The Summoning

"Jorgreth!" another voice snarled. "Did you not hear everything we've said? This is the only way, no matter how risky!" This time, the voice was coming from a muscular red dragon. He had dark blue wings, black stripes and long horns that spiraled into the sky. His ears were flattened back in an expression of annoyance.
"I don't want to do this if it will go wrong, Nakrashim!" the dragon called Jorgreth retorted. "If this fails, it could rip a hole through the cosmos so large-"
"I don't care!" the dragon Nakrashim hissed. "This. Is. The. Only. Way. Got that?" He was advancing slowly towards Jorgreth, who nodded quickly. Nakrashim didn't seem satisfied, for he was now tensed, ready to pounce.
"Are you two wyrm-brains ever going to quit arguing?" a different dragon snapped. This dragon was a cold silver with golden wings, golden stripes, and enormous horns that curled back towards his tail. His eyes looked ancient, but he seemed so young on the outside. His gaze made both dragons stop in their tracks. They quickly went back to their places, surrounding a fourth dragon. This one was a dark magenta with light blue spines, jet black horns, and multiple pairs of purple, feathery wings. She wasn't moving or speaking, however; in fact, she was lying dead on the ground. Nakrashim was sitting close to her head, and Jorgreth sat near the end of her tail. The silver dragon sat far away from her belly. Together, the three dragons formed a triangular pattern around her, as if they were going to use her in some twisted ritual.
"Alright, Urakai," Nakrashim grumbled. "Lead the way." Urakai, the silver dragon, had a pleased look on his face. He slowly bowed his head and began speaking in some ancient chant.
"O spiritus maiorum reigni redeant ad fidelium vivorum," Urakai rasped. He kept repeating this chant, and on the third time, the other two dragons joined in the chanting. At first, nothing seemed to be happening. There was nothing but a light breeze, rustling the grass around them.
The breeze was slowly getting stronger, and a faint whispering whistled through the air. There was a slight smell, like smoke, and the breeze was getting stronger and faster. The dragons' chant was getting louder, as if they were trying to chant over the sound of the wind.
Suddenly, the light wind exploded into a burst of wind stronger than a hurricane. None of the four dragons were moving though; they looked like they were guarded by a shield of light. The dragoness' body in the middle was starting to crack with lightning. The lightning jumped from scale to scale, wing to wing, until the lighting formed a bluish aura around her. The three dragons surrounding her were now yelling the chant, their voices almost drowned out by the force of the wind.
A giant lightning bolt shot from the dragoness' body and created a huge hole in the to of the light shield. The whole was getting larger by the second. Soon, the shield was gone, and the wind was creating a tornado around the dragons. A lightning-charged orb of light was slowly sliding down the lightning bolt, getting closer and closer to the dragoness' body-
There was a loud silence, and an explosion of light spread throughout the sky. The force of the blast knocked the three dragons onto their backs. The fourth dragon was nowhere to be seen. The only thing in her place was a bright white egg with light blue trails running up the side.
The three dragons soon got to their paws. Jorgreth looked weak and shaky. Nakrashim was in so much shock he could barely speak. Urakai was scanning the scene, a grim look in his eyes. Finally, he said, "It is completed. Come. Our task is done." Silently, the three dragons moved away from the egg, abandoning it to its fate.
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I feel like this is a new book in the Vault of Souls series. (Eragon for ye non-dragon riders) ;p
Keep up the good work @FirestormthePegasus
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!