Questions Sitemap - Page 72

Questions Sitemap - Page 72. Browse Questions on Qfeast

teacher trouble My teacher is really strict-what can I do to make her like me more
Band Names? I recently started a band with my boyfriend Logan and some of our friends but we still don't have a band name. We have some ideas already - False Alarm and Split Screen but we want to brainstorm heaps before we decide. It can't sound too girly or too male orientated because we have an equal amount of girls and boys in our band. 2 girls and 2 boys. Please help me with some ideas x
What are you a diehard fan of? Puell--- this doesn't need an answer...
Have you done the ice bucket challenge yet? The ice bucket challenge is when you get nominated to have someone pour at least 1 bucket of FREEZING cold water over you, then you nominate people to do it, and give them 24 hours, including recording it, and uploading it to a social network site. Who's done it yet, and did you like it or not?
When you are home alone what do you do ? A N S W E R
What do you use for your internet/browser? I use Google Chrome
Funny Prank Contest! HUGE rewards for winners! PLEASE submit!
Crush Convo starter! This soo embarrassing to ask! But I really like this guy in my science class, and I'm just so nervous to talk to him! Usually, I'm not too nervous or shy or anything. School just started for me last week. (I'm a freshie.) I've never talked to him. But he's cute, friendly, and funny. And I'm just kinda stuck like "god he doesn't like me! But I want to talk to him!" What should I do!? Boys, your opinion would be much appreciated! Girls, you too. And laugh at me if you want to. I really don't care. Just please don't tell me. Thanks so much!
Greek gods Zeus controlls the sky and the heavens. But cloud come from the ocean, doesn't that mean, without Poseidon and Hades, Zeus would have nothing to control?
Any fandomers? Are there any fandomers on this site? (I'm new ^~^) Mainly: Divergent, HG, and TMI
Does anyone know Chiara Bautista? She's probably my favorite artist and I was wondering if anyone else knew and liked her.
What is your theme song? Mine is definitely You Don't Know Me by Ariana Grande. :D I relate to it SO much!
What was the first song you heard from your favourite singer? Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
How do you make a Youtube video?
Did Qfeast change back to the vertical layout? I was wondering what happened to the layout. Before in my opinion, it used to be a more orderly and better design, but they changed it back to the vertical design. Is it just me or is it just happening to everyone now?
Does any one else have a crush on Cameron Boyce? Just wanted to know if any of you liked Cameron Boyce.
Qfeast changed design Did you notice? Qfeast changed the design to a more orderly, professional, and- in my opinion, better- design. What do you think?
What movie/tv show should i watch? I have watched every single eposode of total drama even packato island so i needa new movie or tv seriese to watch. What do you think i should watch?
is there a way to make my first period come faster? ok so i am 13 and my birthday is coming up soon and I still haven't gotten my period, so I was wondering if there was any way to naturally make your first period come faster. especially because I heard you stop growing 2 years after your first period and im already really tall for my age , I just want to stop growing! please don't say "you really don't want your period" or anything like that because honestly I do! even if later on I realize its actually bad let me find that out for my self I don't need people telling me. and at least I know that when I get my period ill stop growing very soon. Thank you :)
instroments time! who here plays an instroment because i just not want to be not the only one that plays all sorts of introments here on qfeast because irl i play guitar, violin, marakas flute almost everything that you can imagine so who has an instromet that they can play it can be more than one.
Did anyone else realize this?! You can now change your vote on polls! Isn't that great?! I hadn't even noticed until now! Maybe I'm just really slow xD
i want to know if people like me well when i go somewhere guys just push me and try to kiss me is it because they dont like me or is it because they love me i really need an a answer's i trust you guys so help a girl out
Is this okay in the fandom world? is it okay to be a fan of someone who's in a band, but despise the actual band itself...? Would I be persecuted for it? O.O
What is the fastest growing plant?
