Questions Sitemap - Page 79

Questions Sitemap - Page 79. Browse Questions on Qfeast

how many angels and demons are there? I don't know why but I am curious because I always wonder if demons outnumber angels anyway see ya.
Harry potter queastion that I always wondered If Voldemort can tell whenever someone is lieing, how come he can't tell Narcissa Malfoy is just saying Harry is dead (in the deathly Hallows) just to get inside hogwarts to see Draco?
I'm I to young to babysit I'm 12years old I'm taking a babysitting course at the red cross in a few days I have helped my mom my moms friend and my church babysit I have looked after my 5year old brother for a hour before I'm very mature have a phone know first aid but I am too young to babysit?
how do you edit a already published quiz?! I really need to add pictures to a already published quiz and I cant it makes the quiz sickish!!
What Makes A Horror Story? What in your opinion makes a horror story good and thrilling...lengthy answers please
I need to know! (Read description) Ok, I must know, favorite color, favorite video game, favorite food, school (current), favorite everything!
Should all band members be equal? I don't know if you've noticed, but in bands, there's always one member who is WAY more popular than the others. In Little Mix, it's Perrie. In Fifth Harmony, it's Camila. In One Direction, it's Harry. I really hate this. Why should there be one member who is really popular, and the rest are left behind? What do you think about this? Do you think all members should be equal? Or are you OK with it?
How do I tell him? I'm 15 and I feel like I'm ready to ask my crush out. But..I really don't know how to tell him I like him. Boys and girls can answer because I'm sure that you boys know how you would want to be asked out and all that stuff. And girls you know how you would do it and maybe some of you have had experience...
What Does BTW mean??? What Does BTW mean???
Is there a movie of Flora and Ulysses? I just read the book and I want to know if there is a movie.
What fanfic should I do now? •Wolf's Rain •Sandfire •Dragon ball Z •Other —I also have 93 followers, 7 more and I won't ask for any more —I know I have unfinished stories but I do write and add on to them(as well as some health problems thus giving me more time)
What does it mean "this looks like spam"?
Who else here is obsessed with video games preferably kingdom hearts. I'm usually always on some kind of electronic device even when I sleep! (I listen to music.)
Which part of the Harry Potter books do you wish were in the films? The films are all absolutely amazing, but if I had to answer this I'd say: When Dumbledore arrives at 4 Privet Drive to collect Harry in Half-Blood Prince. The part in Order of the Phoenix in St. Mungo's with the Longbottoms & Lockhart. What about you? :D
How do you know when your friend does not like you anymore?
For all you Harry Potter readers! In the Harry Potter book series what parts made you cry? Okay so I'm curious to see who else besides for me turned into a big sobby baby while reading the Harry Potter series? And what parts made you cry?
fill this out to make a divergent character fill this form out so i can create a story for divergent name: faction/factions: age: traitor/loyal: iniate/faction born:
Dance or No Dance? He's back! If you've been following me you know i have a crazy relationship with a boy. He's asked me to a dance and i said i would if we go as friends. Now he asked me in November and the dance is next week... Lately he's been distant and annoying (he doesn't know anything about the dance and i need to poke him about it for days before he does it, he didn't tell his parents until i made him, and he's been very unconvincing as to whether he wants to go). Now a week before the dance i find out there's a high probability i can't go. I'm HIGHLY annoyed, hurt, and saddened. If i can go should i?
Seek The Truth Not The Rumors Don't judge a book by it's cover, ever thought that she herself is being sexually abused? Let me take a step back to say that I've dealt with these situations before since my mother is a counselor. Emilylookwood01 needs not to be simply called a bully because of what she has posted. Try to think about why exactly she is doing this. Has she herself been abused physically, emotionally, or even sexually? Almost all people that bully have or are being abused, bully. They want some control in their life, so they inflict their pain onto others, seeking control of some part of their life. I want, not to delete this user, but to help her understand that bulling isn't right. But we also need to see if she is being abused in some way, and if so, try to prove it so we can save her. I know this is a lot to ask for, but I don't think we should simply toss this user aside without understanding the true situation. I'm not saying that you guys are the bullies, or that you guys are idiots. I'm saying that we need to seek the TRUTH not the Stupid RUMORS and NO she hasn't posted sexual pictures of herself, she only has three of them and only one of them are of herself.
