Why is everyone soo addicted 2 One Direction??!! Why?? I mean, i like them, they're okay. BUT WHY IZ ABOUT 75% OF THE PLANENT SO ADDICTED 2 THEM??!! THEY AREN'T ALL THAT!! Also, Why doez it make Louis Sexy Just becuz he likez Carrotz??!! I Like Carrotz, doez that make me sexy?? No. It Dosen't. & Whatz up with the Corny Fanfictionz?? Many of them have like 3 kissing scenez in them... Just 4 the record, THAT NEVER COULD HAPPEN. Sorry People, But know matter how much you wish it, Know matter how much you dream it, no matter how much you write it, Harry, Niall, Zayn, Louis, & Liam will Never kiss you. NEVER. COULD. HAPPEN. Sorry, thatz just the factz. Remember, I'M NOT HATING ON THEM. I'M A FAN. I JUST THINK SOME PPL ARE OVERLY ADDICTED 2 THEM. & THEY'RE A BIT OVER RATED. I'M A FAN. OKAY?? YOU CAN CALL ME A DIRECTIONATER ALL YOU WANT. I DON'T CARE. Peace out. ~DJearworm
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I agree with you 100%. I do not like them an awful lot (although I pretend to when my ten-year-old cousin is over). I am a proud Directionater and I seriously don't see why people go crazy over the fact that someone doesn't like spoons or loves looking in the mirror. Don't normal people do that too (not the spoons)? I tried to read some of these fanfics and nothing in them is ever likely to happen. Ever. I just don't like the overly obsessive fans.

on August 24, 2013

I believe that one of them is afraid of spoons? I don't know. All my friends at school are kind of obsessed with them, so I hear random things about them. Like when they were having some big announcement. They opened up a website for this announcement, counted down to it and had all the fans hyped up for it. People were going out of class to check on their phones See More what it was. When our teacher put it up, it was just another concert. Talk about milking it.
on July 18, 2013

IKR, what is that whole spoon thing. It's stupid! I am also a proud DirectionATER, as is Keara
on July 17, 2013
on August 21, 2012
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I have no clue why people like them, or Justin Beiber. I don't like either of them, and I don't get the point. They don't even have good songs or voices(MY OPINION!!! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!)
on July 17, 2013
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I Probably could have said this in a a "Nicer" way, but, this had 2 be done... I'm probably gonna get alot of 8-year-oldz sayang, "OMFG!! YOUR SUCH A DIRECTIONATER!!" Well, I'm not realley one... They're okay looking & They're music's okay, but they're just not one of the "best" bandz in my opinion. They're So Over Rated!! & Why do poeple think it makez Louis more sexy just becuz he likez carrotz?? People need 2 calm it down!! >_< ~DJearworm
on August 21, 2012
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I read some 1D stories on here. I know there are loads of 1D fans on here so no offense but I'm sorry it's 99% certain that any random fan of theirs is going to meet them, let alone be kissed by them like in the fan stories. In the world that is Reality 1D aren't gonna do any of that. Sorry if I offended anyone but it's true.
on August 27, 2013
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Well honestly idk. But there is this girl I know and when someone says the wires one direction she goes "HMMM?!!? DID SOMEONE SAY ONE DIRECTION?!?!? I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM HES SOOOOOO CUTE" (ya ik it sounds stupid but that's what she does. Also I no some one that know Justin biebers blood type
on August 01, 2013
on August 01, 2013
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Well I hate 1D! Why should they get credit while all the people who have talent work hard but don't get any attention?!

I didn't think it was fair that someone disliked that so I liked it! So now it's on 0. Oh well, it's better than -1.
on August 24, 2013

Listen to this then tell me your opinion of this girl's singing:
on July 17, 2013

they have voices like any other teenage boys would have, i'm not saying they're terrible but they are not unique and they will not be remembered in 10 years : |
on January 22, 2013
on November 08, 2012
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I'm not addicted to anything except horses.
As for music, I like Skrillex, Buckethead, and Tobuscus songs. Oh, and Minecraft of course.
As for music, I like Skrillex, Buckethead, and Tobuscus songs. Oh, and Minecraft of course.
on November 05, 2013
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It's true. I hate when people say stuff like "Harry's mine" and I'm like: NO! HE'S NOT! SORRY BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW YOU!
on August 27, 2013
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IDK!! i hate 1D i really do i have no care in the world for them at all they are lame to me and plus they dont even write their own songs so idk why girls are so crazy about them they are ugly to be truthful they are ugly to me. Like its not even music its trash! i dont like it at all im not fan never have been a fan and never will be a fan. Im a fan of MB now thats 1 boy band i go crazy for cus all of them r sexy they look good!! but 1D idk about them they are so lame to me.
on June 21, 2014
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I hate One Direction so much. I mean, what is so special about them? They are just a boy band. I mean, every time a new boy band starts, everyone goes crazy for them. JLS was a boy band, they split up. The Wanted was a boy band, they aren't popular any more. People haven't learned their lesson from before. Boy bands are just stupid fads that always end. And why is there so much merchandise? If they're going to make that much merchandise, then why don't they make it of something See More that's actually good, like My Little Pony or Hetalia? -_-
on June 16, 2014
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it could happen ok! im going to there next concert in miami and ill be in vip so i could meet them oh and they did work super hardwatch there x factor aditions and you will see
on December 29, 2012
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oo.. c'mon what is not to love?!!!! they are funny, hot, nice, charming, and fantastic singers!! while i agree louis likeing carrots isn't sexsy, and that the whole kissing thing might be alittle out of hand, i do think that they have worked hard to get were they are and deserve it!! their lives be4 xfactor was not exactaly easy. so i think that they are the type of people that make you feel good about your self, i know from my own experiance.
on December 07, 2012