Questions Sitemap - Page 50

Questions Sitemap - Page 50. Browse Questions on Qfeast

Should this be a story? I keep crying nights in terror thinking when I could show my face again. I remember that horrible time when the accident happened. Unforgivable. The accident is unforgivable for leaving my face this way. My parents don't look at me no more, they say that's best. I was born perfectly fine but it was that day, on my birthday. I was 3 years old and I remember exactly what happened that day. We were going out for some dinner but right at the last minute "BOOM! I was shot in my eye, for then I had to go to the hospital.Until this day my parents don't look at me and I have no friends to share my feelings with. The wish and hope I've been waiting for today is for the day I would get my eye back.
Chocolate or Vanilla? Which do you like better?
Who is your favorite YouTuber? (3) who is you favorite YouTuber?
What do you think Heaven looks like? Or Hell? I think Heaven wouod look like a buetiful meadow, with a nice town. In heaven you feel at peace, and its like your at a neat little town where all is at peace. Meanwhile, I think Hell looks like this: a dark place, with flames fuming out of the ground. A few stone shacks here and there, and skulls and skelotons every were with stone ground thats glowing. It has a dark and seriois feeling.
Has anyone read Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children? This book is amazing and I just want to know who read it.Plus their making a movie *squeals*Plus its directed by Tim Burton!
What Horrible Dress Code Rules Do You Have at School? Dress code sucks. What does your school do?
Who's your favorite anime character? Mine would have to be Grell, he's so funny and let's face it he's fabulous! It can be from any show.
Ok, so why is it ok when boys have their pant as down it's ok? But when it a girl, it like the end if the world to people?
Which fandoms should participate in the Fandom Games? Preferably a fandom that I at least know a little about. Thanks!
Do you like to eat fast food and why?
Do you know when Michael Jackson's birthday is?
What type of quiz do you want? So, I currently have two quizes that I'm working on that need to be edited and such but I was curious on what type of quiz you guys want? Please tell me what everyone has in mind.
Who do you think it will win the Australian election?
what is your favorite Lab Rats or Lab Rats: Elite Force episode?
how do u change ur back round? (I think something changed, its not where it was for me)
If you were a ghost, what would you do? If i was a ghost I'd scare the people i hate.
Which anime world would you want to live in? I know this isn't Lab Rats related, but I would live in Soul Eater. What about you?
What's everyone doing on spring break?
What's your top 3 favorite anime shows? Mine is Attack on Titan, Black Butler, and Ouran Highschool Host Club. What's yours?
Does this version of Nightmare Bonnie look more scary than NIghtmare Bonnie?
Does the Kid's Choice Awards seem rigged? Ever since the Kid's Choice Awards had began, Spongebob would always win the title of Best Cartoon, with the only exception being 2008. I felt really angry, considering my favorite show, Gravity Falls, was in the same category and lost. Gravity Falls is one of the only kid shows with meaning, and it lost to Spongebob, one of the shows I hate most. Is it only me, or does this seem "fishy"? Does the Kid's Choice Awards seem rigged?
Would you rather know when you will die or how you will die? This question will also make you think carefully and when you answer please comment why you picked that answer!
Would you rather have all farts be silent but EXTREMELY deadly, or all farts be harmless but EXTREMELY loud? This question will make you think and when you pick the answer please comment why you picked it so!
Hoe to stoop eating my ski n?
Finish this sentence, One small step for man, one giant leap for ___.
Do you agree with the following statement? No one should ever be bullied or hated on or hurt, no matter what. Do you agree with that statement?
Opinion on: Galactic Kids Next Door? From what I heard this is coming to us. I think that with the darker story we're used to and the characters being older, well at least Nigel is, I am personally, very excited to see what will happen since the original creator is re-uniting the old voice cast. I saw some trailers and it looks amazing.
What is the creepypasta Ben drowned? Alot have mentioned Ben drowned, and I was just like... wut? Plz tell me
What is your favorite Undertale theme or soundtrack? Mine is Metal Crusher or Megalovania
What is your favourite food and programme? You can chose a programme, film or a movie. Chose any food. Mine is mac 'n' cheese and egg. Do any of u like egg?
Who is your favorite Undertale character? My favorite Undertale character is Mettaton Neo because he looks bad ass as f*ck and also cause Mettaton in general is awesome.X3
What is your opinion on SJWs? SJWs are Social justice Warriors.
What's your opinion on trigger warnings?
What do you think about socialism?
Do you know how the solar system works?
Do youhate me?
i can't explain stories I can get amazing ideas for stories but have no clue how to explain them at all
my mom wont let my bff come over for a sleep over,what do i say, cause my mom is MEAN,WHAT DO I DO? it makes me sad because i can only see my friend at school IT IS NOT FAIR!
