Puns Galore!
Do you like puns? Do you wish to talk puns? To create puns? Well then, this is the page for you! You may post the funniest or the stupidest puns you find out in this world,
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

I couldn't quite remember how to throw a boomerang, but eventually it came back to me
on February 20, 2016

Man I was trying to come up with a good pun while I used an elevator, but I didn't come up with anything ._.

on February 12, 2016
on February 11, 2016

You know that there's this theory that no two people see the same color? Like my red could be your blue, and other stuff. We may not even see in the same color spectrum because of the way the mind interprets color. And because of this, we may never know.
on February 11, 2016

No-pun-intendo :3
on February 10, 2016

PUN WAR! Topic: Poke-puns! (Pokemon puns)
Write a short story (or a sentence) using as many poke-puns as you can!
Write a short story (or a sentence) using as many poke-puns as you can!
on February 10, 2016