Funny things u said or did as a kid
What did u do tht was hilarious when u were little or now so awesome right? kids r the hillarious things of life they keep old ppl alive
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I used to put clips on my nails to pretend they were those fake nails just because my mom used to have them

on June 17, 2016
on June 17, 2016

on June 17, 2016

I rlly thought I was a butterfly so I got a little butterfly costume on and went onto a tree and standed up and yelled out "IM A BUTTERFLY" and that's when I fell off the tree
on June 17, 2016

My imagine was so wild when i was younger i seriously thought i was a super hero

on June 17, 2016
on June 17, 2016

Me and my brother thought we heard a bomb explode and me and my brother wrapped are arms around eachother and jumped and hit the ground like in the movies when you hear something explode
on June 17, 2016

I told my brother to go in the bathroom with me and I would wrap toilet paper on my head and my brother's head and I would call me and my brother ninjas
on June 17, 2016

I stood behind a manikin for 15 minutes thinking the manikin was in line

on June 17, 2016
on June 17, 2016

i somehow thought it'd be funny to hide under my dunner (i can't spell the word XD) at night time and i got to the other end and couldn't get my way out of it so i screamed for help and my mother turned on the light and got me out of it XDD
it was a bunk bed and i was on top bunk XDD
it was a bunk bed and i was on top bunk XDD
on June 17, 2016

I made a secret handshake with my sister in case one of us got replaced by aliens
on June 17, 2016

One summer I went more than two months without sleeping on my bed..
on June 16, 2016

As a young child, I was tiny and could squeeze myself into really small places. My friend Lily was also very tiny. Well, my grandparents' house had this huge space underneath the house, but the opening was really small. Lily and I would crawl into the space (We referred to it as " The Dungeon"), and would adventure around it. We would do fencing with sticks, hide treasures (Which were basically shining stones and pretty feathers that we found in the yard), and just be kids.
We See More played way to much Legend of Zelda...
We See More played way to much Legend of Zelda...
on June 16, 2016

In Pre-K we all sat in a circle, and the teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. There were the normal answers, like "astronaut" or "policeman". Then it came to me. Without hesitation, I announced: "A mermaid!"
on June 17, 2016

That happened to me too.
But since I'd heard my grandma talking about them that morning, I happily replied "I wanna be a terrorist!"
The teacher had to explain it to me. I wanted nothing to do with it afterwards.
But since I'd heard my grandma talking about them that morning, I happily replied "I wanna be a terrorist!"
The teacher had to explain it to me. I wanted nothing to do with it afterwards.
on June 16, 2016
on December 23, 2015

I wore goggles when I took showers
on July 17, 2015

Whenever I wanted pickles, I looked up at the pickle jar and said, "Nice pickles you've got there."
on July 17, 2015

I was born sleeping non-stop, for so long the nurses who helped gave birth to me thought there was something wrong with me, so I was sleeping for days. I would wake up a couple times, only to go back to sleep.
I was probably still very young, because I was still in this sleeping phase. I would wake up for a couple hours, do what I need to do, and sleep
It was probably my first time swimming, so I had a floaty around me. I was in the floaty in the pool....
And then fell See More asleep
I was probably still very young, because I was still in this sleeping phase. I would wake up for a couple hours, do what I need to do, and sleep
It was probably my first time swimming, so I had a floaty around me. I was in the floaty in the pool....
And then fell See More asleep
on April 25, 2015