Adderstar's Questions
Adderstar asked 10 questions

What's the worst injury you've ever had?

What Anime Would You Recommend? (1) I've already finished Hetalia: Axis Powers, and I'm...

How do I deal with my mom? I'm currently going through a pretty rough time with my mom....

What's the Dumbest Thing Anyone's Ever Said to You? I mean REALLY dumb things. Seriously.

Do You Want to be in My Story? It's called "Return to the Park". It's about a group of ...

What is your best BAD joke? I mean corny jokes, like REALLY bad.

What do you think of Homestuck? Pretty much self-explanatory.
Do You Have any FNaF OCs? I have a lot... and I also have waay too much spare time on m...

What Should the Imagine Dragons Fandom be Called? I've been listening to Imagine Dragon...