Questions Sitemap - Page 65

Questions Sitemap - Page 65. Browse Questions on Qfeast

what Skyrim guard is the coolest(in the major citys
whats the coolest thing in skyrim
whats ur fav saints row character Its just question
What is the longest you've ever played an instrument? Violin 6 years and counting...
What is your favorite band? (1)
I can't fall asleep, any tips? I can't seem to sleep no matter what I do. Help! (cover image speaks the truth)
How come sometimes when you eat, it can hurt your chest a little?
what's your favorite way to spend Saturday how do you spend Saturday at the pond or lake or at home watching TV
Did you hear that Zayn Malik left One Direction? I'm really sad about that. Who do you think is next to leave? I think Louis or Niall are next.
Some good anime... I'm looking for some good anime... but I don't want some romantic cheesey love story like twilight, anything else is fine...I don't mind blood, gore, profanity, there can be mild jokes and maybe cleavage but NO nudity... I can't watch anything with nudity... and please don't let there be a lot of fanservice (There can be a little). By the way, I like more dark anime, but it could also be light hearted like Ohshc(I absolutely love ohshc)... the cheesiest anime that I actually like is probably fruits basket (which was also my first anime). I really like Attack on Titan and Death Note. (I also personally don't think Higurashi when they cry was THAT bloody and gory...that's just my opinion) My anime range could go from something as pointless as Lucky Star to Death Note. Also, please let there have an English dub for the anime, I read to slow and end up pausing through the whole thing...My favorite anime are Soul Eater, Fruits Basket, Ouran Highschool Host Club, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist(I haven't seen brotherhood), Blue Exorcist, Clannad (and afterstory), Hetalia, and Diabolik Lovers. Sorry if I'm being too specific...
Are there ways to help with anxiety i have anxiety and i don't know how to deal with it. i always feel like i'm the bame for every fight or argument, even if i hadn't done it. is there a way to stop it.
What to wear with this black dress? Since it's still cold, I want to wear maybe a shirt under it or a jacket. I have gray leggings, black leggings, black boots. What color shirt should I wear under it or what jacket? Picture of the dress-
So, I have no friends at school.. How do I make them? 9Yeah.. The janitor and a fan girl over Mine Craft, (bodil40 and simonhds90) are my friends.
What are goo things to write about for a metal song? I want to write a song and cant think of anything!
why don't people love me? I try my best to make friends but nothing seems to work and everyone has boyfriends but me and I cant believe my ex friend has one too it makes me feel left out. if you have any advise plz let me know and thank you
Constipation Problem I know this may seem like an odd thing to talk about, but I'm in an uncomfortable situation right now - constipation. I drink many glasses of water everyday as well as fruit. So I don't understand how I'm constipated. I'd be grateful if you could reply with some advice to relieve my constipation.
What flavor cheese do you like most?
why do people have to be so judgey to appearances? I've never posted photos of myself for this reason, while my other friends plaster their picture on their profile photo
do you like reading if you dont why
are gender roles bad? do you think it's bad for girl to be told to like princesses, pink, and makeup, and boys to like dinosaurs, blue, and anything action. i think it's wrong and hate to do this, and i think it could change a kids life.
are u allowed to to wear white during lent? can u plz tell me if were allowed to wear white during lent plz like rlly soon! tell me ASAP
If you are on social media, are you obsessed with it or hardly get on?
Black Butler question (Read Below) Okay, so I just started this anime, called Black Butler or Kuroshitsuji, and I heard that season two (and one...) could be a little mature... so could you just tell me the episodes that are more 'mature'? Thank you in advance peeps! ;p
Has Anyone Heard of Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple? Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple is a martial arts anime. I think it's great, but no one has ever heard of it from what I've seen...
how old were you when you had you're first kiss Just wondering.
What is your favorite month? Choose your fav month and tell me why! Make sure you comment below!
I have been nightmare prone. What is the worst nightmare you've had? I have had bad nightmares to the point of me waking up . What can I do to make them stop and what is the worst you've had.
How to get rid of a sore throat?
