If You Could Change One Thing About An RP That You Are Part Of, What Would It Be? Like all RP'ers (I'm assuming anyway), you have probably planned for an RP to go a certain way, whether that means story line, or relationship wise. If you could change one thing about any of the RP's you're part of, what would it be? For example, I think the one thing I would change would be about this Zombie RP I'm part of. If given another chance, I would go back and not kill Emily off...seeing how important she was to the team, and knowing now how everyone would react to it. Be specific! The more detail the better! Can't wait to hear! (Not changing anything IS an option too!)
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I don't really have much to change...In the ZA RP I wouldn't have dated myself XD. Victorian I would have made Derek more important, I actually really liked his character but he never really took off...Airbender nothing, Pokémon nothing, and Mythical Creature nothing. Sorry, I know, I'm way too descriptive XD Lmao! Oh, and in ZA second gen I would have put Aldwin in the other car XD. (I realize these are not ONE thing..)
on August 17, 2014
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I would change how the person views them self. They seen to believe that they have a horrible life and they pump it out through our roleplay.
I try to teach her she is wrong, but it never works. Like Maria and the Diamonds wrote in a song, "I feel like I'm the worst so I can act like I'm the best." That line describes my partner completely. I want to change how she perceives herself and puts herself before others. Not just because its annoying but because I also pity her.
I try to teach her she is wrong, but it never works. Like Maria and the Diamonds wrote in a song, "I feel like I'm the worst so I can act like I'm the best." That line describes my partner completely. I want to change how she perceives herself and puts herself before others. Not just because its annoying but because I also pity her.

So, did you make your character like this in the beginning of the RP, or did her personality just change dramatically as you RP'ed? Also, which page is this on, I'm kinda curious to go and see what you're talking about!
on August 17, 2014
on August 16, 2014
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In the second Zombie RP, I wish that my super whiny freshman, Mairee had listened and not run and sent a beloved character to his death. I'm still pretty messed up about it. And also, I wish the first one hadn't ended the way it did. Other than that, I have enjoyed RP so much!!!

I know... I surrender... Nothing's gonna change. It's all over. I guess I'll just have to owe you for a while.
on August 17, 2014

Bear, you didn't make me give up Emily, I gave her willingly. Stop blaming yourself for it, it's okay I promise! I'd rather see you happy than hold onto Emily!
on August 17, 2014

Stop being perfect you. I get it, Dragon, but I can't get over it. I guess I never will. But to make someone else give up what they care about so that I can selfishly hold onto to mine is the worst feeling. I do appreciate what you did, but it hurts all the same.
on August 17, 2014

Its a zombie story Bear...people die. The thing is, no one wanted to kill off their characters...so I killed mine off...why do you think I made so many of them? Levi, Emily, Brandon, Ryaan, Lindsey, Zach, Payton, Kyle, Mark, Sarah...It was so that the characters in the story could actually live the zombie apocalypse...death and loss of loved ones is part of it...
on August 17, 2014

Why couldn't you be selfish and insensitive?! I wanted to hate you so much for what happened, but I couldn't! You're too nice and considerate and chivalrous! Your characters were always the ones getting bitten and stuff. It just doesn't seem fair.
on August 17, 2014

Trust me when I say this...it wasn't easy for me to give Emily up like I did...she was one, no...THE most developed character I had, and the least deserving to die in my opinion...but I wanted you to be happy, so I gave her up. It wasn't choosing Danny or Emily to me, it was choosing Emily or you Bear. I did what I thought was right.
on August 17, 2014

I know, and that was so kind of you to do that, but looking back at it, Danny was such a useless character despite his archery. I know it's cheesy, but I would have been happy just continuing the RP.
on August 17, 2014

Bear, I did it so you could have Danny! It was one or the other...I did it so you would be happy!
on August 17, 2014

I still haven't completely forgiven you about Emily. Just thinking about it makes me, like asfxffghjdgjcgj!!!
on August 17, 2014

I still blame that one on communication failure XD
If we weren't so confused about the whole elevated highway thing...Jakob would still be alive here...
It's just as much my fault for not being more specific about it, so don't feel so responsible Bear :)
But that is a good one too.
If we weren't so confused about the whole elevated highway thing...Jakob would still be alive here...
It's just as much my fault for not being more specific about it, so don't feel so responsible Bear :)
But that is a good one too.
on August 16, 2014
on August 16, 2014