What Is The Age Gap (allowed/accepted) For Relationships? this is the best way i can explain it ;v; Like, a 15 year old female being dating an 18 year old male? and i mean socially accepted ;v;
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Well for adults age gaps are more acceptable, but for teens the lines kind of blur. Teens should date in their year or one above or below. Once you hit 19 you should be able to date 18, 19, 20 for example. At ~22 you should date people in their 20s and stay away from teenagers.
on September 02, 2016
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well if you are a girl, it can be 2-5 years, and if your a boy any age if not 15 years old or younger. unless you have a Lolita Complex, which means a guy likes a girl that may be 15 or even 20 years younger. If you have this, then you are called a Lolicom. bu of course love has no standards, including age, but laws are unreasonable and outlaw romantic feelings for people much younger than you. NO FAIR, GOVERNMENT
on August 11, 2016
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Ok, there are laws saying it's illegal for anyone over 18 to be in a relationship with a minor (anyone under 18). If you are under 18, the age gap for dating should around your age or a couple months over of under your age. If you're over 18, well that's a different ball game cause you're in adult. Some laws state as long as you're not dating a minor, you won't go to jail.
on August 11, 2016
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That is a matter of opinion, you choose yourself whom you want to have a relationship with, and whom you don't....but most relationships are at least around the same age.
on August 11, 2016