Questions Sitemap - Page 54

Questions Sitemap - Page 54. Browse Questions on Qfeast

What do you think about time? I know it is rlly weird, but just tell meh what you think about it. To me the day goes to fast. Anyway enjoy! xD
What comes up when you search up your Qfeast username? Type your Qfeast username, then go to google image,last tell me what you see. (I suck at grammar)
What is your favorite holiday song? for any holiday) the question says it all. more words? more? alrightio, uhhh, ninja space cats!
Who would you be if you were a pokemon!? If I was a pokemon I would be Dedenne (fairy/electric)
What's your favourite kind of food?
What's your favourite color? What color do you like red,pink,purple,blue,black etc.
What Is Your Favorite Christmas Song? What is your favorite Christmas song? Mine is If You Just Believe by Josh Groban. Check it out!
Why don't people love Justin Bieber? I'm just wonder. Why people hate him so much? What he had done to you? Is he kill your wife or husband? Is he kill your family? And you know what, stop calling him gay because he's not gay. He likes Beyonce and he had sex with Selena. Just stop hate him because he's human like us too.
who are some famous people you share a birthday with? for me personally some of the celebrities i share a birthday with are: Molly grey: from teen beach movie two (giggles is her name in the movie) Meg Deabgles: a famous youtuber i love to watch and Zera Phillips: royalty (of england) so who do you share a birthday with?
What are some songs you would recomend? I'm just curious.I recomend B Team in Nightcore(found it a few minutes ago and I'm memerizing the song) and Miraculous,both original and alternate(from a new show that problobly nobody knows about).These are my obsessions right now.
What are some Apps to Animate Drawings? (Read Description plz) My friend has an awesome app that makes her drawings move (just to make them look around and stuff) but its only for iproducts (i have an android phone) So does anyone know any cool apps like that?
do you really know DanTDM? This is a quiz to see if you know DanTDM! And if you are DanTDM i say Hai!
What is your opinion of online dating?
Would you rather make your dream come true or someone else's dream come true?
What is your favorite candy? (1) Mine is Twix!
Have you read the Warrior series? The question is obvious, people. And i mean them all.
What do you think about the ending to Angel Beats? awesome or not
Do you have any advice? I just got invited to a party by a boy I don't know that I feel comfortable with... He said he really wants me to go but I'm not so sure. And this is the first time I've been invited to a party by a boy too, so that makes my decision even harder. Any advice?
Why havent i gotten my first period? I have been getting bad back aches and stomach cramps since august (2015), i am almost 13, have size 32 a and need a larger one, i have hips and i am fairly tall... i am older than when my mom got it and i have been getting discharge for over a year (sometimes really watery and other times gooey) when will i get my first period?
Which one? If you can make only ONE potion to be into one of your favorite fandoms and never go back to reality and stay living in your fandom as your OC if like to, what fandom would it be?
Please tell me how to get a bf?
Do you have a anime crush? I'm not alsking who :D, but I just want to know if you do
How does one kill a psychotic mantis?
What are some of your favorite words? Mine are hypocrite,sarcastic,procrastinating,psych,spam,British,Eclipse,Wolf,and a few others.
What are somethings no one would ever guess about you? I'm a graduated model,I get depressed a lot,I'm insecure,I actually want to find love but don't have any chance,Im dense when it comes to mine and others feelings towards me at times,and I've framed my sisters before and gotten away with it.I think that's it.
How Long Do You Think I Was Gone? I was gone for a while now. I want to know what you guys think. I will tell you the correct answer on December the 12th.
Have you ever dated someone that you knew only through Qfeast? If so, how did the relationship end? Are you still in the relationship? How long was your relationship?
is black even a color? Please tell me! it's been annoying me, and i don't know if it counts or not.
What would happen if...? What would happen if you met a younger/older version(either one or both)of yourself?If I met my younger self I think I'd be so annoyed.My your get self would ask 'Who's our boyfriend?' 'Am I popular?' 'Is highschool like in the movies?'.I would back in time to stop myself from talking to my younger self.
Which would you rather see, the crack of dawn or dusk? I think i would like to see both, yet another one i can't choose between.
Writing help? Ok, I reeaallyy wanna write Zelink, but I have no idea what to make the plot. Any ideas? Thx.