What is your least favorite Harry Potter book? And what is your favorite book and why? I am just curious on what people will say? The more to your answer the better:D thanks!
Who Do You Think Will Win The Super Rugby Season? Brumbies? Blues? Cheetahs? Reds? Your Choice! Just Write It In The Comments Box Below. Thanks! ;D
How many shoes should you bring on a ten day holiday? Please comment and say how many thnx :)
What is your favorite video game of all time? Hi guys! I'm bored, can you tell? I guess you can because of me asking a question like this. But yeah, what's your favorite video game of all time? For me, its Sonic Heroes. "Sonic heroes, sonic heroes, bind you, confine you defying your rein! Sonic heroes, sonic heroes, setting a stage for a heroes parade!" ahh, I love that game.
What is space dandy?
Who is your favorite singer? Commet below what your favorite singer is?
on a scale of 1 to 10, how creepy is this picture? my little sis drew this and it looks CREEPY!
What is your favorite subject in school? I know school can be boring at sometimes but commet below what you like about school and what you hate about school?
Why do people bully? Commet below why you think people bully
Daring Do in Equestria Girls! I just realized who Daring Do in Equestria Girls is while looking for a picture of Daring Do for my poll! I saw her just standing there in the movie!
who do you like the most harry or liam? Harry Liam
Do you agree with Tonks being in Hufflepuff? Yeah, she's the most awesome Hufflepuff EVER (yeah, WAY more awesome than Cedric!!), but do you agree with it? I think she'd be a good Gryffindor. ;)
What Does Incredulous Mean? Please I have no clue what it means....
Should I tell my parents?! Is it normal to tell your parents about your crush?? Like should I tell my mom and dad about the boy I like, who it is that I like and all that? If so, how should I tell them? Should I somehow drop hints? But how?...I would love some advice...I want to tell my parents but should I? I mean It would be a little bit awkward and especially embarrassing to talk to my dad about it...well it'd be embarrassing with my mom, too but more so my dad you know what I mean?
whats your favourite book series Tell me about your fav book series. Mine is harry potter series. Whats urs
How do you do a shout-out? So, everyone around here says that they are going to do shout-outs, and I have been wondering how to, does anybody know?
who is the awesomest Star Wars character? I think it's Zam Wessle, the bounty hunter who tried to assassinate Padmé. please don't curse.
What is your favourite: Lions, Tigers, Jaguars or Leopards? 4 main big cats, my fav's the Leopard!!
What is ur least fav show in the whole wide world? I'm a big fan of TV shows. I dont have a least but I want one. Whats ur least?
help Please answers Can somebody help i have given advice but i am not brave and i am shy what should i do i like this guy he is not on qfeast i like him we are both home schooled YAY but as i said i am VERY SHY help
Boy Problem I like this girl on Qfeast, she's 13 and she's cute and she's funny and she's just....awesome! But she likes another guy. Should I give up and just be friends, or should I make a move?
whats your fave tv show whats your fave tv show
do you like sports or are you a technology kind of person? (im obviously a technology person)
How can you post videos on qfeast?
Whos your all time favorite creepypasta? Just wanting to know { you: well ok then! }
What do you think about history? I like learning things from the past, do you? Answer this question!
i dont know what to do right now a poll or story and page please give suggestions
Do you want me to make this? PLEASE ANSWER!!! Should I make a story about one of my dreams? It is an adventure story about me, a dream-created best friend, and some girl we find. I do not know where I am going from, or why. I am name it Dreamer!
