boy problems(girls only) Please help me!! My ex bf want to get back together I don't know his the ons who asked me out,then we broke up a month after and now he saying we broke up because he heard me saying I was going to break up with him!
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Well if you get back together with him just like that he isn't going to respect you make him beg for it if he cares about you he will beg for it and he wont let it go
I got to tell him today
on February 19, 2014

No problem I wish you luck
on February 19, 2014
on February 19, 2014
on February 19, 2014
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Do you want him back?
How old are you?
How old are you?

Well then don't. Don't go out just for the fun of it, if you don't like him that way don't date him

on January 26, 2015

Thanks Nightcat. I've kinda been having the same problem, except with me there's a guy that REALLY wants to go out with me, but I don't really like him that way, and I've been trying to decide what to do. What you said made sense, and helped me even though you weren't planning to. :)
on January 25, 2015
on February 19, 2014
on February 19, 2014
on February 18, 2014
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Don't fool with him he's not worth it Boys just make up lies then they just break Ur heart again If u don't mind me asking Whst grade r u in ??
on March 20, 2014
on February 18, 2014
on February 18, 2014
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Say no if he dumped you he needs to prove he is worth your time in order to get back with you
on August 29, 2015
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If you truly love him, get back together with him
It is what you decide, and you don't have to date him if you don't like him.
Hope this helps;)
It is what you decide, and you don't have to date him if you don't like him.
Hope this helps;)
on June 03, 2014
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Hey Christina. The best thing to do is, hold off. Tell him you really like him, but need some time to decide whether you want to get back together. Organize a "friend" date and see how that goes. Maybe you will find out whether or not it would be better to go out with him or stay single. What the Cat Valentine Girl said (not the one that has real at the end) is wrong. So? Why's he gotta be cute? If he has a good heart and you like him, go for it! He could have glasses, freckles, See More and braces and d/mn, if I liked him, we would go out!!
on March 19, 2014
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OK I just wanted to tell you get with him if hes cute otherwise give him this email ([email protected]) and I will tell him to back off;)
on March 20, 2014
on March 12, 2014
on March 10, 2014
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Get back with him then dump his but and tell him to back off unless he's cute then stay with him
on March 20, 2014
on March 09, 2014