Guys what can I name a TFIOS page? Read description then send me the suggestion through MESSAGE I want the page: - With a UNIQUE name. (No other facebook page with that name) - About Gus. - Not necessarily a quote. - I have some ideas so I'll send send some to you or whatever. PLEASE send the suggestion to me through messages or the name won't be unique anymore. Okay? Okay
What's the deal with Metro Redux, does it worth it ? Is it Redux a new Metro game or what (a remake)? Ps. I've finished the Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light
Which Dead Space similar games do you know and recommend? I've finished all Dead Space games and DLCs, and I am searching something similar on PC
Why do fanfictions almost always contain a kidnapping? In EvEry singlE SkyDoEsMinEcraft fanfiction I rEad thErE is at lEast onE kidnapping. Why? NoticE thE titlE didn't havE thE lEttEr E in it. This is my answer to a challenge from Puzzle Club.
What is my favorite Creepypasta? If you read my story, then this question will be too easily.
If You Could Be Any Candy What Would It Be And Why?
what is more interesting? school or home-works?
qfeast vs facebook! which one?
what do u use for qfeast? what do u use for qfeast? pc or cell phone?
Do You Have a Blog? I do! All about fandoms! If you do, tell me what it is called and what it is about!
Which song would be the background music to your life? Mine is Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" or Joplin's "The Entertainer". I'm old fashioned and very theatrical. What about you?
im 11 when will I get my first period Ive been having lots of discharge latley and lots of pubic hair and not really any armpit hair I have big boobz my mom got hers at 15 or 16 and my sis got hers at 12 my aunt got hers young please help me ill be glad with any reply
Any silly pranks? I really want to know some!
Help me! - Question by anon that messaged me to make this question - You can do the same Let's call this person Jackie. Jackie messaged me to make this question and it would really help her if you could contribute to it. I really like this boy in my year at school. He always makes me laugh and stuff like that. We are pretty close and everyone says we would be a cute couple, but he is always making other girls laugh too. Everyone tells me he likes me back but I don't know what to believe. When I finally get my hopes up and I see him staring at me and we have a good time hanging out or something my heart breaks into pieces. I really like him but it's killing me. I've tried to stop being with him but I can't. I just want to be with him all the time but he is breaking my heart (not on purpose but it still hurts) . What should I do?
If You Could Change One Thing About An RP That You Are Part Of, What Would It Be? Like all RP'ers (I'm assuming anyway), you have probably planned for an RP to go a certain way, whether that means story line, or relationship wise. If you could change one thing about any of the RP's you're part of, what would it be? For example, I think the one thing I would change would be about this Zombie RP I'm part of. If given another chance, I would go back and not kill Emily off...seeing how important she was to the team, and knowing now how everyone would react to it. Be specific! The more detail the better! Can't wait to hear! (Not changing anything IS an option too!)
What's your Qfeast dream? What is your goal on Qfeast? What do you desire most to do on here?
How long have you been on Qfeast? (1) I just had my one year anniversary! I've been on here for a year and three days!
Is it true that there are "missing links" between apes and humans? I've heard this many times, but can somebody tell if this is true/false and why
Why don't modern spacecraft use nuclear power? Most if not all of modern submarines are powered by a nuclear reactor. At sea, only the most heavyweight (like air-carriers) use a nuclear reactor. But I have never heard of nuclear-powered aircraft, rover, or satellite, not even as an experiment. Ar they so costly, or dangerous to be used in space?
Should i watch supernatural been hearing allot about it can someone summarize what its about?
What type of quiz would you want made? I'm just asking this question to know what types of quiz people prefer.
I'm going to be in middle school PLZ omg I'm going to 6th grade I need tipzz oh plz oh plz oh plz give me every detail I'm so depressed right now
Is Rasplaying Allowed Again? I've seen users rasplay on here like for a month on here now. And don't recall anything happening to them rasplaying. So is it allowed again?
Is my best friends really my friends?! Please help me decide! So long story short my best friend Halle became like besties with this girl Sara. I was fine with it and me and Sara became good friends last summer. Plus, Grace (one of Halle's friends) came into our friend group. We were all really close then this new girl Ashlyn came in and she seemed all sweet and innocent. For a few weeks I was fine with Ashlyn and then one day I saw all my friends and they completely changed! Halle said hi and gave me a hug but everyone else was glued to their phones and talking to Ashlyn like they've known her for years. None of them said hi or bye and none of them (except Halle) acknowledged me the whole time. This summer I've only seen Halle once and that's it! Ashlyn stole my friends and changed them. Please help!
