DJearworm's Questions
DJearworm asked 34 questions
Help Me... I'm COMPLETELY Out Of Ideas! D: Yep... I'm 100% out of ideas for Quizzes. <:...
RANT ON ALOT OF STUFF. (Read Detailz Plz...) Okay, so herez MY rant on a few thingz th...
Why is everyone soo addicted 2 One Direction??!! Why?? I mean, i like them, they're oka...
Why do all youtube videoz appear as a link??!! I put a youtube video on my profile & it...
Do You Have a Celebrity Crush? dB If you do tell me who it iz. >:) Also, IF YOU CAN GES...
Should I Make a Series? So, Yeah, I'm thinking about making a seriez. But not like a lo...

What is your favorite Season? Spring,Summer,Fall, or Winter? :)
Do you have a DSi ? If you do, can you tell me how 2 fix my L & R Bottons? My L & R Bot...
When do you go back 2 school? I go back August 6th. >_< Less than 2 weekz. :( Ugh...
Is it an insult or a compliment when a guy sayz "You look better with the lightz off"? ...
What is the FUNNIEST PRANK You've EVER pulled? :D :)

Can you have more than 40 photos?
Do You Wish QFeast Was More Popular? I Do. I'm like the only person at my school who g...
Does anyone think The Wanted is like a grown up version of One Direction? i do! XD
Did Zayn Malik & Perry Edword REALLEY break up? There alot of rumours about this but i ...
Are Niall Horan & Demi Lovato Dating? I hope not Demi's a PLAYER. First came the Jonas ...
How do i get youtube videos on my qfeast wall?! please only awnser if you realley know ...
Has anyone seen "The Adventurous Adventures Of One Direction" on Youtube? LOL I SAW IT ...
My computers wacked. O_o My computers being wierd!! D: I was looking at a comment,and i...