What Makes A Horror Story? What in your opinion makes a horror story good and thrilling...lengthy answers please
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Find your audience and figure out what scares them the most. For me its not some crazy animal after me. Its a human hunting me. If you write a horror story make sure to add detail about everything. Especially feelings, scenery etc. Some suspense to keep people on the edge but not a lot so the climax is just right. If its really good it will keep people coming back for more.
You're welcome :D
on March 10, 2014
Thank you :D
on March 09, 2014
on March 08, 2014
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suspense good scenery detail and these characters the jock, nerd, person who everyone hates, the good girl, the bad girl *cough* hormones*cough*,and of course the killer('s).
on March 21, 2014
on March 06, 2014