on March 12, 2014

I can't use my messages yet..:(

on March 11, 2014
on March 11, 2014

CatValentinereal added a question to the starred list

My crush is dating one of my best friends. Must i wait for him or go for him?
on March 10, 2014

Join this website. catvalentinevictorious.webs.com awesome website!!:D
on March 10, 2014

You can email me at [email protected] ....one time only I will delete this post in about 24 hours
on March 10, 2014

CatValentinereal added a question to the starred list

How do I get Ariana Grande to go to my birthday party?
on March 10, 2014

CatValentinereal added a question to the starred list

What do u think of Ariana's dress? Do u think this dress is hot or peppy?
on March 10, 2014

CatValentinereal added a story to the favorite list

Ariana and me (a FanFiction.net Ariana Grande fanfic)
on March 10, 2014

CatValentinereal added a story to the favorite list

Ariana Grande ~ The Way Ft . Mac Miller .
on March 10, 2014

CatValentinereal added a poll to the starred list

Which picture is Ariana the prettiest in? (Even though the real answer is ALL)
on March 10, 2014

CatValentinereal added a poll to the starred list

Do you prefer Ariana with red hair or brown hair?
on March 10, 2014

CatValentinereal added a poll to the starred list
Ariana Grande, Katy Perry, or Carly Rae Jepsen?
on March 10, 2014