Dear future self, future wife, husband, or kid
Hey everybody this page to write to your future peers or yourself when you want to write a letter to them. So have fun.
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Dear Future Self,
Please tell me you aren’t a failure. Thanks. I expect to hear back from you if you remember this exists.
I send my regards,
Please tell me you aren’t a failure. Thanks. I expect to hear back from you if you remember this exists.
I send my regards,
on December 07, 2017

Dear crush,
I believe I could be wrong but we've known each other for a possible good 3 in a half years and I've come to develop feelings for you. Not sure you'll see this, but your beautiful and amazing I'd do anything to make you happy if only I wasn't forbidden to love someone as unique as you are.
My heart pounds and you make me smile all the time I talk to you. The great things you make are wonderful we may have a two year difference but it's not enough to tear me apart. See More I hope we can someday be together I'll await for you and yet I cower from having courage to tell you I like you just makes me scared to try.
Whether you feel for me as I do you, I'll hold on to anyway maybe if it does happen than things might be alright.
- Ani
I believe I could be wrong but we've known each other for a possible good 3 in a half years and I've come to develop feelings for you. Not sure you'll see this, but your beautiful and amazing I'd do anything to make you happy if only I wasn't forbidden to love someone as unique as you are.
My heart pounds and you make me smile all the time I talk to you. The great things you make are wonderful we may have a two year difference but it's not enough to tear me apart. See More I hope we can someday be together I'll await for you and yet I cower from having courage to tell you I like you just makes me scared to try.
Whether you feel for me as I do you, I'll hold on to anyway maybe if it does happen than things might be alright.
- Ani
on January 30, 2017

Dear future children,
I'm gonna make you watch a hell load of Disney films cuz you need to be taught them, and I'll homeschool you if I have to, cuz I won't let you go to school until you've seen them all!
I'm gonna make you watch a hell load of Disney films cuz you need to be taught them, and I'll homeschool you if I have to, cuz I won't let you go to school until you've seen them all!
on October 14, 2016

Dear Future Kid
You have my genes and my spouse's genes.. You must be the perfect child..
Welcome to the world!
You have my genes and my spouse's genes.. You must be the perfect child..
Welcome to the world!
on October 12, 2016
Dear Future kid
I don't care if your a boy, a girl, non-binary, gender fluid. I don't care if you gay/lesbian, bi, straight or pans. I just have one request don't turn out like me and make the most stupid mistake(s) of your life
I don't care if your a boy, a girl, non-binary, gender fluid. I don't care if you gay/lesbian, bi, straight or pans. I just have one request don't turn out like me and make the most stupid mistake(s) of your life
on October 11, 2016

Dear future self,
Is pie still good?
Dear future husband,
Don't listen to Meghan Trainor!
Dear future kid,
I hope you have many many friends :D
Is pie still good?
Dear future husband,
Don't listen to Meghan Trainor!
Dear future kid,
I hope you have many many friends :D
on May 11, 2016

Dear future wife,
I may not know who you are yet... Or maybe I do... But I promise that regardless I will stop at nothing to protect you and make sure you are my top priority...
I may not know who you are yet... Or maybe I do... But I promise that regardless I will stop at nothing to protect you and make sure you are my top priority...
on May 09, 2016

Dear future wife,
*blushing a lot*
Geez, just the thought of us marrying is making me blush, I promise to make you happy everyday, to comfort you and help you when needed, can't think, I'm too exited.
I love you, I love you with all my heart.
*blushing a lot*
Geez, just the thought of us marrying is making me blush, I promise to make you happy everyday, to comfort you and help you when needed, can't think, I'm too exited.
I love you, I love you with all my heart.
on May 09, 2016

on May 09, 2016

Dear future me:
i hope yo're doing great in life and better then what you are now
i hope you've stopped what you were doing and never doing it again
and i hope you're looking after yourself (:
i hope yo're doing great in life and better then what you are now
i hope you've stopped what you were doing and never doing it again
and i hope you're looking after yourself (:
on May 09, 2016

Dear Future Self: I really hope you're doing a lot better in school than I am right now. Don't horribly procrastinate like you are now. Seriously. This shit needs to end.
Future Wife/Husband: Thanks for putting up with me and my stupid, indecisive ways.
Future Kid: I hope you don't grow up to be like me. That's saying a lot and kind of sad.
Future Wife/Husband: Thanks for putting up with me and my stupid, indecisive ways.
Future Kid: I hope you don't grow up to be like me. That's saying a lot and kind of sad.
on May 09, 2016

Dear future me, myself, and I
Are you still stressing over that math homework you didn't do? Or the hamsters you forgot to feed last night? Maybe even the dishes you forgot to wash?
Sincerly, past me, myself, and I
Are you still stressing over that math homework you didn't do? Or the hamsters you forgot to feed last night? Maybe even the dishes you forgot to wash?
Sincerly, past me, myself, and I

Dear past me, myself, and I
Nah, the teachers didn't ask for it. And for not doing the dishes I just got scolded, so I'm glad it didn't end up worse.
But 2 of the hamsters died though, but we still have 12 so that isn't a big issue.
Sincerly, future me, myself, and I
Nah, the teachers didn't ask for it. And for not doing the dishes I just got scolded, so I'm glad it didn't end up worse.
But 2 of the hamsters died though, but we still have 12 so that isn't a big issue.
Sincerly, future me, myself, and I
on May 08, 2016
on May 08, 2016

Dear future self,
have fun being DEAD
have fun being DEAD
on May 08, 2016

on May 08, 2016

Dear future husband /wife: never mess with the Tails doll
on May 08, 2016

Dear future children
If you get a project on fandoms I will gladly cherish you
If you get a project on fandoms I will gladly cherish you
on May 08, 2016

Dear future self,
Create a portal to your favorite fandom before i grow old and die so good luck! :3
Create a portal to your favorite fandom before i grow old and die so good luck! :3
on May 08, 2016

Dear future self...
You'll probably be lost in anime right now...
Your friends taught you well :D
You'll probably be lost in anime right now...
Your friends taught you well :D
on May 08, 2016