I have a mean nanny, how do I tell her how I feel? My nanny has recently been being VERY rude, my friends think so too. How do i tell her my feelings? With out being yelled at?
Do you know some good YouTubers? I like Pewdepie and smosh etc. who is your favourite?
Favorite childhood memory? I am honestly interested in a persons childhood memories. Mine would be sitting under the willow tree in South Carolina. Times were hard but I was an ignorant 6 year old. I remember sitting there with my grandfather and random members of the family. I miss them and treasure that memory.
If you could make a famous band what would it be? Name, style, members, etc.
I was curious to see if anyone here likes kpop? I haven't seen a lot of kpop fans on Qfeast and was wondering if there was any out there. If you do enjoy kpop or kdramas please respond. It would be cool to find another kpop fan like myself. Thank you
Why is it that sometimes your statistics are different? So I've noticed when taking personality quizzes, I'll get an answer but I look at the statistics and the statistics are different i.e.: Result: Sad Statistcs: Sad- 33% Happy- 66% Why does this happen? Now, I look at the statistics every time to make sure it's right but still...
Cna you get permanent emotional problems from a major heartbreak? so, about 2 years ago ( my Sophomore year in High School) I fell DEEP in love with this girl and even had her over at my house twice, I dated her for 2 weeks and my best friend took her from me, but every since then I find myself not only falling harder for women, but faster and easier, and I can't stop myself, then I get depressed and start thinking that the woman I am think of is too good for me, is there something wrong with me?
Another riddle... What has eyes but cannot see? (The answer is NOT NEEDLES) There are three answers (not including needles)
Riddle :) :p :D This thing runs but cannot walk, Sometimes sings, but never talks. Lacks arms, but has hands, In your hall or bedroom stands. Lacks a head but has a face. What is it?
How do some people get 500+ followers? I rarely get followers and people haven't taken my new quizzes much. How can I get that popular?
Favorite Book Series of All Time? Best book series of all time is...? Obviously, I LOVE Dragon Slippers!
Who all cried when reading TFIOS (The Fault In Our Stars)? So, I haven't finished reading The Fault In Our Stars, but a lot of people have told me they cried after reading it. Or watching the movie. Either way, they have told me they cried. What about you? Who has read it and did you cry? DO NOT SPOIL WHY THOUGH! I have NOT finished reading it and I plan to finish it soon, but I'm only on like... Chapter 6? So, DO NOT spoil anything!
Story Not Long Enough? I tried to publish this song on story and it says its not long enough. So... how long does it have to be?
Want's the difference between reads and readers on a story? Just wondering!
Any ideas to get money? Well, I need money for a new ipod, so here's the story... I got it in december 2012, then I dropped it and it cracked in April 2013, then I got it fixed in July 2013, then I lost it or it got stolen at a party, in August 2013, and it's been lost for almost a year! We gave up on looking for it cause it isn't there, so I need to save up for another one! i was close to getting an Iphone because my dad said that if I won the geography bee then he would buy me one, plus I was the 5th youngest and in the youngest grade you could compete in, but I came in 5th place which to me is pretty good for my first time, but still I have no money and no ipod like all my friends do, and I mean all my friends! Oh, also I can't baby sit!
Favorite TV Show? What is your favorite TV show? Do you even watch TV?
Favorite School Subject(s) Back to school is coming up soon, so which class(es) are you most looking forward too? Math? English? Civics? Your elective?
Why is it always like this? When people are "sexist" it's always boys making fun of girls, then girls do the same thing to boys and it's "standing up for yourself"? And only caucasian people can be "racist" but people of other races are just "standing up for themselves"?
Favorite Dr. Who? Which Doctor is your favorite?
Favorite Animals? What are your favorite animals? TELL ME! :P
A man went to an inn on Friday, stayed 2 nights and left on Friday. How could that be? The cover image is a hint.
Does England have a fourth of July? America does, but does England?