What do you think Luna's Boggart is? I think it might be something like her friends abandoning her. Eternal loneliness. Or maybe it's finding out that Nargles, Crumple-Horned Snorkacks & Wrackspurts aren't real. :P
Are you on mid-term this week? I know some people are on mid-term this week (me included ;) ), so are you? :D
Does anyone here like TVD?Or should I say Klaroline? I just want to know if someone happens to like vampire diaries.Well I'm tired of Elena Trouble but I luuv Caroline and The Original Hybrid Klaus.So do you?
white chocolate or milk chocolate Which one do you like white or milk
i know my grades have gone down since we moved and i dont know what to do I moved away I study and I get 1A, a billion B , and a C
Have you read The Giver? I read The Giver a few days ago and I really liked it. So, I'm wondering if anyone else read it?
I'm writing a story and I'm stuck on a name any suggestions? Ok so it's about a girl who's hiding a secret and is getting severly bullied so she runs away. RanbowDashMage suggests Mysterious Secrets or A Shadow In the Past. Which do you think
I know you have heard it before but which can first chicken egg or something else Explain why you think that and PLEASE no random answers like cupcakes or pie.
JK rowling has said that ron and hermoine are not a gd couple.Wat do u thnk r harry and hermoine gd or ron or hermoine? Jk rowling has said that harry must have married hermoine. What do u thnk. Are ron and hermoine a gd couple or harry and hermoine
boy problems(girls only) Please help me!! My ex bf want to get back together I don't know his the ons who asked me out,then we broke up a month after and now he saying we broke up because he heard me saying I was going to break up with him!
Boy Trouble! Help! ok, so there's this boy i have a crush on. and he told me he liked me! so now we like each other.... the problem is, what do i do now? it'll be really awkward from now on when ever we're hanging out together. i'm to young to be dating, so there isn't really a "next step". please give me some advice!
did anyone like their valentines day gifts? so i got tickets to see bruno mars for valentines day and i love him so yay. but what did you get and did you like it
Me and my best friend are into different things. It sometimes gets in the way. What should I do?
How many pieces of wood were chucked? Read description for help. How many woodchucks would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck were to chuck woodchucks at a woodchuck named chuck while the woodchuck named chuck chucked woodchucks at a group of woodchucks all named chuck while the group of chucking woodchucks at a guy named chuck who chucked woodchucks at the woodchuck who started the chucking of woodchucks.
What kind of tea is hard to swallow?
What are the main reasons for teen suicide right now?
Did anyone else cry when you saw the Good luck Charlie finale. :( I cried because I love the show.
Has anybody else read Flora and Ulysses? It is so good if you haven't you got to try it!
What does "Kawaii" mean? I'm wondering what "Kawaii" means because it was in My Immortal & UltimateBrendan is saying if you could help me, that'd be awesome! :D
When was Qfeast created? I just was wondering when Qfeast was created. Does anyone know? :D
Would you read this book? Would you read this book? So basically i am planning to write a book and i have done a timeline and a plot over the last week and everything, i won't tell you the whole plot though because obviously i don't want anyone to steal my ideas (I'm not saying any of you's would but the internet is a big place :-)). So anyway I've made up a blurb: When 12 year old Lucy has a dream about a small 1800's street called Anchor street everything starts to change. At first it seems just like a lucid dream but then it starts to all unravel about the mystery of this place. From missing children, shadows and untold mysteries this book will most definitely chill you to the last word you'll read. If you're not sure what a lucid dream is click one of these links (don't worry they're safe): It's actually based on a dream i had a couple of years back (i know a long time ago lol) because i naturally have lucid dreams, so anyway please tell me what you think of it :-)
Favorite animal! What is your favorite animal(s) and why do you like them? Answer now.
What would you do if someone told you they like you?
What is your favorite Social Networking site?
What website or app do you use to draw online? I sorta want to start drawing my pictures for contests online sometimes, so I'm wondering what websites or apps you guys use to make yours! I see a lot of good online art, so, yeah! :)
How do you make does keep calm and...? I see people make them all the time gut I don't know how to make them.
How do you delete a page? I dont know how to delete a page on please???
What are your feelings about Valentines day? Do you guys like the holiday or not.
What is the hall of fame? I know it's a dumb question but I just want to know what to know what it is.
