PagIsAwesome asked a question
If you had any WILD pet, what would it be and what would it's name be?
on October 16, 2016

I'm sorta new B) I've been on qfeast about a week.

Welcome! If someone is making this place horrible. Ask me or just call...GHOSTBUSTERS (it happens everytime when I say call)
on November 13, 2016

Welcome @PagIsAwesome! I'm @Lapis_Lazuli, but I go by Jay. Nice to be at your service!
on November 13, 2016

Welcome to qfeast
on October 24, 2016
on October 16, 2016

PagIsAwesome asked a question
How do you switch your profile pic? Mine was an accident.. It's sorta embarrassing..
on October 12, 2016

Dear Future Kid
You have my genes and my spouse's genes.. You must be the perfect child..
Welcome to the world!
You have my genes and my spouse's genes.. You must be the perfect child..
Welcome to the world!
on October 12, 2016

Blehh, terrible.. I'll start by saying I have no favorite animal and my favorite pet is.. Gerbils or rats or cats.
on October 11, 2016

PagIsAwesome asked a question

Hi, so I am considering the following pets, which one do you think is the best? Pros an...
on October 11, 2016

PagIsAwesome asked a question
Do you have a pet? What is his/her name? What is your pet's name? What animal is it? Wh...
on October 10, 2016

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What random thing are you?
on October 10, 2016