This is Not a Nightmare... This is Real.

Letting out a shaky breath, you relax slightly seeing the lump on a race car bed. Closing the door silently, you make your trek back downstairs. You sit down on the couch and let out a breathless laugh. It was just a dream, Sans is fine, everything is fine.
Suddenly the front door opens and slams shut, and you turn around to find Papyrus holding the door shut with a frightened expression.
Nodding, you head upstairs quickly to wake Sans,but not really knowing why. You decided you would ask later.
Opening his door and making his way over to his bed, you quietly called out his name.
No response.
"Sans, you need to wake up now."
Still no response.
Worried, you raise your voice and slightly shake the lump under the covers.
"Sans, wake up."
The blankets shift slightly, revealing a pillow.
That's not Sans.
You run out of the room and toward Papyrus, with tears beginning to stream down your face. "H-he's not th-there!"
Papyrus looks at you, his eye sockets growing dark and his face emotionless. He suddenly grabs you and holds you close.
You do as he says and wrap your arms tightly around his waist, seeing the world around you begin to melt into nothingness. You close your eyes in fear and bury your face into his sweater, feeling yourself float and squeeze and press until you felt like you would throw up.
You slowly unwrap your arms from around his waist and remove your face from his sweater, looking around and seeing that you were no longer inside the house, but outside near a river. A little farther ahead you see two silhouettes in the fog, but you didn't know who they were.
Nodding, you walk behind him and hug your arms to yourself. You hoped that Sans was okay, you hoped everything would turn back to normal, and you hoped this would all clear up.
As you got closer and closer, you could see the silhouettes clearer and clearer, and the blob-like shadows soon morphed into distinguishable figures. And they were Sans,
And the human from your nightmare.
Your form begins to shake with fear and tears pricked the corners of your eyes. Sans was in great trouble, and the sinking feeling in your chest told you that this wasn't going to end well.
You tug harshly on Papyrus' sweater and say, "You have to save Sans. That human is no good."
He only nods.
Up ahead you hear Sans' voice, "human! i appreciate you caring enough to want to fight me, but can we please not do this at three in the morning?"
You begin to walk faster, and you start to run. Your vocal chords wont work no matter how hard you try, and no matter how fast you run you don't get anywhere. Papyrus was in the same state. It was as if something was holding you back.
Like in your dream.
The human walks closer to Sans, making him look uncomfortable. "human, i do not like this type of confrontation. perhaps later we can have a more appropriate battle!"
But the human does not stop approaching Sans, and the closer they get, the more Sans seems to shrink. And you pushed with all your might, screamed as loud as you could, but you could no stop that knife from raising above their head.
And the humans head turned toward you, showing you their blood red eyes and malicious smirk.
A face all to familiar.
You shut your eyes and listen to Sans' screams of terror, unable to do anything in your power to save him. Soon everything is silent and the only thing that can be heard is your sobs and Papyrus' deep breaths.
Maniacal laughter joins the mix.
In front of you is Sans, but not Sans. The precious blueberry stares at the two of you with blood red pupils and an insane smile, twitching uncontrollably and spasming painfully, like his body is trying to reject the demon like the immune system with a virus.
"HaHAhaHahA, YoU SuPID, IgNOrAnT, FoOL! YOu kNeW ThIS waS tO HapPEn, aNd yOu LEt iT!" Sans' voice croaked out, raspy and deep.
Through your sobs you yell, "You m-monster! Leave S-Sans alone!"
Sans' head twitches and changes expressions quickly, from insanity to horror in a matter of seconds. Tears begin to stream down his face unintentionally.
"oH, bUT tHiS iS MUch mORe InTErEstinG!"
Sans then raises his hand, and a gigantic, horrifying skull appears behind him, and it fires.
And everything begins to melt.
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(Chapter 8)
Cliff hanger... :(