yo anyone on?

I just do it for fun. but sometimes i normally upload stuff to sound cloud. Im a soundcloud rapper
on February 12, 2019

Eh. sometimes.
on February 12, 2019

Wow ! Do you upload the music anywhere public like social media?
on February 12, 2019

Indeed. I got some new software for my computer that is good with making music
on February 12, 2019

on February 12, 2019
on February 12, 2019

https://youtu.be/jU6kU2d0MbU Yo My bois got the Q feast again, Whoop whoop I hacked his compute and he got the feast boi!!! XD Have fun Alcor. Enjoy Qfeast.
![K.K. Slider - Si K.K. o Mode [FULL VERSION] K.K. Slider - Si K.K. o Mode [FULL VERSION]](/i/rs:fit:320:200/mh:200/plain/imret/spp/oH9mcm.jpg)
K.K. Slider - Si K.K. o Mode [FULL VERSION]
Pre-Save on Spotify ~ http://smarturl.it/sikkomode
on January 22, 2019

Yo guys.Im never on here but if you wanna be friends just friend me on discord

on January 22, 2019
on January 22, 2019

hello guys.

(sorry I went offline that day because of them projects. )
She sighed and tapped him on shoulder "never mind, IllI find my way on my own. Adieu
She sighed and tapped him on shoulder "never mind, IllI find my way on my own. Adieu
on November 15, 2018

pfft. Nah. I never met a pokemon professor. I just buy pokeballs and train. I dont have that fancy tech...... Im..... im not an official trainer.... yeah.
on November 14, 2018

she rolled her eyes "huh? what?? I was talking about the league , mister. Do you have something like a map or compass. I'll be late . "
on November 14, 2018

*He smiled and comforted her* Look its okay. most of my pokemon are level 70-80 Its no big deal. Honestly. team flare and team plasma are scared of me. I have legendaries after all *He laughed and petted his jolteon* Look...... this jolteon I have is..... *He laughed* Its a shiny! Hahaha. its very hard to tell. also. its evs and ivs are very good. it is my treasured See More pokemon. if anyone gets in our way ill just defeat them! *He smiled* So dont worry about it. Do you need help getting around here?
on November 14, 2018

she blinked and rolled her neck. Then she bursted into tears and almost tackled him like a taurus. "TELL ME THE WAY" she sobbed
"I WAS..LOST..I REMEMBER NOW..And crap! I am still not prepared for this." *glares at her peaceful fennekin*
"I WAS..LOST..I REMEMBER NOW..And crap! I am still not prepared for this." *glares at her peaceful fennekin*
on November 14, 2018
on September 09, 2018

By the way? I have a question. If you follow a bunch of random people then will your news feed look less dead? I mean common. I can literally feel the cob webs of boredom.

on May 28, 2018

It was. It was stupid at least. I most likely have the "reason" miles away from what really happened. I'd watch a recap of it that those red headed emo girls made, but their videos were 3 hours long. I could only watch 17 minutes when I was super interested in this case, and it was a STRUGGLE.
on May 28, 2018

Oh I see. a So they were getting triggered about other people improving their OCs? Wow. How stupid.
on May 28, 2018

The time period when everyone was fighting surprisingly benefitted me. With it having close ties to several deviantart users who were popular, I began drawing their oc's, and drastically improved from stick figures to shaded, digitally colored, anatomically decent ponies/sonic/anime girls.
on May 28, 2018
on May 28, 2018

Hey. Sorry I have been gone guys.... I have been really busy. *Sigh* I'm gonna be honest. I feel like I don't belong here. People on this site are great and all but the activity is slow. To slow for even the most patient to get bored of scrolling through the same thing all the time..... I don't know.... Maybe I am the one who's stale. I just don't find joy being on here like I used to..... Maybe I should move on like all the rest of my old friends on here. Sorry guys. It's just See More not the way it used to be. I'll come on every now and then but not as much as I used to. - white

What why it's just it has to cool down through making new friends like yameilette she's really nice
on March 11, 2018
on March 11, 2018

Howdy howdy guys. How have you been?
on March 03, 2018

*sigh* I love my gamer friends. They always cheer me up when I'm down I swear gaming is the best therapy ever
on February 15, 2018

on February 13, 2018

Ooh. I know I'm not a sanic character but can I roleplay? I'm quite good at roleplay and love Sonic.

on March 22, 2018
on February 12, 2018