Questions Sitemap - Page 97

Questions Sitemap - Page 97. Browse Questions on Qfeast

Help Me See Description Sometimes When I Load A Page It Will Log Me Out! What Do I Do?!?!? It's So ANNOYING! EVEN CAPS LOCK ISN'T ENOUGH TO EXPRESS MY ANGER
EVERYONE COME BACK PLEASE. WEE ARE MISSING YOU Please everyone come back. we miss you and nothing can cheer me up. I miss soflol, sarcasticripred, thule, grace123, earth707 and loads of others. we all want peace on qfeast and no haters. PLEASE COME BACK EVERY ONE. I AM SO SAD AND LONELY :(
What are some good ideas for riddles? I love riddles! I just can't get enough of them. But I can't seem to find many good ones now, do you know any
If You Could Control One Element What Would It Be
what should the pressures be for 225x40x18 tyres on a 2005 golf tdi for 2 passengers and full load if possible
what do u think is better 1d,btr or justin bieber the are all soo cute but people always fighting about them
How old is Carrie underwood
I need guy advice... I really like him and I don't know what to do.. I really like this guy but he always acts different around me. He sends mixed signals and I need advice ;D
is bloody mary real? Im to chicken to try it ;D can you tell me?
Does your sibling annoy you? My younger sister (nickname Clove because she can throw knives, username is Clove on this) is very annoying. Who else has the same problem?!
What would you do if you met one direction or saw them I wanna know wut u would do if u saw or met one direction
How can i get him back? I dated this guy for 11 mouth he then dumped me for no reasons. He has been dating another girl for 10 months now, through this time with the other girl he has been my friend, Cheated on her with me (a lot) from kissing all the way to sex. He still has feeling for me, and i honestly can’t see why he would cheat on her with me and he seems to want to be with me more than just friends... But he is still with her... I just can’t understand it. People have said that they believe that i will get him back... But I’m just not sure if there is anything i can do to speed it up. I honestly believe that we will be together again and i think he wants to be with me again. I just want some help here. Thank you.
is tiz funny to you or not ( 3 ) tanning meercat
whats your element if you had one?
whos your faverite death note character?
Is avacado a fruit or a vegetable? I seriously don't know!
Whos ur fave person in the olympics? It can be any sport, and country. Choose!
Who likes chariots of fire? I DO! (I love the theme tune!)
Favorite one direction song I wanna know wut ur favorite one direction song from up all night mine is I wish just tell me urs
is tiz funny to you or not ( 2 )
What is your favorite Season? Spring,Summer,Fall, or Winter? :)
Why is life like this? Do you believe that our choices are decided by fate or that we create our choices ourselves as we go along? For instance if I wanted to climb a tree but my mum said I couldn't because it was too high and I denied her it wouldn't be denial, i'm just selective about the reality I want to accept. My dad says the world isn't fair but how come it's never unfair in my favour? Existence is not only's pointless! What is life? Divine repuitational, that's what it is. You know when you are walking down the street on a rainy day and you look into a puddle and see a reflection of yourself? Well maybe the person in the puddle is real and you are just the reflection! It's that moment of dawning comprehension I live for. I am extremely sorry if I have confused you.
What do you think people use more? Their hands or their feet? I think we use our hands more but we also use our feet quite a lot too so... What do you guys think?
Do you have a DSi ? If you do, can you tell me how 2 fix my L & R Bottons? My L & R Bottonz are broken. I Don't wanna have 2 sent it 2 Nintendo. It might take a while. Plz help me! ~DJearworm
What do you think people use more? Their hands or their feet? I think we use our hands more but we also use our feet quite a lot too so... What do you guys think?
is tiz funny to you or not
What is the Big Deal with Having a BF? All my friends are obsessed with their boyfriends. My one friend cried over not ever going on a date at age 12. Me being 14 , I care about boys but I'm just fine with being single. Who needs all that drama and rumors ?
should baton twirling be an olyimpic sport? I do baton twirling and i think it is a very complex and interesting sport. U must be fast andd strong and graceful. I dont know why CURLING is a sport but baton isnt! Do you agree.