Does this make you say aw? This cute little idk is super cute. Aww!
my mom banned my cat from aloud in the house Please help me I love my cat and now he's not aloud inside because he goes on the table and attacks my mom what should I do.
i don't know if i should make a quiz or what so if you could be so nice tell me some ideas. i have no ideas what to make. by that i mean can you plz tell me a quiz or something to make and tell me what about too.
I'm moving across the country, leaving all of my friends behind! How do I cope? I seriously can't even think about my friends without crying.. what do I do? Advice?
Who wants to know why we have years?
Why do you think we have years? I know the answer just want to see if someone else knows it
How do you think the words were made?
Why is the Earth round?
What is the right age to fall in love or something like that? Just wanna know .Please help.
Where do people go when they die? Just curious cause people have so many different theories so i need to hear from you guys what you think. Reincarnation judgement day or whatever your opinion please respond . Thank you!
What do you think will cause the end of the world? Well for me I think it will be zombies cuz out environment is going to shit plus there are more diseases so that's what I think but I wanna know what you guy's think haha XD plus be realistic nothing like unicorns- wait nvm I put zombies so do whatever ya like just make it sound realistic that's all haha
Is it ok I like young kids movies like Zootopia and sponge bob and so on and am 11?
Would You rather smooch a ghost or smooch a ghost? Might be attempting to be undertale trash oops)
Have you've ever went to a concert, if so how was it like and who played? I went to some but I wanna know what was you're first concert! XD Plus I got super bored :P Plus a real concert sorry like the one with a lot of people in it with mosh pits- Nevermind just a concert that's real not a school performance sorry!
If you were to describe me in a couple words what would they be?
Who is your all time favorite marvel hero? Mine is ghost rider
What co-op game do you recommend me to play with my friend? We cant decide...sooo please help
What's a wwffy? I have seen them around Qfeast, and pages where people could sign up to be in them.. though I want to know what they are..
What are some of the things you need for a new kitten? Hey I'm getting a new kitten, he is old enough for me to pick him up in 7 weeks time. What are some of the things I need, for his arrival.
What do you think about OTHERKIN? (1) please tell me that you think of Otherkin. thankyou
Could anyone help me become famous ? I found out what I wanted to do I want to become famous by Acting,Youtubing,Writing songs and books,Advertising,Photography Advertising. Writing a blog. Writing posts. maybe singing or write songs. What I mean by this ideas on how I could become famous I know what I want to do. I just need acting classes and put my self out there and I need get use to the haters because HATERS GONNA HATE
How lucky do you think you are? Do you think you are pretty lucky or do you have some bad luck?
Have you've ever gone into a mosh pit, if so how was it like for you? I wanna know you're first experience was when you went into you're first mosh pit! XD plus I got super bored haha
do any if you guys know the diference between an acacia and an acasha tree? I just wanna know if any of you guys are smart enough to figure this out
A whole new series? Hi guys. I am the creator of the "Diary of a" series. I haven't written anything since last year and it seems after logging on after a long time, that people want me to continue my stories. I would be happy to do so but only if you guys want me to and if I get enough votes to do so.
How often do you read? What do you like to read? I read a LOT. I like to read HP, Shel Silverstein, and etc.
are you sad that they took away herobrine on minecraft on the computer?
Are you on Team Roman or Team Fousey? Officer I got one question for you? What are those?
Qfeast WWFFY? Okay, so hears the deal! I missed my old WWFFY, a lot. But I know I can't create a new one because it'll leave my old one in the dark and I can't make a sequel to a sequel so I thought why not do something else? So, why not do a WWFFY with Qfeasters? I think I could take a maximum of 7 or 8 people? Then do a story where the quiz taker will go though qfeast and meet all of you or something like that...(I might just add myself in X3 Heehee idk if it should be one of the results though) I'll think of the plot line later if this gets a good amounts of agreements to make this :3 I will soon after decide who will be the results. I don't think the taker should fall in alove with the result though ^.^U maybe its just a chance to hang out with the qfeaster, see how much you have in commen and how good of friends you really could be :3 (I guess this would be a called a...WWBFY? Who would Be-friend you? XD) What do you guys think? Please tell me down bellow :3 so I can start thinking on a plot line :D PEACE OUT!
Out of all the people in MCR, who's the hottest? Choices Gerard Way Frank Iero Ray Toro Mikey Way Bob Byrar (Even though he quit... CURSE YOU BOB )
Whats your lucky number
What you think about uploading files on your page ? Also uploading files, photos and video chatting in private messages
What is your favorite monster energy drink flavor? I love drinking this me and pandmonster drink a lot of It (mostly pandmonster) but I wanna know what flavor u like haha
Is Katy Bloom a nice name? Does Katy (Katheryn) Bloom sound like a nice name to you? I think it's lovely. ^_^
If you were able to get a tattoo, what would it be of? Qfeast send me something that I need to ask a question or whatever sooo i just thought of what would people want to get on them if they could get a tattoo? So here you go! XD Plus I wanna know where you wanna get it on like your forearm, leg, hand so ya nothing gross plz!
