*eats tamale* 0_0 HUUUUAAAAAAAAHH*runs and gets water*
Mom: oops.... Maybe I put too much chili in that.....
Me: No shut *tongue thoroughly burned* Tastes gud do
Mom: oops.... Maybe I put too much chili in that.....
Me: No shut *tongue thoroughly burned* Tastes gud do
on July 25, 2015

*blocks person* waaaaay to many issues ._.

on July 25, 2015
on July 25, 2015

Markiplier: first nights usual not that bad*Chica jumpscare* AH F*CK!!!!*nearly falls out of chair*
Well I just laughed my ass off :3
Well I just laughed my ass off :3
on July 24, 2015

on July 23, 2015

*reading webcomic* .//////. Well that's a subtle way to grab someones attention without even speaking
on July 22, 2015

My bday is coming up in two months ._.
on July 22, 2015

I'm nibbling on a carrot ._.

So you're a chubbs too? I'm hitting the gym. I'm tired of getting yelled at for my size....(Though I don't mind at all.)
So you're a chubbs too? I'm hitting the gym. I'm tired of getting yelled at for my size....(Though I don't mind at all.)
on July 22, 2015

Damn donuts are tempting XD tryina lose weight here not gain and add to my high blood pressure! XD
on July 22, 2015
on July 22, 2015

My dragon OC neo is only the same size as other sonic characters because she has dwarfism XD in any other place or fandom shes normal and is only a bit shorter than her mother who is 8ft tall
on July 21, 2015

That moment..... When you send the something to the wrong person and panic XD

Happens all the time.
I accidentally sent this video below to my mother, meaning to send it to my cousin.
I accidentally sent this video below to my mother, meaning to send it to my cousin.
on July 20, 2015
on July 20, 2015

Just an odd question, how many of you have been properly educated about world history ._.
on July 20, 2015

Friend:*getting yelled at* Oh its because I'm black huh*joking*
Me: Don't joke around about that -_-, if you were living in the days of Martin Luther King you REALLY wouldn't say that
Me: Don't joke around about that -_-, if you were living in the days of Martin Luther King you REALLY wouldn't say that
on July 20, 2015

on July 20, 2015