Guys Please Help a troubled man! OK Whenever I post a Quiz or Question, It gets deleted if I don't put an answer on it. HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Im gonna die here! D: -Euzero
if u only had 1 pick of food to eat for the rest of ur life, what would u pick? make sure u add in why and how long it took u to find ur answer. ppl like details, but if u cant find out why, iz ok. enjoy thinking!
What is ur Fav tv show I wanna know ur Fav tv show cuz mine is sponge bob but I wanna know wuts urs
Do u like Harry styles I wanna know if u like Harry styles cuz I do I have dreams bout him lol but I just wanna know
Can someone help me with this? Whenever I try reaching my quizzes, it says my server isn't working. It's only for MY quiz, though. A little help? -The new guy
Can STD tests be wrong? I'm 16 and female. In March I lost my virginity, I got a chlamydia test which came back and said I had chlamydia. I got treated and it's now gone. I also went to the clinic 2/3 months ago to be tested for gonorrhea, genital herpes and genital warts, the results came back and said I was clear. I was wondering if it may be wrong.... Because last night I noticed two spots on the outside of my vagina, like, on the 'lips' and they may just be spots but then I over-think things and now I'm worried it's herpes or warts or something. I've not had sex since that one time when I lost my virginity by the way.
Are you interested in a tablet version of Qfeast? By the way the mobile/smartphone version of Qfeast is on the way! Never miss an update!
you want 2 look hot well i will give you some ideas to be hot you have to wear black curl hair black tights black acessories black hills white shirt and makeup
whats your fav accesorie for girls purse watch headband and so on....
why do most brothers and sisters always argue or fight with each other? I have always wondered why brothers and sisters always fight or argue with each other i dont have one myself but my friends that have always fight with them espesally my 2 cousins who are brothers and sisters they are alway fighting and when i ask them why they say the other started it?????????????
Is this a good idea? (Read below) I kno its july and all but i have already decided on my halloween costume! I wanna b a 1D crazy fan! (Not tht i already am! ;P) so what do u ppl think of tht?
When do you go back 2 school? I go back August 6th. >_< Less than 2 weekz. :( Ugh...
Is it an insult or a compliment when a guy sayz "You look better with the lightz off"? Better w/ the lightz off iz a song by New Boyz. I'm just wondering if that soundz like an insult or complinment. Thanx :) ~DJearworm
Who are the 5 GB eventing Riders at the olympics?
Have an kopy kater? Answer here! Ill just fix it! Ill just ask for his/her pass and hack him/her!
If You Could Have A Voodoo Doll of Someone Who Would It Be
"It's Gotta Be YOU!" A One Direction Love Story (chapter 1) So there you were, just sitting on your bed, scrolling through facebook, disappointed because only 2 friends are online and they're both annoying people from your school... when you get a text. 'gee, i wonder who this will be.. texting me at 1:30 in the morning.' you thought, half asleep. you open your crappy phone, wishing your parents were rich enough to get you an iphone, and the cracked screen says, *1 NEW MESSAGE*. You take a sip of your diet mountain dew from 2 1/2 hours ago when you were supposed to go to sleep. You hit the view button on your phone and you see that the message's from Addie, your best friend since 6th grade. *___ GET YOUR FREAKING BUTT OVER HERE RIGHT NOW! I THINK MY DAD JUST HAD A HEART ATTACK AND MY MOM'S NOT HOME!!! WHAT DO I DO?!?!* Your hair is in a messy bun, your make up is smudged because you didn't feel like taking it off before bed, your face is red and splotchy because your tired, and you're all sticky because you dropped your soda when you read the text. You're just in some gray sweats and a purple spaghetti strap pj shirt with a bra-let (no real bra). You through on some flip flops and run out the door, heading to addie's house which is just right down the street. Since y'all made this "no knocking agreement" back when you first met, you just barged in through the door to see a bunch of your friends and hear them scream "SURPRISE!!!" and start singing happy birthday. Due to your lack of sleep and how you look, you bolted right back out the door and down to the corner of the street so you could sit on the bench and hope nobody saw how terrible you looked and felt. THAT'S IT FOR CHAPTER 1! HOPE Y'ALL LIKED IT! 5 COMMENTS AND I'LL MAKE CHAPTER 2(:
What do you think how God made us? How did he make us? Who made God? Who made the person that made God? How did he do this? SO AWESOME I LOVE YA GOD!!!
