Steven Universe - Here Comes a Thought (Remix feat. Jenny & Tofuku) by VideoGameRemixes - Listen to music
Out on iTunes and Spotify SOON :)
Mastered by https://soundcloud.com/djroborob
Follow the vocalists!
Jenny: https://soundcloud.com/xunreachablee
Tofuku: https://soundcloud.com/tofuku
on September 19, 2016

on September 01, 2016

Me: *cutting through iron in welding class**hot molten metal bits fly off and hit part of face and arm* ...... *continues cutting*
Friend: are you okay?
Me: *red marks on areas that got hit* yeah im fine dont worry man
Friend: are you okay?
Me: *red marks on areas that got hit* yeah im fine dont worry man
on September 01, 2016

Someday's I wonder why people say to act normal, there is no normal on this planet
on August 28, 2016

Person in school: im gonna touch your hair
Me: *^* do it you regret it
I haaaate people that wanna touch my hair ;~;
Me: *^* do it you regret it
I haaaate people that wanna touch my hair ;~;
on August 26, 2016

Gotta go out of town for even more blood work tomorrow O~O I'm not gonna have any blood left at this rate
on August 25, 2016

~one hour of competitive moba tournament later~
When will this eeeeeend!!!!!!
When will this eeeeeend!!!!!!
on August 23, 2016

What are all these cuts on my damn hands!? Am i really that careless around my environment? ;-;
on August 23, 2016

~TBH: Hehe, what can I ever say about you? I mean, we've been through thick and thin together for the past 1 and a half years and it's been one hell of a ride. We do have our moments at times but I can never ask for a better friend than you. ^^
on July 22, 2016

*looks at you're bio* oh man I didn't think you'd use my real name XD its such an uncommon name
on June 30, 2016

on June 21, 2016

Dear future self,
Invest in temmie armor
Invest in temmie armor
on May 10, 2016