What is your least favorite Harry Potter book? And what is your favorite book and why? I am just curious on what people will say? The more to your answer the better:D thanks!
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Least Favourite: Prisoner of Azkaban. No Voldemort.
Favourite: Order of the Phoenix. Long :D
Favourite: Order of the Phoenix. Long :D

LOL :D Voldemort isn't in Half-Blood Prince either, which makes it a small bit better! :P Half-Blood Prince is also awesome because Draco is in it more...but still not enough...
on March 01, 2014

Lol thats pretty funny. Order of the Phoenix is long and almost tedious to read but it keeps me going back for more lol
on March 01, 2014
on March 01, 2014
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I HAVE NO LEAST FAVOURITE BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL INCREDIBLE!!!! But Half-Blood Prince HAS to be my favourite. I really, really love Deathly Hallows & Goblet of Fire too, though! :D And then Philosopher's Stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban & Order of the Phoenix!! :D :D :D
on March 01, 2014