What is the FUNNIEST PRANK You've EVER pulled? :D :)
How do you stop bullies? There is a girl in my year and she is being bullied by these girls all the time. I really want to help and I seem like the only person standing up for this girl... I feel like the other girls might start bullying me too. The other problem is that all the girls are going to the same school and I'm not so I feel concerned about my friend and what she will do.
where can I buy a Vodaphone sim card in Bogota,Colombia
Do you think music is getting worse as the years go by? You see, the thing is I've grown up in an era of One Direction and Justin Bieber and I've been starting to wonder, is modern music ruining the sense of the word music? I'm thirteen and I'm a Queen fan which doesn't help me at all in school. People seem to worship modern music in our school and Lady Gaga and cheap boy bands of talent[less] shows and I don't understand why! Why can't some people just appreciate music like Bon Jovi and Blondie and other stuff again? Do you agree with me? If not, please don't answer like you want to drive a spear though me.
if you want to become a hairstle person or teacher nail artist what lob would you pick i will pick all of the above
What do you think Foxface's name is?
Body hot to the to the touch but no fever? I feel very hot to the touch but I have absolutely no fever at all. My lower stomache hurts, i'm getting dizzy and it has given me a horrible headache. It is not my period because before my period starts there's no pain and i'm normal.
What do you think these statistics mean? According to the US Census Bureau, the current population of the United States is approximately 309 million. The same source reports the population of the entire world as being approximately 6.8 billion. • In 2008, the US gross domestic product (GDP) was about $14.6 trillion dollars, while the entire world's GDP was approximately $60.8 trillion dollars. • Put into mathematical terms, this means that the US has about 4.5% of the world's population, but it produces about 24% of the world's GDP.
What's your fave one direction song? yeah just choose ur fave 1D song!
Is anyone going to see the hunger games catching fire the first night it comes out? like at 1am or 12am or maybe 2. depens like when they show it, u know?
when a man calls his friends who is a girl and only just friends only, then suddenly calls her babes. in passed hes told her that he just wana be friends only, as now giving her mixed signals, calling sweety, dearest, and now even babes. does he fancys her now...?
Who for Prsident (Jeff Dunham options)? This is a funny question on who could (or would) be president. The canidates will give 1 sentence for a speech (sinc ewe can't waste our time) The canidates: Achmed: There will be a flag with me on it and a bomb next to me Walter: I BAN MARRIGE Peanut: STAR BUCKS IS FREE Jose` Jalapeno (on a STEEK): Jalapenos are illegal to eat. Bubba J: FREE BEER Melvin: No matter who I play against in checkers, I will win Now, vote for who it shhould be
is foxface the best hunger games character?
If You Could A SUPER POWER What You Choose
Can you have more than 40 photos?
If You Could Go Back In Time Where And When Would You Go And Why
If You Had 1Million Dollars What Would You Do Thats Alot Of Money What Would You Do
Who's ur favorite Hunger Games character?
Who's your favorite 2012 dark shadows character?
Do U Like Waffles Or Pancakes Breakfast
What Is Your Favorite Video Game Mine Is The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
Do You Wish QFeast Was More Popular? I Do. I'm like the only person at my school who getz on here. I Wish qfeast was as popular as twitter or facebook. :(
'The Great White North' nickname refers to which country? (a) Russia (b)Norway (c)Canada (d)Sweden
what is braton cycle
One direction or justin beiber?? witch one?
see if you can answer this what is worse then the devil, better then god, poor people have, and rich people dont
if you could be any animal what would you be just say what animal you would be! have fun with it and yeah!
