y'all I spent wayy too much time this year looking at memes. but they're so beautiful :(( ah well.
on June 13, 2018

hello new followers! hello qfeast! i am back... after eleven months lmao whoops
on June 13, 2018

it's my birthday &[]
on July 26, 2017

flowers are really nice. they're so pretty. and they smell nice. and you can put them in your hair. 15/10. well done, nature.
on July 20, 2017

there's this song i hear occasionally on google play, and the lyrics are like giving commands to a dog (i.e play dead, come, roll over, etc.). kinda weird. good beat though.
on July 07, 2017

on July 07, 2017

fun fact about me: i can't stand pulpy orange juice. pulp free for me.
on July 06, 2017

all of our forks are either dirty or in the dishwasher. how am i gonna eat my fried eggs?

@theplaidunicorn turns out that the dishwasher is done so i do have a clean fork for my egg consumption
on July 06, 2017
on July 06, 2017

we are almost out of orange juice. hopefully someone in this household can go to the store today.
on July 06, 2017

today i was thinking about some action movies i like and how good they are (in my humble opinion, anyways), holy smokes
on July 06, 2017

man, i have five draft stories on here. will i ever finish one? the future looks bleak
on July 05, 2017

cheesecake is so good. i love cheesecake.
on July 05, 2017

snape is a rotten egg , i think in the next voldemort stories i write i will make fun of him a bunch (if i ever feel like it , lol)
on July 05, 2017

honestly i don't have much motivation to make quizzes or stories or polls on here, but i shall write some posts that hopefully are somewhat entertaining or interesting ??? idk ,,, i guess if you like hearing about a stranger's life
i've got a fair amount of maybe mildly interesting stuff to say so i can make a couple of posts every day
i've got a fair amount of maybe mildly interesting stuff to say so i can make a couple of posts every day
on July 05, 2017

so while we were in Italy, we befriended this gondolier (it's a long story). he is so great, and for once i am glad that facebook exists because we could friend him there and stay in touch.
on July 05, 2017

sometimes when i remember that i still play minecraft i feel like i'm a bit of a sad nerd
on July 03, 2017