What is the FUNNIEST PRANK You've EVER pulled? :D :)
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Probably the time when I borrowed my friend's phone and changed the language to dutch. Or when I added food colouring to the milk. Or when I put ketchup under the toilet seat and when someone sat down it squirted up their leg! Or when I changed the boys toilet sign for the girls. Priceless! I have no idea...I have pulled to many over the years.

Lol you are the prankmaster
on May 13, 2013

on May 13, 2013

on February 04, 2013
on July 24, 2012
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on april fools, i put nestle chocolate powder in the shower head, and when someone went in to take a shower, chocolate water came down on them! when that happened, i sprayed some artificial halloween skunk spray and made them think sewer juice was pouring on them!! they totally freaked. another time, i made a girl think i was pregnant and she totally believed me! she was crying and evefrything
on July 24, 2012
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OMG it was when I snuck into the boys bathroom at my comunity center it was a birthday oarty i grabbed a water balloon and put it over the drain and left the sink on when i came back it was flooded up to my ankle!!! :D priceless!
on February 04, 2013
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it had to be when i lived near a high school i would go hide in some bushes i would have water balloons eggs silly string and when they came out of the school i would egg them and if they where in there car i would spray silly string at their cars then if they chased me i would climb a tree

or the time i put a water jug on top or my frige and my dad opened it and it fell on the ground and split in two
on May 19, 2013
on May 13, 2013
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I was at a sleepover at my friend's house and one of my friends wasn't invited. The friend who's house I was staying at dressed up in her most adultish clothes and wore her mum's heels to look like an adult and she disguised her voice and pretended her name was Alice ( but it wasn't actually.) She curled our hair and I recorded a video on my phone of her. The next day we went over to my friend who wasn't invited to the sleepover and showed her the video and said that the girl See More in the video was a famous hairdressser who came to the sleepover and curled our hair for us and she fell for it lol

The girl we played a prank on is going to a different high school and we'll never see her again so we can't tell her it was a prank lol.
on July 25, 2013
on May 13, 2013
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Me:(calls Pizza Hut)
Pizza Guy:(about to speak)
Me: Well Excuse me,Princess Pizza Guy(hangs up)
It was on *67.
Pizza Guy:(about to speak)
Me: Well Excuse me,Princess Pizza Guy(hangs up)
It was on *67.
on August 03, 2015
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I put vinegar in a water bottle and gave it to my friend at school she drank it and instantly became red she spit it all over the floor :D
on July 29, 2015
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I told my sister that Ruff Ruffman (cartoon character in PBS Kids) existed and that he was sending her letters and messages in secret code X3
She believed it from November 2014-February/March 2015 >:3
She believed it from November 2014-February/March 2015 >:3
on April 24, 2015
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I put marmite or veggie mite in my brothers sandwich and he took one bite and yelled WHAT DID YOU PUT IN THIS!!!
on April 12, 2015
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Well lets just saying it was raining and there were GIGANTIC mud puddles out side. So me and my sister went and filled a mug up with the muddy water and put some milk in and heated it up in the microwave then we took it down stairs to my dad and told him it was hot chocolate and he actually drank it! MY DAD DRANK THE MUDDY WATER!
on April 12, 2015
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i put water on my friends chair and he sat in it he was soo mad i didnt tell him till the next day so he couldnt be a tatle tale fyi it was on april fools day
on July 03, 2014
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on May 09, 2014
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ok one time i got a fake spider and some nail polish and i painted it brown to make it look like rat i put it in my mom bed and she ran out screaming ahh my lordd help me
on January 05, 2014
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I know this prank isn't that funny but...
at school me and my friend got some nails and thumbtack we found in the library (we found quite a bit) most of it was the same colour as the chairs we have in class when we got into class my friend rushed in first and put things on this guys chair (hes annoying) it was SILENT reading when he got on his chair (my friend sits next to him) he screamed litrely when he stood up they had either stuck to him or fallen of the chair IT WAS HILLARIOUS See More :D
at school me and my friend got some nails and thumbtack we found in the library (we found quite a bit) most of it was the same colour as the chairs we have in class when we got into class my friend rushed in first and put things on this guys chair (hes annoying) it was SILENT reading when he got on his chair (my friend sits next to him) he screamed litrely when he stood up they had either stuck to him or fallen of the chair IT WAS HILLARIOUS See More :D
on October 25, 2013
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I didn't EVER pull a prank on someone, but you should watch
"Home Alone" it has tons of funny prank ideas! On catoon network!:D
"Home Alone" it has tons of funny prank ideas! On catoon network!:D
on October 14, 2013
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Probs when I put a fake trantuala in the cereal box and my bffs started to scream there heads off when they saw a dead trantuala swimming and in there milk, or the time when me and my friend jade put some cricket shells in a gift box and gave it to my other friend Nicole who is petrefied too death from them, and she hugged us so much, then she opened the lid, stood there looking at the shells for a few seconds then started to scream but didn't put the box down, after awhile she See More threw at us and said it would not tho unnoticed absoloutly histerical, priceless!!!!
on July 21, 2013
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We took an empty box, put in front of someone's door, then knocked and ran. The next thing you know is the box was gone, we laughed so hard!
on July 19, 2013
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Well, there was a grassy area in the middle of our school. We put a goat there, zip tied the freshmans lockers shut, put baby chicks in the principals desk, and blocked the hallways with various things. It was epic and all in one shot. :D
on May 24, 2013