I love you, could you love me again? My Baby Boy has loved me for so long i have hurt him in the most cruel way.i however on the other hand after two years of him trying to help me and always there. i have only today realised what love is and how precious it is. he has said that's were over now any advice on ways to show him that ive changed and how much i love and want him?
He says he loves her She plays him She says she loves him He says its over. NEED ADVICE!!!? Me and my man have been together for just over two years I played him up until today I have always told him i loved him He has always told me he loves me He really did love me I didn't know what love was Until today I opened up and told him how i felt How much ive changed Told him he would be My everything My all But the day i tell him how i feel Is the day he tells me Goodbye...... NEED HELP AND ADVICE ASAP I DON'T WANT TO LOSE HIM
how do i know if the boy i like likes me? i really like 3 boys and i wanna know if there is a way to find out if they like me back. please help.
What is your favourite country, and why? I have sailed practically the whole way around the world but I still cannot decide which country is my favourite. Can you? Prove it!
Why is the world like this? Like why are we on earth and why some people are so mean... And also why I'm so weird... so yeah pretty much
Does anyone think The Wanted is like a grown up version of One Direction? i do! XD
are you talent whats your talent my talent is dancing rapping singing and if you know vulcha music thats me keke beez
if you want become a president and someone lied and you not president how you feel about it because i will be mad
what is a directors job? i need to find out for homework and so far no answers made the cut
Did Zayn Malik & Perry Edword REALLEY break up? There alot of rumours about this but i don't know if this is realley true. please tell me! thanks. xX
Who is ur fave in one direction? out of niall, zayn, harry, liam, or louis? my fave is niall, but wat bout u ppls?
are you the perfect bff that your great to have a bff
help i need u help wat do i do??? ok well i had or have a crush on a guy at skool but i promised my self i would never like him again an 2day was the first day back from our holidays and i walked in feeling " i dont need him he was a cheater any way y would i like him" and then later on i was like "noooooooooo i think i like him again nooo i cant like him again". i really need u guys help cuz i really dont want 2 like him but i just cant stop he is nearly like a cheater and i dont like cheaters!! wat do i do?? plz helphe
Who Is The Best Hunger Games Character???
help me with my sore teeth please ok so my mum says that i grind my teeth in bed, so bad that i wake her up... after i started grinding my teeth my backer teeth have started to hurt... like when i chew or clinch my teeth (which i always do) it really hurts can you tell me how to stop it and why i am doing it thanks everyone lol plus i am only 11 so i dont think i have any holes or nothing
what's your favorite song by adele? i like set fire to the rain.
Are Niall Horan & Demi Lovato Dating? I hope not Demi's a PLAYER. First came the Jonas Brothers. Hottest boy band around. So Demi dates Jose. Then btr came along and the jonas bros went out of style. she broke up w/ jose and dated Logan. And now One Direction,currently the hottest boyband out there. She dumps logan and now says she likes Niall. She's a player 4 boybands in style! She'll brake Niall's heart! :(
Which is heavier? Ten lbs of bricks or 10 lbs of feathers? Answer it!
is it possible for a person to send a txt off a mobile phone but it be somebody elses number??
Who is your favorite House of Anubis character?
Are you Team Peeta or Gale?
Do you read the Harry Potter Books?
Are you a true Hunger Games Fan? Have you read the books and seen the movie? If so you are
how many people like horses? i love horses. they're my favorite animal. but a lot of people hate horses. and i think that's just mean. so how many of you like horses and don't want people killing them or hurting them anymore? please only comment if you have something nice to say!
How do you follow people on this?? and how do you get followers?????
How do i get youtube videos on my qfeast wall?! please only awnser if you realley know the awnser. "idk" isn't going 2 help me. Thanks. Xx
How do i confirm my e-mail address?