How many squares are there on a chess board?(Careful, this is a trick question) A little riddle my dad gave me
Read details for my question! My question is what are some popular songs? I don't mean stupid and silly songs like What Does The Fox Say. I mean regular songs that are great. Any type of song other than slow songs will do. Thanks!
how did i sprained my anckle? I sprained my anckle and I don't know how I think it because of kicking something
I have a friend, should I publish her story on qfeast? I don't know if she wants me to or not, but she hates this story and I love it. It is REALLY long.
what is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
what is your favorite book of all time?
Who is this a copy of? (1)
Who is this a copy of?
What is your Flappy Bird high score? What is your Flappy Bird high score? Mine is nine. :)
What should I do with my life? I am so heart broken now because my dad died last week in a car accident and he meant everything to me:(( I wish I could have him back. I am so sad. What do you think I should do now?! What am I going to do with my life??!? How am I going to be happy now??!??!!!! Please help me I haven't really stopped crying except when I fell asleep or took a shower to calm myself down. My heart is heavy and shattered and my eyes sting and I feel like crap.:((
Are these good games? Chain Reaction ex: Celestine to UltimateBrendan: Celest_Stories got me addicted to Hetalia. UltimateBrendan to News_Reporter: Celestine got me addicted to Hetalia. and so forth... How to ruin the chain with the Why game: Celestine to UltimateBrendan: Celest_Stories got me addicted to Hetalia. UltimateBrendan to Celest_Stories: why did you get Celestine addicted to Hetalia? Celest_Stories to UltimateBrendan: (I have no clue what she would say)
What is your reason for living Random question ~ Mine is for the music I play
What do you think of Sonic Boom? Hi Everyone! So I just watched the trailers of both the T.V. series and the game of Sonic Boom, thanks to ShadowsWifey giving me the link to the show. I just want to know how all the rest of you think about them. I, for one, am pretty excited and can't wait, and I like how all of them look, even Sonic's blue arms and Knuckles's buff body. How do you feel?
Can i have Donations On Chicken smoothie?? OK i just started playing this game chicken smoothie and i was wondering if you guys chould donate:3 my user :: RainbowDashyDragon and my instagram is f_a_i_t_h_y
What's the best quality in a person, for a friend What are some good qualities you look for in a friend?
does he like me? (boys help me) :( right, so theres this boy i like, and we are really good friends, and i mean REALLY good friends, we (and his best friend who i kind of like too) talk to each other everyday at school and then at home on the xbox. we get along really well, but me and his best friend were talking the other day and apparently he doesn't want to get into a relationship with anyone yet because he thinks relationships are too difficult? but i think he might like me because he gives me a cute smile all the time, and again, we talk all the time and i just wish i could know if he likes me :( do you think he does? be honest? but i don't want to tell him how i feel incase that ruins our friendship :( its so confusing but does anyone know roughly the answer to this? and boys, do you know what he's thinking? HELP ME, i fancy him so much and have done for ages :( ……
What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen? Once I saw a pair of trainers stuck on top of some phone wires. I've also seen a pair of pants duct taped to a lampost
how long did selena gomez and justin bieber dated? My friend ask me this I looked on google it did not show
What Subjects Would You Take At Hogwarts? If you went to Hogwarts, which of the subjects would you take? :D (Back when Time-Turners were available! ;) )
I can't believe she ditched me! She this friend of mine. She is hanging out with popular girls that have been making fun of us since kindergarten, and we are in 6th grade!! What should I do? Give me your best advice.
Did Umaga the wrestler die because he had a heart-a-tack i was wondering if he died of that because I like him but do not know what he died of and i don't realy trust wikiapiedia
Friend's Party or Gymnastics? So this Saturday I have this gymnastics test and I love gymnastics a lot but at the same time it's my best friend's Valentine's Day party. I don't know what to do so I'm relying on you guys to help.
not saying I am but if I where to start a personal paintball league would you join? I was just thinking about it and I thought it would be fun I wanted to see if other people would back me up
what color do you think best describes you? do youthink you are a color well wich one do you think you are most like