Does anyone have ideas for things to happen to Voldemort in my stories? I need ideas :p
on June 29, 2016

In Minecraft I'm working on building a city. It is difficult. I am not very good at it.
on June 02, 2016

Wow, it's been three years since I wrote 'Voldemort's 54th Birthday Party', my first story about good ol' Voldemort.
on January 03, 2016

We got a new cat! Now we have three!
on September 27, 2015

Hey bro.
You don't know me.
I don't know you.
There's a tortoise in your photo gallery.
I'm stalking you now. @-@
You don't know me.
I don't know you.
There's a tortoise in your photo gallery.
I'm stalking you now. @-@

A bun with my mum and a yum in my tum is fun while kicking pond scum with a bottle of rum and run to the drum.
on June 15, 2015

I like to hum and drum with my mum, then have a yum in my tum from rum and fun buns.
on June 15, 2015

But if my mum is yum in your tum, then your mum is a yum in my mum's tum because the rum is a yum in my mum's tum.
on June 15, 2015
on June 10, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What type of nerd are you?
on May 04, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Are you bacon, caramel or pie?
on April 19, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What superpower do you have? (1)
on April 12, 2015

Trololol lo lo lo l ol ol o lololol olo lo l ol o lo l o lo lo lo l ol o l ol o lolololol
on April 02, 2015

Hey i know Voldy's b-day so i could figure out how old he was :D
.... wait but when did he die
.... wait but when did he die
on April 02, 2015

Also I was thinking of writing a story about two unicorns... I would need ideas for that, too. Just like one or two words like "evil mac'n'cheese" or "flying burrito".. things like that.
on March 10, 2015