Of the Future
This is a page for all things future! Post pictures, drawings, debate, predict. What do you think the future will be like?
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item


on February 09, 2015

on February 09, 2015
on February 09, 2015

Living on the moon and on mars 8D
on February 09, 2015

Robots with own thoughts and emotions: Okay were pretty close and i can't wait ASDFGHJKL
Clones: I don't want a clone of myself i am a F*cked up person. Also we would loose everything that made us interesting
A cure for cancer: That won't happen soon unless some crazy outbreak in science
Cures for mental disorders: No. This won't happen. no matter how hard you try you can't change a persons mental state. yeah therapy but that doesn't cure you. So yeah
Clones: I don't want a clone of myself i am a F*cked up person. Also we would loose everything that made us interesting
A cure for cancer: That won't happen soon unless some crazy outbreak in science
Cures for mental disorders: No. This won't happen. no matter how hard you try you can't change a persons mental state. yeah therapy but that doesn't cure you. So yeah
on February 09, 2015

See with me I don't really want tech to go that far coz if it does it's ganna be world war 3 at least that's what i think
on February 08, 2015

on February 08, 2015

Future or Past? Which one do you like best?
on February 08, 2015


Not of people,but clones have been created, there have been cloned dogs sheep and such, look up Dolly the sheep
on February 08, 2015
on February 08, 2015

on February 08, 2015

on February 08, 2015

Microsoft just came out with the first hologram computer!
on February 08, 2015

Drones have already been invented, they're just not out for public use yet!
on February 08, 2015

on February 08, 2015

I think we'll have flying cars. What do you think?
on February 08, 2015