How do you become a member of a page? I want to become a member of a page but I don't know how, Please help me!
What are some good anime fundraising ideas? our school needs money for anime club what are some ideas
Red or Black? Would you rather see everything in red or everything in black?
Twilight, Hunger Games, or Divergent? Which is your fav? Which is ur least fav?
anybody online to talk to me? im bored and i got no one to talk to
boy problem (1) well i have this crush at school and i might be meeting him tomorrow at 2nd lunch tomorrow and he knows that i do have a crush on him but he doesnt know that i really absolutley love him and he does not know because he has a girlfriend. so what should i tell him tomorow to change his mind?
Who's your favorite Pokemon Mines pachirisu
Iggy Azalea or Nicki Minaj? Which one do u like better, which one is prettier, who is the fake one?
What Disney movie is your favorite?
What type of music are you in to?
Who knows what their names mean?
Do you like the old Miley or the new Miley?
does youtubers love making videos does youtubers love making vidoes
What holiday do you h@te? Mines vallentines day, it's pointless and only makes single people feel like crap. Then it would be Easter, just a stupid time to gain waight.
What language would you like to learn?
Any good dubstep?
What's your least favorite word? (English) I just wanna know for my own curiosity. I mean, it's not like I stalk you, right? Right? I know what you did last night... muahahaha
Did Anyone Else Cry During "The Good Dinosaur"? I will freely admit that I sobbed during the end.
What do you think about Scene kids? I'm doing assignment and i need peoples thoughts on what you think about SCENE KIDS. so thankyou.
How do I add a description? How do I add a description about myself? Others have those bolded letters that say *Fan of blah blah* and quotes, how do I do that?
Historical Fiction Writing Contest Hello, and welcome to my Historical Fiction Writing Contest! Here's how to enter: Pick one of the sixteen time periods listed. Then, write about that time period. You may link me to an already existing story about that time period if you already have one or write a story on a different website (e.g. Watt.pad) and link me to it. Or, you can write a story on Qfeast and link me to it. You can also include your story in the answer to the question. RULES: 1. No taking time periods others have already claimed! 2. The story must be short! 3. This contest ends April 4th. 4. Please do not nag me about if I liked it or if you won. I will give a neutral response to your link to the story, like "Thanks for entering!" 5. If you criticize others' works, you will immediately be removed from the contest. 6. Please keep your story PG, but blood and gore can be added. RESULTS: - The results will be posted as a story. - There will be 1rst place, 2nd place, 3rd place, and three honorable mentions. - First place, second place, and third place will have their stories in the story. Honorable mentions will have their stories summarized, and then links will be given in the description. - First place will get to choose my next username and profile picture for three months, along with me starring everything they have created. - Second place will get to choose my profile picture for a month. I will star six of their things. - Third place will get to choose my profile picture for a week. I will star three of their things. - If I have not followed those who win all the places and honorable mentions, I will. - The results will be posted a few days after April 4th. Everybody will be notified. TIME PERIODS (16) 1. Vietnamese war 2. World War I 3. World War II 4. Any time in Native American history 5. The Great Depression (@StickerLord) 6. The time of exploration (when Christopher Columbus found America) 7. The time of Egyptians 8. The time of segregation and Martin Luther King Jr. (Around 1960's) 9. The American Revolution 10. Civil war (@Rebel_Fangirl) 11. Gold rush time period (1840's) 12. Covered wagon time period (1840's) 13. Titanic time period- write about being on the Titanic! 14. Medieval times 15. Viking age 16. Renaissance times
Are you absest with sans the skeleton from undertale? I want to know if you are adsest with sans like you love him and you wish you could meet him in real life
What song are these are from? I know, do you? Name and artist! 1) Give me a disaster, Give me emergency, Stand me at the head of the crusade without a remedy. Show me to the shipwreck, Show me how your bones shake, And when I'm at the edge of sorrow's blade, Show me how a heart breaks. 2) My shadow's the only one that walks beside me My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me Till then I walk alone 3) There will be tomorrow The sun will light a sea of sorrow Tonight it set and took our friend If I could do one thing, I'd bring him back Snow won't stick to the weeping willows
In your opinion, What is the only reason we live?
Whats your one wish out of life? My one wish in life is for abuse to stop: mental, and physical. To humans and animals.
Can I make my first period faster? Is there any way to make my period come faster because I will try anything! I am sick of not having it! All my friends have it and I want mine. Please don't say 'it hurts' or 'you don't want it' because I DO want it! Please tell me!✌❤ P.s, I'm 12 years old if that helps! -Maddalena❤✌
How hot is the sun? I want it in temperatures and no cheating!