I can do imitations of cartoon characters well. But no accents.
on March 20, 2015

Anyone remember miffy and friends XD. Now that I look at it miffy is terrifying
on March 19, 2015

Dear Scott Cawthon,
What is mangles gender? I'm pretty confused. I have seen vids but I would like to know
A fan girl :3
What is mangles gender? I'm pretty confused. I have seen vids but I would like to know
A fan girl :3
on March 19, 2015

Dear Tris,
I don't really like you that much. Let me put this in the best way possible.... You're very boring
A disappointed reader :(
I don't really like you that much. Let me put this in the best way possible.... You're very boring
A disappointed reader :(
on March 19, 2015
on March 19, 2015
on March 19, 2015

The white man said, "Colored people are not allowed here." The black man turned around and stood up. He then said: "Listen sir...when I was born I was BLACK, When I grew up I was BLACK, When I'm sick I'm BLACK, When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, When I'm cold I'm BLACK, When I die I'll be BLACK. But you sir, When you're born you're PINK, When you grow up you're WHITE, When you're sick, you're GREEN, When you go in the sun you turn RED, When you're cold you turn BLUE, And when you See More die you turn PURPLE. And you have the nerve to call me colored?" The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away
Repost if you HATE Racism~~
Repost if you HATE Racism~~
on March 07, 2015

Hi :3
on March 07, 2015
on March 07, 2015

Well when I was 4 I went to chuck e cheese. The animatronics scare me to this day. Thanks fnaf!
on March 06, 2015

Omg I just heard this morning about @gothicskittlescupcake and @mockingjay52 are together *squeals* /)•D•/)
on March 06, 2015
on March 06, 2015

No but I have seen clear spiders and a blue cape floating quickly in the small space in my shower curtains. These are oviously illusions but I just wanted to share them XD
on February 14, 2015

I hate the mother fu!king puppet master that controls everything that happens to me. NOT GOD I love God. But the individual that controls my life is breaking me apart. So he/she can go f^ck themselves
on February 14, 2015

What people think of me: That stereotypical smart, shy girl. and some think i am a creepy insane girl....
Whats wrong with me:
anger issues
Hate myself
quiet See More
draws to much in class
Depressed and is not even 13
But human <3
Whats wrong with me:
anger issues
Hate myself
quiet See More
draws to much in class
Depressed and is not even 13
But human <3
on December 09, 2016
on February 12, 2015

Robots with own thoughts and emotions: Okay were pretty close and i can't wait ASDFGHJKL
Clones: I don't want a clone of myself i am a F*cked up person. Also we would loose everything that made us interesting
A cure for cancer: That won't happen soon unless some crazy outbreak in science
Cures for mental disorders: No. This won't happen. no matter how hard you try you can't change a persons mental state. yeah therapy but that doesn't cure you. So yeah
Clones: I don't want a clone of myself i am a F*cked up person. Also we would loose everything that made us interesting
A cure for cancer: That won't happen soon unless some crazy outbreak in science
Cures for mental disorders: No. This won't happen. no matter how hard you try you can't change a persons mental state. yeah therapy but that doesn't cure you. So yeah
on February 09, 2015

G~ Geek
R~ reate
E~ Enraged
T~ Tall
C~ CRAZY ( not the funny crazy Owo )
H~ Hiding
E~ Evil >:3 ( in a fun way) See More
N~ Not social o3o
R~ reate
E~ Enraged
T~ Tall
C~ CRAZY ( not the funny crazy Owo )
H~ Hiding
E~ Evil >:3 ( in a fun way) See More
N~ Not social o3o
on February 09, 2015

Song: The nightmare has just begun
I heard: The night has just begun
Btw its from monster. I love dat song so much X3
I heard: The night has just begun
Btw its from monster. I love dat song so much X3
on January 31, 2015

When i do something bad to another person. mostly to my friends. I lash out my anger on them. I hate myself for it and i can't control it :(

on January 31, 2015
on January 31, 2015