What do you think of Sonic Boom? Hi Everyone! So I just watched the trailers of both the T.V. series and the game of Sonic Boom, thanks to ShadowsWifey giving me the link to the show. I just want to know how all the rest of you think about them. I, for one, am pretty excited and can't wait, and I like how all of them look, even Sonic's blue arms and Knuckles's buff body. How do you feel?
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I think that they messed with knuckles to much, he used to looke kind of like the others, but now he looks A LOT bigger than everyone else, and it's weird

Well... yes, he is a little big, but I feel you could get used to it in a short amount of time. I mean when I first saw him, I thought SEGA put him on steroids, but I learned to like it, in a short while.
on February 12, 2014
on February 12, 2014
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It's pretty good and egg man looks extremely derpy and knuckles he looks like he's on steroids but I like it and there is the kind of humour I like.
on April 21, 2016
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It's really good. But it makes Sticks seem like she's high and Knuckles acts like a Moron.
on August 05, 2015
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Ok here are the reasons why I hate it.
1. Knuckles looks like a freak
2. Sonics hair is weird
3. Amys dress and hammer were changed.
4. Wtf is sticks so crazy? Is she on steriods?
5. Eggman has changed.
6. Eggman has really stupid robots See More
7. Amy isn't in love with amy.
8. Tails now has a different plane than in sonic X
9. Tails has goggles and a belt that he cant rock.
10. Sonic isn't afraid of water.
11. The show is based on stupid things like the episode "Cow bot."
Should i continue?
1. Knuckles looks like a freak
2. Sonics hair is weird
3. Amys dress and hammer were changed.
4. Wtf is sticks so crazy? Is she on steriods?
5. Eggman has changed.
6. Eggman has really stupid robots See More
7. Amy isn't in love with amy.
8. Tails now has a different plane than in sonic X
9. Tails has goggles and a belt that he cant rock.
10. Sonic isn't afraid of water.
11. The show is based on stupid things like the episode "Cow bot."
Should i continue?
on June 23, 2015
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it's awesome!!!! i saw the trailer and the first cutscene, it's soooo funny!!!! and you can play sonic, knuckles, tails, and amy at the same time!! amy turned ninja like, sonic's legs are longer and has a brown scarf, tails has pilot glasses (SEGA even gave him a new airplane with 2 seats in the front), knuckles got fingers and got taller than sonic, and eggman got a little skinny and super mean and has new pilot clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shadow: breathe
on May 14, 2014
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To be honest I really don't like the idea of it. I don't like Knuckles new design or Shadow's. I hate characters that get re-designed. Although if you or anyone likes it then fine with me. Haters gonna hate. I also saw how fast they are now and that makes Sonic less special.

Yeah, the re-designing was not my idea of a good game, but I'm fine with it. And though everyone has Sonic's speed, he still has some special traits that only he has. But, thanks for your opinion, I never thought of that last part before.
on March 01, 2014
on March 01, 2014
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Knuckles looks horrible with his big, bulging body on steroids. Amy looks wired with her new personality and clothes. Tails is mostly the same, I like the clothes he wears. For Sonic, I don't like his arms, his clothes are wired. SEGA, I don't like this so far. I like the the show trailer, because of the voice actors, the humor, and the artwork. Eggman's alright. The video game looks fine even though I won't be able to play it, and I like the graphics. Kinda. Well that's my opinion See More anyway.
on February 24, 2014
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hmmm....I'm not sure...But im a fan of all things sonic so im willing to give it a try! *thumbs up*
on February 12, 2014
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I like sonic,amy,tails,and shadows re-designs but i dont like how knuckles re-design and i think its strange that sonics arms are blue arent they suppose to be peach and i cant wait for the sonic boom tv series and the game im gonna get the game for 3ds because i have a red and black 2ds
on April 22, 2014