Middle School Help? (NO weird stuff xD) I'm going to go get my schedule for middle school and I'm probably going to forget my locker combination. I'm also probably going to forget where all of the classes are and stuff. My mom also makes me wear "Nice clothes" that are too girly and are just plain dumb that I don't want to wear. Any advice?
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it's not that bad, it's really just the same as intermediate school, just a bit harder and with a bit more walking

lock combo, I just write it down and keep it wit me (as well as the locker number) and for the clothes, I have to wear new clothes I got also, mainly because I got smaller around the waist. (thanks to my stomach randomly shrinking) and the class scheduals, it's fairly easy once you do it for a week you just get into the way you go, I think I actually fell asleep See More in the halls and made it to my class in High School, so you should be fine ;)
on August 07, 2014

intermediate school..?

we have K-2 in primary, and intermediate is 3-5
on August 07, 2014

akky done praying yet?
on August 07, 2014

on August 07, 2014

different stuff here I guess
on August 07, 2014

we just have elementary school, 1-5 grade
on August 07, 2014

... i have no idea what youre talking about -_-
on August 07, 2014

the school before middle school and after primary school :p 3rd - 5th grade
on August 07, 2014
on August 07, 2014
on August 07, 2014
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for the combination, well, youll be doing it so many times by the middle of the year youll be able to do it without even thinking about the combination. Classes, well, pretty much the same thing. As for the clothes, u probly shldnt do this, but wear whatever clothes you want underneath the clothes your mom wants you to wear, and at school take them off. then at the end of the day put them back on :P
on August 05, 2014
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for the lock # find some similarities in the numbers so you can remember them easier
on March 02, 2015