related places can do a lot of good for animals. They can rescue animals, release some to the wild, and conserve and protect them in the wild. Zoos can be accredited by the AZA and are connected, making for safe trade routes around the country. They concoct husbandry programs as new animals are being added in. However, they have not only infected the minds of many poor souls but also support recue sanctuaries. They are practically the same thing! This is short I know, but do you agree with me? Also, Ingrid sucks!
What Did You Think Of Steven Floats? I just wanted to ask you about the first episode of Steven Universe Summer Adventures the episode is Steven Floats and Steven gets a new power called floating it what the rest of the gems can do so what did you think?
Do you think a person must experience dysphoria in order to be transgender? I think so, I mean that's literally the only way you could be trans. If not I'd just assume you're a transtrender or fetishising transgender people.
What Breed Is My Cat? What breed(s) is she?
Can you solve this extremely long and hard math problem? One day I was hungry so I decided to go to my local grocery store, which so happens to be Kroger, and started looking for peanut butter, jelly, and bread. I was busy thinking about fan girl stuff, as usual, and got jelly and two slices of bread. I bought it and check out. When I got home though, I realized a few things. 1. I forgot peanut butter. 2. I wanted a drink. 3. Christmas was coming up so I needed to get eggnog. 4. I also wanted toast. So I went back to the store and got another piece of bread. Then I got peanut butter. Then I went to the drinks. So many selections! Dr pepper, diet dr pepper, caffeine free diet dr pepper, fanta, cherry fanta, grape fanta, orange fanta, coke, diet coke, diet caffeine free coke, Pepsi, diet Pepsi, diet caffeine free Pepsi. I decided I just wanted water so I went to get some water. So much water! There was aquifina, dasani, mineral water, evann, hot springs water, filtered water, glacier water. I got the dasani cause someone else did so it must have been good right?!?! I then went to get eggnog. I had gotten 187 bottles of it because I have 386 relative, 19 who are "alive" which is what my mom says (whatever that means). I went to check out. I let an old lady go in front of me because she only got some gum (must not have had dentures). I wish I didn't cause when she checked out sirens went off and told her "congratulations! You are our store's one millionth costumer! You won 10,000 dollars." I was bummed so I checked out and went home. How many prices of bread did I buy? (No scrolling back up, test your memory first then scroll up to check)
who is ur favorite god or goddess? just curuous :)
Where you happy with the votes for the teen choice awards last night ? Did you like the votes that we're made if you watch it last night to be honest I kinda wasn't and it was on fox at 8:00
Can you cry underwater?
What Do You Wish To Be When Your Older? When you are older, what do you want to be? An author, an artist, a youtuber, a chef, a business person?
What Is Your Opinion On Life? I'm just curious.
Do you think hurting dogs is wrong? I think hurting dogs is wrong
What do you think about creepypasta? Personally I am a fan but not a fangirl. And I made the picture of Ben myself.
What is your favorite Linkin Park songs? What is your favorite Linkin Park song mine probably would be in the end ,one step closer, breaking the habit, crawling,or numb
Has anyone seen D.gray-man hollow and what do you think of it New season of d.gray man has anyone seen it
What is your favorite Twenty One Pilots song? (1) I'm so curious everyone knows stressed out so im curious with you're favorite TøP song
What is the most disturbing word you know?
Should young kids be watching PG-13 or R rated movies? Why or why not? Do you think that young children should watch these kinds of movies? Let me know what your opinion is.
Do you think that young kids should play video games rated T and up? Why or why not? What do you think? Should little kids play Rated M games? Or do you think it's not appropriate? Let me know what you think. Make sure you tell why!
What's your favorite Harry Potter book?
Who was the first pet you have ever had when you were little? Was it a cat? was it a dog or a girl or a boy? What's your first pet's name? did you have a pet? do you have one now?
What's your fave Pokemon game? I'm too lazy to make a poll
What creepy desire have you ever had? Did you ever have a desire that made you doubt your sanity? Just wondering, for me, it was a desire to torture a human being. (Idk why...)
who is your favorite yo-kai?
If nothing is faster then light, how did the dark get there first? Just wondering
Two men are playing chess. They play five games. Each man wins three. How? Can you figure out this riddle? Let's find out.
What is DanTDM's Real Name?
A Man Wants To But A Used Car. He Finds One For $9500, And Buys It. But Somehow, He Doesn't Pay A Dime. How? Whoever answers this tricky riddle first, I will follow! Good luck everyone!
No Matter How Hard Things Get For The People In The Arctic, They Will Not Eat Penguins. Why Not? Whoever answers this tricky riddle first, I will follow! Good luck everyone!
What do you h8 most about Qfeast? I hate when it says you're posting too quickly, and when there are no items in my news feed and my notifications because then I get bored and stuff and I have nothing else to do.
Mary gets in the shower, but surprisingly when she gets out, her hair is not wet. How is this possible? This is the second riddle I've posted! The first right answer I see, I will comment their username and follow that person! Good luck to everyone!
There are two sisters. One gives birth to the other, and the other, in turn, gives birth to the first. Who are the sisters? This is a really tricky riddle! Comment your guesses or answers. Ill comment when I see the first correct answer, and I will follow the person that gets it right. Good luck everyone!
If you want to be in a video game, what character youll be, why you want to be it, and what game you want to be it? If u like video games, what character you will be. (It can also be OC's as well ?) Example Name:Glitch Game:Fnaf Reason: Because she jumpscares people. And awesome! (Sorry. Didn't have time to color it.)
How's your summer going? (1) I've been gone constantly so I've decide to finally go on Qfeast and ask something to you all...How is your summer going?
what is love to you? I want to know what you think love is.
Bad advice? Post some really bad and funny advice!
How do I make a good outfit? I really don't know how to make a perfect outfit! HELP!
Who is your celebrity crush? (1) Write in the comments below who is you celebrity crush, like my celebrity crush is Daniel Radcliffe!
Woud you rather be the most accurate sharpshooter in the world or the most skilled martial artist in the world? You could hit any target you wanted, no matter the circumstances, or you could be lightning fast and know every hand to hand combat move in history.
Any kind of funny speech to text programs out there?
What is your favorite vocaloid song?
How do I make an animation for Youtube and that is free? I want to make A wolf's heart animation but I don't know how. Like I want to draw them and put them into action for free.
what do you think of Newt from the Maze Runner? hey guys. tell us what you think of Newt: his sense of humor, his death, etc.
What is your biggest regret?
What was the saddest death you have ever seen? (SPOILERS) What was the saddest death you have ever experienced. (In Anime,TV shows or Games) Mine has to be Portgas D. Ace From One Piece ?.
How many languages do you know? (1) I know three languages. Japanese,French and English. Which language do you like to learn/ you have already learned.
What is the saddest video game you've ever played? Mine probably has to be Link's Awakening. That ending was so sad. D:
If you want a Fnaf plushy, what will it be? If that makes no sense then I'm sorry...?But please comment below. It could Fnaf 1-4.!
What is the first Monstercat song you ever heard? The first Monstercat song I ever heard was Breakdown by Noisestorm. How about you?
Who here is exited for breath of the wild?
What's your dream? Mine. Is. For. NaLu. To. Happen. In. Fairy Tail.
Do you like the Pentatonix band?