Do you know anything about Paul Revere? I am working on a personal project about Paul Revere. Do you know anything?
Which do you prefer? coke In a can or coke in the bottle? I personally prefer coke in the bottle. which do you like better.
what's your favourite season?
Do you like zodiac signs? Get some advice from me right now! Don't worrying, I'm not making anything up. I'm using astrology books. Just tell me your sign and then tell me what you need!
What are your favorite breakfast foods?
What is your favorite movie? (3)
What are your thoughts on subjects unnecessary for life forced to be taught? When I mean "subjects mandatory", I mean such as Algebra, some of Science, etc. when we could be forced to learn more important things such as human rights, and the laws of the country you live with, or how to get a job, etc. Anyways I think I'll need this... *grabs popcorn*
Is there a difference between Black Rock Shooter OVA and TV?
What is the dumbest thing you've heard about the lgbt community?
What do you think of Nick Jonas? I wanted to know of what people think of Nick Jonas! Make sure you comment down below!
Favourite CSI series? So which CSI series do you like? CSI Miami, CSI New York or NCSI?
Are you left handed or right handed? Are you left or right handed? Answer this question and make sure you comment down below!
How many ants are there on earth? Just wondering...
Have you ever done a spell? I'm asking you if you ever did a spell because I use them all the time. It's better to use them for your own or someone else's needs.
Do you think that history repeats itself?
if you could have one wish what would it be? if you could have one wish what would it be?
What's your most searched thing on google? Mine's derp... I have no idea why...
Harry or Draco? WHY? Why do people like harry potter, the character? No. Idea.
Who else on qfeast has 130+ polls? I made a poll asking how many polls people had and one other person had 130+! I am wondering who.
the first telephone call was made? give date
Does menstruation affect athletic performance?
Does anyone else think Soccer is EVIL?! It hurts me so its EVIL!?
people call me gay People call me gay for no apparent reason I don't even do anything to them not one thing. So what should I say to them.
Dose anyone feel then same way I feel like I have everyone but no one gets me and everything you so is wrong
what's your wolf's name Mine name is Laska :3
What's your secret eye color?
What are some characters for a story? I want to write a story, and I don't have many characters and are in need of more. Could you please give me some charcters by filling out the questions bellow? I will try to make sure that all of the charcters will be included. I will post a message on all the contributers wall when I finish the story.Thanks! Name: Gender: Hair: Eyes: Perfered clothes: Perfered weapon: A magic/superpower: Talents/past times: Likes: Dislikes: Notes:
is this cool 2 its okami
isn't this cool? OMG its fire wolf
Why do people swear? I think its just admitting your too stupid to think of a creative way to express your feelings. I will never swear in my life!
Why do people like McDonalds? my sis always asks this, I can never say why! Please help! shes driving me nut!
Are you a gamer if you are do you play mine Craft?
Do you like to draw?
What's your fav animal? I wanted to know peoples favourite animals, comment down below!
Do you ever wonder if you're in the "who to follow" list?
How do I tell her? Well there is this girl who is in my choir, we held hands at the last rehearsal cause of an American song named we shall overcome. So our director wants us to hold hands with our partner and she is my partner. We held hands and I really loved it and it gave me a good feeling, I think she is kinda feeling the same way cause after we held hands she tried talking to me more. So I'm asking how do I tell her I like her but not in a weird way?
What anime are the twins in the picture from? i really like this picture and have seen others with the sames girls, what are they from?
What is the absolute opposite religion than christianity? that is not atheism!
what's you're favorite holiday besides Christmas
Who else likes tmnt?
Is it normal to not like having friends I don't really like having friends, is this normal?
What's your favorite show on Netflix?
What are your thoughts on Miley Cyrus? i have many thoughts on Miley cyrus and you don't wanna know what I think about her so I will let you qfeasters give your opions on Miley and what has happened to her lately.
What are some good names for wolves? I need some good names for wolves cuz I'm writing a book and wolf names are hard to think of. Male and female.
Wha is so amazing about one piece?
What is your horoscope? I have bought a unique book filled with charts and calenders to calculate your horoscope! If you'd like one done, just type your name (prof. or actual name), Day, month and year of your birth. I will reply with what I come up with.