Do you like uniforms or no? In some schools and at work there are uniforms. Do you like them or not? Do you think they make a difference or are they unnecessary? Please accept other people's opinions.
Is Animal Jam a unisex (For boys and girls) game
What is Animal Jam?
What is your favorite color? (1) Comment your color
Do you know how to install more Giga bites into a laptop or even better a terra bite ?
How long should weekends be? The original weekend is 2 days. So two days with no school. In your opinion should the weekend be more then 2 days? The same? Or shorter? Too long weekend is not good too because we still need to lean at school but do you think 2 days is not enough? PLEASE COMMENT!
What do you think of Homework? Just wanted to know.
Is Vocaloid a anime
What's your favorite Vocaloid song or songs? My personal favorite is probably Regret Message By Kagamine Rin
Which would you rather have to eat, cake or cupcake? I can't choose which one would be better.
What is Puppet's true gender? I know animatronics don't really have a gender at all, but if Puppet did, what is it really?
is it wrong for a 14 year old to date a sixteen year old? okay so i was at the mall with my friends and she invited some guys to come along one of them is named nate and i found out he likes me but im only fourteen and he's sixteen but he wants to date me but i don't know if i should is it wrong, i think i'm NOT going to date him because he is sixteen
What is the worst cartoon u ever watched ?
What would you do in this situation? You had a dream that you ran naked around the streets and you wake up and it actually happened... Note; I would really like to know!
why are pokemon so cute? I love pokemon don't judge, I just can't figure out why they are so cute!
What is a good song for Christmas? I'm trying to make a Christmas video for my friends but I can't choose the right song. Can you tell me a very cheerful and joyful Christmas song?
Any Ideas For My Webcomic? So, if you read my most recent post, you know im looking for webcomic ideas (well, event wise). so here are the details so far, im not listing any events for sake of spoilers Title: Impure Quote: "All is Fair in Love and War" Setting: Alma, Middle Earth Story: The story follows four teenagers on a quest for peace. An ancient curse has returned to the land from a time of old, and a the land is in the midst of a terrible war, the differences between the two factions, the Kendred and Shedan, have torn the land apart. a sinister evil, unknown to our heroes, is making its way through the country of Alma, and will only continue to tear the land apart until the two factions unite against it, but how can this happen when the two are at war, it will take these four (two from either faction) to unite the two sides, and finally return peace. The names of the main character are as follows (in order introduced, along with predicted chapter. Martin Dunshire - Age 18- Male- Chapter 0 Leonardo "Leo" Wallace -Age 17- Male- Chapter 0 Linda "Lin" Baroo -Age 16- Female- Chapter 1 Noah Abash -Age 17- Male- Chapter 7/8 More information will be provided if asked for. thank you for any help :D
Have u ever felt like something is wrong but u dont know what
What is the dumbest thing you have done in life? Psshh...mine was that I tried to make a joke about The Hunger Games..don't mess with PeetaxKatniss Fans...
is your favorite color blue or red?
what is your favorite greek god and/or myth?
What Grade was the best? Kindergarten, Grade 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 which grade will you choose?
What do you think about The Harry Potter Series ? I think that the book was better that the movie...
What do you Do when there is no Wifi? No Wifi = No Life
What do you think of the Avengers? I Love Their movies!
What is the definition of ' Normal ' ? Some jerk called me a weirdo and I said 'What is the definition on a weirdo?' and he was all like ' I person who's not normal. Are you retarded or something?' and then I said 'Then give me the definition on Normal' and he was all like ' umm' so yeah .
If you could stop a world wide problem, what would it be? Terrorists, world hunger, pollution, sickness, What will it be?
What is the best Comeback for : 'Your parents never loved you!' ? just curious..
What is your Dream Job? I don't know what I wanna be yet...
What it your Fave Flavour of ice-cream/candy? Do Tell!
What are some of the most Award moments EVER? So bored
What is the Funniest Joke you Have Ever Heard? I'm bored... I Command You To Make Me Laugh!
How Do I Get Over My Fictional Crush? ;-; I have a huge crush on Makoto from Free *^* He is just so friggen fine xD I mean lookit dat picture. Anyway, i dont want to stop crushing on him but i just dont want to keep obsessing over how he should be a real guy ;~;
Why does my finger burn even though it looks fine? My finger burns every time it touches something. But I`ve looked and it looks normal! (I did burn it on some popcorn this morning.) It looks completely fine, but it still burns! Why?
