on April 15, 2016

Heyo my fellow Assassins ^~^
I've got some new news that nobody knew ;p anyone remember @chuzzyo ?
yeah he dropped a Santoku knife on his foot and had to get stitches lol
and no he wasn't practicing to fight with it XD he was doing dishes
so there you go :D he's doing fine, he told me to say he doesn't miss u guys at all ;p
I hope everyone is feeling good d(^-^o) always practice proper safety when holding knives lol
mistassassin out
I've got some new news that nobody knew ;p anyone remember @chuzzyo ?
yeah he dropped a Santoku knife on his foot and had to get stitches lol
and no he wasn't practicing to fight with it XD he was doing dishes
so there you go :D he's doing fine, he told me to say he doesn't miss u guys at all ;p
I hope everyone is feeling good d(^-^o) always practice proper safety when holding knives lol
mistassassin out

on April 13, 2016
on April 13, 2016

Wow has anyone seen the "Privileges" section?
it's like this trippy rewards system for people who are useful to qfeast .-.
any opinions?
it's like this trippy rewards system for people who are useful to qfeast .-.
any opinions?
on April 07, 2016

yay look at this ad:
"ThaiCupid.com" 'Thai Dating and Singles'
oml XD what have I been doing that makes them think that ad is relevant o.o
screw u qfeast, get ads on your site that are appropriate ;p
"ThaiCupid.com" 'Thai Dating and Singles'
oml XD what have I been doing that makes them think that ad is relevant o.o
screw u qfeast, get ads on your site that are appropriate ;p
on March 11, 2016

tiny bee, or not tiny bee; that is the question
whether tis nobler in the hive to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous flowers,
or to take stingers against a field of troubles, and by opposing, end them
to die, to sleep; no more
and by a sleep to say that we end the hard work and thousand natural shocks that feelers are heir to;
tis a consummation devoutly tiny bee wished.
to die, to sleep- to sleep perchance to dream; See More
ay, there's the buzz! For in that sleep of death
what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal exoskeleton
must give us pause
there's the respect that makes honey of so long hive
I don't know .-. lol this is the product of hard-earned boredom I guess XD
any of u recognize it? oh and bonus points if you can find all the words I changed ;p
whether tis nobler in the hive to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous flowers,
or to take stingers against a field of troubles, and by opposing, end them
to die, to sleep; no more
and by a sleep to say that we end the hard work and thousand natural shocks that feelers are heir to;
tis a consummation devoutly tiny bee wished.
to die, to sleep- to sleep perchance to dream; See More
ay, there's the buzz! For in that sleep of death
what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal exoskeleton
must give us pause
there's the respect that makes honey of so long hive
I don't know .-. lol this is the product of hard-earned boredom I guess XD
any of u recognize it? oh and bonus points if you can find all the words I changed ;p
on March 11, 2016

"...always follow your heart and always go beyond the stars. Cause once your beyond it who knows what you'll find"
I dunno maybe more stars
empty space
some dust from floating debris
so exciting XD
I dunno maybe more stars
empty space
some dust from floating debris
so exciting XD
on February 29, 2016

Man I was trying to come up with a good pun while I used an elevator, but I didn't come up with anything ._.

on February 12, 2016
on February 11, 2016

Based on the projected position of the Sun tomorrow at 7:34 am (Central time),
where is your favorite place to stand on this earth?
where is your favorite place to stand on this earth?

Rose: I don't like talking about it, but it's near Sariah's burning site. (A rock in front of the house.)
on February 22, 2016
on February 05, 2016

Why are people whooshing you
I need to know so I can whoosh in peace
I need to know so I can whoosh in peace

on February 04, 2016
on February 03, 2016

I'll be refreshing my bio tomorrow if u haven't read it-- all new info starting tomorrow ^~^
and thanks to those of u who give a crap lol
and thanks to those of u who give a crap lol
on February 02, 2016

on January 28, 2016


and another thing that n64 and gamecube thing, bruh i still have my nintendo entertainment system in working order and still have the good old rare n-zap 85
on January 27, 2016
on January 27, 2016

Don't forget to check my ever-expanding bio ^~^ stay cool my friends and fellow assassins B)
on January 27, 2016

Someone else follow this awesomazing person!!
One more follower to 100!
One more follower to 100!

NP! ^_^ :D
Ooooh yeah! Warrior_Fangirl, your 100th follower, is my younger sis! :D
Ooooh yeah! Warrior_Fangirl, your 100th follower, is my younger sis! :D
on January 26, 2016

on January 26, 2016
on January 26, 2016

be this persons 100th assassin ok

on January 26, 2016
on January 26, 2016

Yo I have 99 followers and u ain't one
or at least if u aren't, then u should be ;p
Who will be my 100th assassin?
or at least if u aren't, then u should be ;p
Who will be my 100th assassin?
on January 26, 2016