What is the name of this game? I used to play a game where you had a dinosaur robot and you had to defeat the other dinodaur robot using attacks with elements. Please help! (I know the description isn't very good)
Rate Qfeast! On a scale from one to ten, what do you rate Qfeast? Why?
Middle School Help? (NO weird stuff xD) I'm going to go get my schedule for middle school and I'm probably going to forget my locker combination. I'm also probably going to forget where all of the classes are and stuff. My mom also makes me wear "Nice clothes" that are too girly and are just plain dumb that I don't want to wear. Any advice?
Burgers like or dislike I like a filling burger
QFeast won't let me do anything! I can't post on my own profile, comment, or any of that kind of stuff! I don't have an email to use, so I pretty much can't do crap on QFeast! I don't know what to do :(
How did you get your summer camp nickname? The picture shows how I got mine. I was called Sleeping Beauty all summer -_-
Riddle For You Guys To Guess! A woman walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The waiter takes out a gun and points it at her. After a few seconds the woman smiles, thanks the waiter, and leaves. What just happened?
Does anyone else love the rain? It's pouring outside right now, which is very rare here in California. Rain is my favorite kind of weather. Is yours?
Qfeast is not leting me do anything! I try to post Pics but they say they need a email!What do i do?
What do you think will happen when we die?
Do you this it is fair.. Do you really think its fair that Qfeast has taken the ability to comment/talk to people who have not conformed there email I mean seriously
How do people draw all those Sonic OC's? if you have those please tell me how to do it.
What Can I Do If I'm SO Bored? (Meaning Right Now...) I'm SO Bored Right Now. I Still Can't Activate My Account. There's Nothing I Can Do... Any Ideas? BTW, I Can't Post, Comment, RP, Etc. Sorry Guys...
Tell me your favorite book/novel of any genre? From Hercule Poirot to the Fault in Our Stars to Harry Potter, it can be anything!
Have quotes like this? Does anyone else have a quote like this they want to share? This is mine :3
Pierce The Veil and Sleeping With Sirens world tour? Is anyone going to Pierce The Veil and a Sleeping with Sirens world tour 2014(15)?
Facebook or twitter
whose your favorite you tuber
who is your favorite artist
Which state of Europe has the most powerful army? Please elaborate
How do Death Valley's sailing stones move themselves?
Why do people compare harry potter to twilight? Its not even in the same genre! why do people compare harry potter to twilight and dont give me any sh!t about harry potter being better because they r not even in the same genre! so compare twilight to other shows similar dont compare it to something that is not even close to the storyline. harry potter is action packed and twilight is a love story so please tell me y people compare them they r not even in the same genre!
First Day of High School Tips? Well, on September 2nd, I'm leaving my tiny, conservative, private middle school and going off to a big public high school. I'm so so so excited but of course I'm just as nervous... I don't know what to do at all 0_0 Really, it's gonna be like re-learning everything all over again... I don't know anyone there and I haven't even taken a tour of the school or ridden a school bus before so basically I'm as green as can be. Advice, tips, wisdoms?
What book/fandom should I read next? I've finished Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Divergent, and The Fault in our stars... but I can't decide which one to get in next. Some people are saying Percy Jackson, some are telling me to start reading The Mortal Instruments... help!
There's this boy in my homeroom and I need to know how to get closer to him?! there's this boy in my homeroom at school that i really really like how can i gget closer to him?!
Why do cupcakes always tend to get sickly when you eat to many of them? I am asking this because when I eat too many cupcakes with loads of icing I feel sick
What is the funniest animal ? It's your choice :D
How do you type a membership form on this site? I just joined here, and I saw something that said: Fill in form. And I wanted to join this. So I think while sending a request for membership you have to add the things NECCESARY in the request... Plz help...
What's your favorite anime show? I have many favorites. But I want to know yours ! Write them below. And any other things you want to put in there!
boy i love u tom A boy called tom asked me out before school ended for summer, i said no, i dont know why i said no but i just did. the thing is, i really really like him, im starting to feel as if i love him, i have started to dream about him having sex with me and i finger myself over him. his friends said that he really likes me and when i rejected him he went all quiet for a while... my questions are; would he still like me? how do i tell him face2face that i like him? and should i lean in for a kiss or something when we see eachother?