Questions Sitemap - Page 50
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Historical Fiction Writing Contest
Hello, and welcome to my Historical Fiction Writing Contest! Here's how to enter: Pick one of the sixteen time periods listed. Then, write about that time period. You may link me to an already existing story about that time period if you already have one or write a story on a different website (e.g. Watt.pad) and link me to it. Or, you can write a story on Qfeast and link me to it. You can also include your story in the answer to the question.
1. No taking time periods others have already claimed!
2. The story must be short!
3. This contest ends April 4th.
4. Please do not nag me about if I liked it or if you won. I will give a neutral response to your link to the story, like "Thanks for entering!"
5. If you criticize others' works, you will immediately be removed from the contest.
6. Please keep your story PG, but blood and gore can be added.
- The results will be posted as a story.
- There will be 1rst place, 2nd place, 3rd place, and three honorable mentions.
- First place, second place, and third place will have their stories in the story. Honorable mentions will have their stories summarized, and then links will be given in the description.
- First place will get to choose my next username and profile picture for three months, along with me starring everything they have created.
- Second place will get to choose my profile picture for a month. I will star six of their things.
- Third place will get to choose my profile picture for a week. I will star three of their things.
- If I have not followed those who win all the places and honorable mentions, I will.
- The results will be posted a few days after April 4th. Everybody will be notified.
1. Vietnamese war
2. World War I
3. World War II
4. Any time in Native American history
5. The Great Depression (@StickerLord)
6. The time of exploration (when Christopher Columbus found America)
7. The time of Egyptians
8. The time of segregation and Martin Luther King Jr. (Around 1960's)
9. The American Revolution
10. Civil war (@Rebel_Fangirl)
11. Gold rush time period (1840's)
12. Covered wagon time period (1840's)
13. Titanic time period- write about being on the Titanic!
14. Medieval times
15. Viking age
16. Renaissance times