SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to Jack Skellington x Reader: What was Lost, Has been Found
Chapter 10
You took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, steeling your nerves as you stood in front of the mayors house. You know you had met him before, but it was such a brief meeting that it was really like you hadn't met him at all. It would be your official introduction to the mayor, the man who would be building your very own house in the dark land of Halloween town and a bad impression could very well make him say 'I change my mind, I want her gone.'
No pressure!
You feel Jacks hand on your ... Read Full Chapter
No pressure!
You feel Jacks hand on your ... Read Full Chapter
on October 16, 2018

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to Jack Skellington x Reader: What was Lost, Has been Found
Chapter 9
After breakfast, you and Jack got ready for the day. You took a very needed shower (it was a little unnerving watching the pink tinted water swirl into the drain from all the dried blood) and redressed yourself into your outfit. Looking at yourself in the mirror was... strange. You looked strange, though it wasn't to bad since everyone in this town was strange in their own way. You were unique like everyone else. The thought made you smile.
Your skin was a dull shade of (F/C) and your eyes w... Read Full Chapter
Your skin was a dull shade of (F/C) and your eyes w... Read Full Chapter
on October 16, 2018

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to Jack Skellington x Reader: What was Lost, Has been Found
Chapter 8
The new day started with Zero hopping onto your chest and scratching at your blanket to get it off of you. You giggled and pet his head, making him bark and lick your face.
"Hey boy! Glad to see you're not entirely lazy."
You scratch under his chin, and he lets out a little bark. Jack comes in soon after, smiling wide at the sight.
"Here's some clothes Sally lent you, and I made some breakfast so come down after you're done changing!" He sets the clothes by your old ones and picks up Zero,... Read Full Chapter
"Hey boy! Glad to see you're not entirely lazy."
You scratch under his chin, and he lets out a little bark. Jack comes in soon after, smiling wide at the sight.
"Here's some clothes Sally lent you, and I made some breakfast so come down after you're done changing!" He sets the clothes by your old ones and picks up Zero,... Read Full Chapter
on October 16, 2018

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to Jack Skellington x Reader: What was Lost, Has been Found
Chapter 7
Jack and Sally nervously looked to each other, then at you, then in different directions.
"I think," Jack cleared his throat, "that it would be best if you regained some of your memories before knowing such information."
Wiping some tears away from your cheeks, you nod slowly and look to the ground. It was the best decision, after all you already have learned so much, adding more just seemed to be too overwhelming.
"I-I understand."
Jack smiled sadly and looked to Sally, nodding to her an... Read Full Chapter
"I think," Jack cleared his throat, "that it would be best if you regained some of your memories before knowing such information."
Wiping some tears away from your cheeks, you nod slowly and look to the ground. It was the best decision, after all you already have learned so much, adding more just seemed to be too overwhelming.
"I-I understand."
Jack smiled sadly and looked to Sally, nodding to her an... Read Full Chapter
on October 16, 2018

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to Jack Skellington x Reader: What was Lost, Has been Found
Chapter 6
"Thank you."
Turning around, you find Sally staring at you with a wide smile across her face. You blush a little at the recognition.
"It was no problem, really."
"Well to me it was everything."
She walks over to you and hugs you tightly, whispering "how can I repay you for saving me?"
You were about to tell her that it really was no problem and how you did not require any repayment, but your mind replayed the looks on Sally and Jacks faces at the mention of your past, and you knew that s... Read Full Chapter
Turning around, you find Sally staring at you with a wide smile across her face. You blush a little at the recognition.
"It was no problem, really."
"Well to me it was everything."
She walks over to you and hugs you tightly, whispering "how can I repay you for saving me?"
You were about to tell her that it really was no problem and how you did not require any repayment, but your mind replayed the looks on Sally and Jacks faces at the mention of your past, and you knew that s... Read Full Chapter
on October 16, 2018

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to Jack Skellington x Reader: What was Lost, Has been Found
Chapter 5
The tall skeleton caught the attention of the ragdoll, dragging you over to her location as she looks at you two in shock.
"Sally, look who I found in the forest! Her name is (Y/N), and I know you two will be very good friends!" He looks at you two with a big grin on his face, eye sockets filled with joy and hope.
You grin wide yourself as you stick your hand out to Sally. "Hello Sally, it is a pleasure to meet you!"
She smiles back, "Same. I assume you knew Jack before... arrivi... Read Full Chapter
The tall skeleton caught the attention of the ragdoll, dragging you over to her location as she looks at you two in shock.
"Sally, look who I found in the forest! Her name is (Y/N), and I know you two will be very good friends!" He looks at you two with a big grin on his face, eye sockets filled with joy and hope.
You grin wide yourself as you stick your hand out to Sally. "Hello Sally, it is a pleasure to meet you!"
She smiles back, "Same. I assume you knew Jack before... arrivi... Read Full Chapter
on October 16, 2018

