What is your favorite video game of all time? Hi guys! I'm bored, can you tell? I guess you can because of me asking a question like this. But yeah, what's your favorite video game of all time? For me, its Sonic Heroes. "Sonic heroes, sonic heroes, bind you, confine you defying your rein! Sonic heroes, sonic heroes, setting a stage for a heroes parade!" ahh, I love that game.
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on June 23, 2015
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umm pokemon heart gold and soul silver, and megaman x!

on July 28, 2014
on July 25, 2014
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i don't know which, but it's either Sonic & SEGA All Stars Racing(Wii) or Sonic Colors(Wii) or Shadow The Hedgehog
on May 14, 2014
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For me, it's every Sonic game I currently have. And I have a LOT! It would take me ages to name them!
on May 08, 2014
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Sonic generations, Pokémon X, and Sonic and the Black Night.

I kinda beat X in two days up to the Elite four cos then i stopped playing for a while
on April 21, 2014

on March 01, 2014

I love Sonic generations also, and I own Sonic and the Black Knight and think its awesome. I never played Pokemon X though.
on March 01, 2014
on March 01, 2014
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I don't really have a favoriet, I like most of what I play, I can tell you my favorite song the ending to Sonic adventure battle 2, and sonic heroes is when your at the
on February 28, 2014
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Love Sonic Heros but my game disc is destroyed so I would have to say Dragon Ball Z Budaki 3 or Ratchet and Clank Going Commando.
on February 28, 2014