Are Niall Horan & Demi Lovato Dating? I hope not Demi's a PLAYER. First came the Jonas Brothers. Hottest boy band around. So Demi dates Jose. Then btr came along and the jonas bros went out of style. she broke up w/ jose and dated Logan. And now One Direction,currently the hottest boyband out there. She dumps logan and now says she likes Niall. She's a player 4 boybands in style! She'll brake Niall's heart! :(
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JamesMWifee I'm just saying PLZ do not get on 1D questions if your going to say you hate them! Plz
on July 09, 2012
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no niall and demi are just friends even though they havnt even met each other before so wat i just wrote didnt even make any sense. on the other hand they happen to know each other and they both like each other but right now they arent even dating so this is the worst question someone has ever asked me>:)
on September 30, 2013
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ikr!! but relax hes with a girl named ally

he used 2 b dating a girl named Ali, there is NO evidence he is w/ justinlilsis now, and if u r gonna believe her lies, then i'm not talking to you anymore!
on January 03, 2013
on December 31, 2012
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ok srry ppl i hate 1D but i think yer Demi is a player last time i heard she was dating logan but apparently she dates nearly every guy from nickelodeon she has dated ppl from victorious i carly and just dumps them right their on the spot i think that is really mean so i think they might but it wont b anything seirious!
on July 07, 2012
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niall is mine demi is not a player spell his name right demi is nice an sweet i met her so take it out on me
on January 02, 2013