What is your favorite number and do you have a reason why?
What Is Your Favorite Book? (2)
what are Katniss's children's names? please tell me it's driving me crazy!
is it wrong to like your best friends ex boyfriend? so... my best friend tynna was dating this really cute kid named jaydin and i really like him and he is really nice, sweet,funny,kind and is the coolest guy i know but one day i went up to him and was about to ask him out when tynna walked up of course i said hi and then as i was about to ask the question tynna says "did you know me and jaydin are dating" my heart sunk but i don't if i should tell her i like or not want to ask him out but i don't want to hurt her, should i tell her or not?
How do you make months fly by? Its December and I just want to pass time until spring! I mean, the holidays are fun, but they're just a couple weeks...
What is pokerus really? (Pokemon) What can pokerus do to ur pokemon. Can it kill it...? Give it more power?
Do you like swimming? Yes/No answer in desc.
Your inner beast test in desc.
What do you want for Christmas this year? (1)
How can I get my windows computer to update? I have windows 8 and it wont update to 8.1 (I'm trying to get it so that then I can update it to windows 10). I've already tried clearing the cache, rebooting it, and downloading all of my info on to a flash drive. Does anyone know any other tricks that I can try?
do you like legos?
What are your opinions on the Star Wars prequels? My favorite has to be Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Only because: "YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!"
Who Considers...? Who considers anime a cartoon? Why or why not?
what is your biggest fear? no hate or judging plz
What's Your Favorite Gum Flavor? Mine is Extra Winter Mint!
Fnaf or coke? I love fnaf and I love coke! Which one should I choose?
What's your favorite FNAF ship? What's your favorite FNAF ship? Comment down below!
If you had the talent/equipment to make videos what would they be? If you had the proper material, what videos would you make? If you actually do make these videos then you might actually become a hit!
which fitional character would u want to be real ? Which one would u want to be real ? Which one would u want to date u ? [[My pick is tavros ]]
Your opinion on Cherrrycola leaving this social media?
What's your favorite FNAF song? (:3) Please comment!
What's your favorite song? (Tell me!) What's ur favorite song? Comment down below and enjoy!
What Is You're Favorite Horror Game/ Creepypasta? Are You A Fan Of Creepy Stuff?
Best Youtuber? I have subscribed to so many Youtubers it's not EVEN funny..
What's Your Favorite Book/ book series? I am a TOTAL bookworm and I could NEVER decide! What do you think?
What is the most important invention ever made and why? is the light bulb or the car... you choose!
If u had the choice of getting any animal in the world for a pet which one would you get?
Is your family..I dunno..crazy? I mean,have they been so awkward at times and they are just like that for all eternity?I kinda don't have the experience with brothers or sisters,but I'm just curious about..people..
Boys make me act so weird >.< I act mean to my crushes because I don't want them to figure out I like them. I don't do it on purpose though. I think he thinks I hate him. What should I do? He wouldn't consider me a friend(I don't think) but he definitely wouldn't consider me an enemy because he tells me a joke and talks to me occasionally. He is in every one of my periods except 3rd and 4th period. P.S. I pretty sure he doesn't like me back but we could be friends(I think). P.P.S I'm not mean as in I call him names but mean as in I would try to knock off his binder off the table. I don't actually want it to fall over, I guess I just want him to pay attention to me me. I guess I'm pretty pathetic. It feels better writing all of this down though. I can already see how I can help myself. I do have these crushes on these 2 boys in my 1st hour. I'm not mean to them. Idk... Anyway can someone help me? If you want to talk to me in private PM me.
Does Anyone Work at Nintendo? I was just thinking: "What is each Mario character's main artwork? Any workers, comment down below.
If you wanted to be in a book,which book would that be? If you wish to be in a book,what book would you be in? (To answer my own question,I can't decide either Percy Jackson or Fablehaven.I mean to be honest, the sequel for Fablehaven is next year and Magnus Chase (I think that's how you spell it.)had came out a few months ago.ITS JUST SO HARD TO CHOOSE!)
What type of music do you love? Reply your answer
What is Your Favorite Holiday Song ? I personally like Jingle Bells =P
Is Santa real or no? You can choose! You pick! Real or no? :3
Boys or girls? Help me choose for gals and men! NO ARGUING!