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to Jack Skellington x Reader: What was Lost, Has been Found
Chapter 4
As you walk through the gates you begin to sweat. You haven't had social interaction since as far as you can remember... which isn't very much, but still.
Instantly all those thoughts scampered away as you saw the town square in its entirety. Gasping at the sight you step into the center and twirl around to see it all. It was absolutely breathtaking.
The buildings stood tall and crooked, the pumpkin shaped sun lighting the buildings in such a way that gave them an eerie aura. The fountain i... Read Full Chapter
Instantly all those thoughts scampered away as you saw the town square in its entirety. Gasping at the sight you step into the center and twirl around to see it all. It was absolutely breathtaking.
The buildings stood tall and crooked, the pumpkin shaped sun lighting the buildings in such a way that gave them an eerie aura. The fountain i... Read Full Chapter
on October 16, 2018

Hey, it’s uh, been awhile huh? If you’re still on here I’d love to just talk and catch up after all these years, if you still remember me.

on May 25, 2018
on May 22, 2018

For @Fox_Glove_Fighter11

on May 22, 2018

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to The Great... Sans? (Underswap! Sans X Reader)
Story Time
I only remember about three timelines, and I think the first timeline was my favorite.
It started the same way this timeline did. You fell down that gaping hole and met Asgore, spared him, and continued on to Snowdin. Then you met me, laughed at my buzzer trick, and continued on to see me and Sans argue.
You completed all of Sans' puzzles, battled and spared him, took him out on a date, got together with him, continued on to the Waterfall and so on.
Eventually you had freed us all, and had... Read Full Chapter
It started the same way this timeline did. You fell down that gaping hole and met Asgore, spared him, and continued on to Snowdin. Then you met me, laughed at my buzzer trick, and continued on to see me and Sans argue.
You completed all of Sans' puzzles, battled and spared him, took him out on a date, got together with him, continued on to the Waterfall and so on.
Eventually you had freed us all, and had... Read Full Chapter
on June 16, 2016

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to The Great... Sans? (Underswap! Sans X Reader)
Let's Clear up some Things
You fell to the ground after everything had stopped melting, curling into a ball and sobbing your heart out.
You knew Papyrus had managed to teleport you two to safety, but that didn't matter as long as it meant that Sans, no, that MONSTER controlling Sans was still out and about.
After you had calmed yourself down you sat up, wiping what you tears you could away with your soaked hoodie sweater. Looking around you realized you were in the waterfall, with a bench not to far away which Papyru... Read Full Chapter
You knew Papyrus had managed to teleport you two to safety, but that didn't matter as long as it meant that Sans, no, that MONSTER controlling Sans was still out and about.
After you had calmed yourself down you sat up, wiping what you tears you could away with your soaked hoodie sweater. Looking around you realized you were in the waterfall, with a bench not to far away which Papyru... Read Full Chapter
on June 16, 2016

Cam I be a student?
on May 23, 2016

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to The Great... Sans? (Underswap! Sans X Reader)

This is Not a Nightmare... This is Real.
Once you had calmed yourself down, you quickly rush up the stairs. Stopping in front of a door with tape reading 'keep out!', which you instantly knew was Sans', you sucked in a breath and quietly opened the door, peeking inside.
Letting out a shaky breath, you relax slightly seeing the lump on a race car bed. Closing the door silently, you make your trek back downstairs. You sit down on the couch and let out a breathless laugh. It was just a dream, Sans is fine, everything is fine.
Suddenl... Read Full Chapter
Letting out a shaky breath, you relax slightly seeing the lump on a race car bed. Closing the door silently, you make your trek back downstairs. You sit down on the couch and let out a breathless laugh. It was just a dream, Sans is fine, everything is fine.
Suddenl... Read Full Chapter
on May 22, 2016

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to The Great... Sans? (Underswap! Sans X Reader)
You start to sweat nervously as Sans stood across from you, posing with the confidence you certainly did not have.
"S-Sans, look, I would like nothing more than to battle you, (even though you'll probably kill me), but we have to go! I dont think we have the ti-"
You were cut off by Sans, "nonsense (y/n)! we have plenty of time! in fact, after this battle, i'll make you some of my legendary tacos! we can start our adventure tomorrow!"
He throws a bone at you, which you quickly dodged, and ... Read Full Chapter
"S-Sans, look, I would like nothing more than to battle you, (even though you'll probably kill me), but we have to go! I dont think we have the ti-"
You were cut off by Sans, "nonsense (y/n)! we have plenty of time! in fact, after this battle, i'll make you some of my legendary tacos! we can start our adventure tomorrow!"
He throws a bone at you, which you quickly dodged, and ... Read Full Chapter
on May 22, 2016

SillyPantsJackson added a new chapter to The Great... Sans? (Underswap! Sans X Reader)
I Saw an Old Man get Hit by a Train... It Wasn't Very EnterTRAINing
(Sorry for taking so long, anyway, here's the next chapter)
You laugh your ass off at Sans' reaction, clutching your stomach and collapsing on the ground gasping for air.
It was all in good fun until Papyrus stomps up to you and grabs the front of your shirt/jacket.
You stop laughing and look to Papyrus, who looked completely pissed.
"U-um, w-what do you m-mean?"
He jerks your body to face Sans, who was now crying.... Read Full Chapter
You laugh your ass off at Sans' reaction, clutching your stomach and collapsing on the ground gasping for air.
It was all in good fun until Papyrus stomps up to you and grabs the front of your shirt/jacket.
You stop laughing and look to Papyrus, who looked completely pissed.
"U-um, w-what do you m-mean?"
He jerks your body to face Sans, who was now crying.... Read Full Chapter
on May 22, 2016