So me and my besties had so much fun yda! we started at the park and then got back home and seen a funny fight and then we watched 1 of my fave movie "How She Move" got done with that and my cousin boyfriend Keshawn came over and we started playing tag and then that truned into a water fight that was sooo much fun!! we were out having a water fight at 11 at night lol we want in about 12 something and :D. I love my friends forever and a day i swear!<3
on June 18, 2014

Oh i swear to god August Alsina Is Bae!
He is to Fine! and he can sing to ooo!! i looooove him!!!:D:-*
He is to Fine! and he can sing to ooo!! i looooove him!!!:D:-*
on June 09, 2014

This snowcone i got right now tho....:D:x its frye real talk.
on June 06, 2014

Ok so i wake up at 10 today and i wake up all happy i go and do what i do and got ready my friend Corrine texted me at 12:30 and told me to come walk to the park with her ok i texst her back and was like iigh here i come i get outside and we are walking to the park and this dude at this house was playing my song "Cash Out" so i stop in the middle of the street and started twerking. and she was like "You are crazy" and we kept walking ok we get to the park and a whole lots of people See More is up there we walk over to my cousin and them and they are playing basketball and i run up and started twerking on 1 of mu cousins friends and he started laughing and then we all started walking to the store and we are in 1 big crowd and this car passes us he was speeding and i felt the win on me and thought i was gone get hit so i trun around and started screaming and my bf go "bae really" and i was like "i thought i was gone get hit" so we get to the store and this man was looking at us crazy and i go "boo see something you like" and he got smart and we started going at each other and then we left lol and walked back to the park...I have been acting crazy all day idk whats wrong with me today.:D
on June 06, 2014

on June 06, 2014

OMG!!! :-O...So im on facebook right and im checking it and Khalil Underwood. Yes my fave person sends me a message saying "you are mad cool i be seen what you talking about and you kinds gangsta i like that i should fly you out some time so we can chill" :D and guess what i said......HELL YES!!! that's what i said and he was like "iigh bet" and i was like "bet"...So imma meet KHALIL UNDERWOOD!! i love that boy so much yall jest dont know my bae Ty might have to look out cus khalil See More looks gooood!!! lol but i would never leave my bae Ty i love him to much he has my heart <3. But i am going to chill with him so happy that Ty dont mind me being around other dudes.:)
on June 03, 2014

I followed you cuz u got a good score on my friend quiz
on June 01, 2014

OmG i Love Khaili Underwood So much he is like sooo funny and he is cute......Yall should go watch his video it called "Mom and son road trip" it is sooo funny and he was singing my song at the start of it Kmsl!! lol i am so #Team Underwood.:D:x
on June 01, 2014
on June 01, 2014

So 2night my show The BoonDocks comes on!! i love that show :x it has my heart <3 and that show gets brownie ponits because 1 looks like Princeton from Mindless Behavior!!:D:-*
on May 31, 2014

So i watched Frozen for the 1st time today!!....And that's my new FAVE movie,The songs are sooooo fun to sing to. I love that movie:D lol imma watch it again tonight with my teddy bear and my chicken sandwitch.:p
on May 30, 2014

Sooooo im thinking i have to go to school 2ma!! wellll my teacher called my mom truns out she read wrong
on May 29, 2014

Ahhh i am sooo happy my last day of school is 2ma!! :D omg! i cant wait for summer to start this is going to be a good summer!! :p. Imma have my besties, my bae, && the pool yeahhh a real good summer. <3
on May 28, 2014

A-yo all i know is Ayo every time i hit the block that hoe be on go go and if you try to rob swear to god that be a no no. :D that's my song! :x
on May 26, 2014

I had so much fun last night with the Fam && Friends. I had fun twerking and laughing and walking and going to the park :D i really had fun with my bae ty tho that boy is my heart <3 i love him with everything in me lol.;)
on May 25, 2014

I am So in my feels right now :((. My babies The Usos was going to beat the Waytt Family but Bray Waytt KNOW the Usos would take them out so he CHEATED!! >:). He knocked Jey Uso off the top rope and made him fall and hurt hisslef im 38 hot!! X-(. Im Pissed!>:)X-(:((:(
on May 24, 2014

tanks 4 following me :)
on May 20, 2014

Had so much fun today :D my friends are crazy as they come and funny as af! :) we should get put in jail for the things we do lmao! but we dont and we get away with it all the time.
i love you corrine,zafrank,ryan,cory,cj,ty, and everybody elas to many for me to count but i had a blast today!! :) anit laughed like that since last weekend but i love you guys with everything in me!!<3:x:-*
i love you corrine,zafrank,ryan,cory,cj,ty, and everybody elas to many for me to count but i had a blast today!! :) anit laughed like that since last weekend but i love you guys with everything in me!!<3:x:-*
on May 18, 2014