Who has created the most polls on qfeast? i have 138 at the moment and im wondering who has the most.
Have you ever made a documentary film? Documentary film making is a non fiction film that is based on some or the other real aspect of a person's life. The Documentary film making in New York uses new generation tools including video and digital productions to shoot such type of documentaries.
Why do people dislike Frozen so much? Why do people hate Frozen so much? Text down below on if you like Frozen or not! Thank you!
Do you like somebody and they don't like you back? For some people out there don't know, but if you do you should comment down below!
When you follow a person, do they follow you back? I wanted to know of how many people on Qfeast follow people on Qfeast, but they don't follow you back! I always do that, Also I want to know of how followers people have!
Do you like to be judged by your colour of skin? I would like to know of what people would click, also I wanted to know of how many people are ashamed of their skin colour!
What is your prefered device and version of Qfeast? Why?
Winx Club:Which Gown Do You Like? Which winx club dress do you like?
Why do people dislike the movie Frozen so much? So what if it's childish? It's meant for kids, people! So what if some of the songs were bad? Most kids don't think that! So what if Hans' evolution into a villain was rushed? The producers had to fit everything into a time frame! So what if it was goofy? It has a great message! Explain how it's a horrible movie.
What is the Scariest Movie/Game Ever?
who thinks school is a waste of time? I understand that we have to get are exam result in order to get into collage but I don't get it, I love English it is the only thing in school I can really tolerate, and yet almost every day im forced to do maths and science when I am clearly never going to get any GCSE qualifications from it am I being silly or do some people see my reasoning
Who is your idol or other role model?
What is one thing you want out of life?
What Minecraft Character Do You Ship Me With?
How long have you loved your fandoms?
What do you think of illegal immigrants who come into a country yet still speak their native language?
What are some goods dystopian books with competitions in them I love dystopian books with competitions or riddles where someones life is on the line. ex, i have read: the hunger games, divergent, the maze runner, legend what are some more like that?
what's your best talent? I'm just sooo curious!
What's your favourite animal? I'd love to know what everyone's favourite animal is!
What are some good anime's to watch? I've watched Soul Eater, SAO, Fairy Tail, Attack on Titan, First Squad, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemiest, Madoka Magica, Blue Exorcist, Hunter x Hunter, Noragami, Angel Beats, and a couple others. I have an anime bucket list I want to add to, any suggestions? x3
What is your favorite book series? If you guys want I can take suggestions and write stories about them. BTW I will be writing my stories from watt pad. Im Althatglitters just to tell you guys so im not copying from other people.
What Would You Do If You Saw A Person Running After You With A Knife? I don't know what I'd do so I want to see what people would do! Hopefully you come up with good answers!
How many Fairy Tail books were made into anime? I've read the books up to #40, there are 47 and more being made, the anime is still going, im wondering what part they're at and if I've past the anime
What's wrong with my iPod charger? Alright. I have an iPod 5. I go to charge my iPod, and it starts flickering of charging and uncharging. I use a case from i-BLASON. I use a brick for it. I have tried unplugging and plugging it back in. Taking off the case and charging. Putting it in another outlet. I doubt it's the charging slot itself. My iPods refurbished by Apple itself. I got it on Christmas so the charger should be new itself. I think it has something to do with the charger itself. Cuz there's a weird twisted thing by the part where you put the charger into the iPod, as seen in the photo. And when it's plugged in, it's charging steady when I put slight pressure on the end hooked up to the iPod. Again, this all just happened just now, and has never happened before. Does anyone know what's the issue with it?
What animal do you think you are? I want to see of what people think of themselves as animals! Also can you please comment below on what animal you think I am because I don't know what animal I am!
Why Does There Have to Be Bullies? Seriously bullies have to stop. They take joy in others sorrow. Bullies just make me rage, big time. Seriously, they do it for some random reason. Maybe they are envious, feeling bad about their selves, whatever the reason. Can't they just go to a person to talk about their feelings, instead of making others feel bad. Really, bullying hurts and it has to stop. Soon.