(This is a comment give this to your first follower)
~Thanks for being my 1st follower you are very nice and your are my VIP for being there for me!Thank you!You are awesome and cool and I appreciate you @Moonlight_Dreamer !
Have a fantastic life!~
(Give this to your first follower)
Started by @Toy_Chica!
~Thanks for being my 1st follower you are very nice and your are my VIP for being there for me!Thank you!You are awesome and cool and I appreciate you @Moonlight_Dreamer !
Have a fantastic life!~
(Give this to your first follower)
Started by @Toy_Chica!
on February 10, 2015

Hi MoonLight! I'm also new to ponyville. Can we be friends?
on October 11, 2013

I haven't been on Qfeast lately, I've been busy learning, I'm so sorry, I don't think this is going to work... :( I think I'm going to leave

It's so nice to see that people don't want me to leave but seriously.... I have no time... How could that work? *sighs* I'll try my best but I'm not gonna be on, everyday.... :(
on October 10, 2013
on October 09, 2013

Please share this page with other Zombie Pony Survivors!
Please share this page with other Zombie Pony Survivors!

Equestrian Forces
Want to stay alive and not get your brain eaten? Go to Equestrian Forces! Want to use guns and kill zombies? Go to Equestrian Forces! Want to kill Princess Celestia because she's a zombie? Go to Equestrian Forces!
on October 05, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush
The flight part 2
Cihan P.O.V
I watched her sleep. She looked so cute. I can't wait till she's mine. She breathed out, snoring softly. She had a sad expression on her face when I saw a tear fall from her eye. She was crying. I hugged her and she woke up, sad and hurt. "I miss them. I miss my friends Cihan." She said and I understood immediately. She loved South Africa. She loved her friends. "Let me call Linda." I stood up and looked everywhere till I saw her. I hit her arm and she yelped. "Sorry." "Hello! Wh... Read Full Chapter
I watched her sleep. She looked so cute. I can't wait till she's mine. She breathed out, snoring softly. She had a sad expression on her face when I saw a tear fall from her eye. She was crying. I hugged her and she woke up, sad and hurt. "I miss them. I miss my friends Cihan." She said and I understood immediately. She loved South Africa. She loved her friends. "Let me call Linda." I stood up and looked everywhere till I saw her. I hit her arm and she yelped. "Sorry." "Hello! Wh... Read Full Chapter
on October 03, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush

The flight part 1
Antonia P.O.V
Oh. My. Gosh. The day has finally come and we're going to America! I closed my suitcase and my dad helped me carry it down and put it in the car. "It says we have to meet them at the Zurich airport." My dad said. I looked out the window as he drove. My brother was a bit annoyed so he listened to music and watched movies. We arrived at the airport and I got the suitcase out. I rolled it and we took the lift.(or elevator! I don't know what you guys say) We saw a few of my friends... Read Full Chapter
Oh. My. Gosh. The day has finally come and we're going to America! I closed my suitcase and my dad helped me carry it down and put it in the car. "It says we have to meet them at the Zurich airport." My dad said. I looked out the window as he drove. My brother was a bit annoyed so he listened to music and watched movies. We arrived at the airport and I got the suitcase out. I rolled it and we took the lift.(or elevator! I don't know what you guys say) We saw a few of my friends... Read Full Chapter
on September 24, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush

Antonia P.O.V
"Bowling with the class and their parents?" I asked, shocked. "Yes." My dad replied. "It's next week." He smiled and rubbed my arm. "But I suck at bowling!" My dad had this crazy idea to go bowling with the class and their parents. He talked to the teacher. Yeah, my dad was the parent representative along with Julia's father. It was a good idea but I suck at bowling. "Parents against kids?" I shook my head. "No, I'll just bowl with my friends." At least they sucked too so I wou... Read Full Chapter
"Bowling with the class and their parents?" I asked, shocked. "Yes." My dad replied. "It's next week." He smiled and rubbed my arm. "But I suck at bowling!" My dad had this crazy idea to go bowling with the class and their parents. He talked to the teacher. Yeah, my dad was the parent representative along with Julia's father. It was a good idea but I suck at bowling. "Parents against kids?" I shook my head. "No, I'll just bowl with my friends." At least they sucked too so I wou... Read Full Chapter
on September 24, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush

The movie
Antonia P.O.V
I put on my one direction shirt and my red sweater and jeans. This was gonna be awesome. Even though I already watched it on the 27th of August. It was gonna come out on 10th October which confused me since its already out. Maybe they'll translate into German. Anyways I caught the bus and took the train. Now you're wondering why I take the train. It's because I live a bit far away from Konstanz. The main stations are Konstanz which is where I go to school and then comes Allensb... Read Full Chapter
I put on my one direction shirt and my red sweater and jeans. This was gonna be awesome. Even though I already watched it on the 27th of August. It was gonna come out on 10th October which confused me since its already out. Maybe they'll translate into German. Anyways I caught the bus and took the train. Now you're wondering why I take the train. It's because I live a bit far away from Konstanz. The main stations are Konstanz which is where I go to school and then comes Allensb... Read Full Chapter
on September 24, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush

Antonia P.O.V
I just ran out because I was mad. Linda just told him and them that I liked him. Didn't she swear to not tell anyone? I just walked away. "Antonia! Antonia!" Linda called after me but I just ignored her. I ran outside and breathed in the cold fresh air. Linda came out. "Sorry Antonia! I didn't want to but it just came out of my mouth. I, I'm sorry." Linda pouted and I groaned. "Linda, I know you didn't want to but that was really embarrassing." We hugged. "Come back?" She asked... Read Full Chapter
I just ran out because I was mad. Linda just told him and them that I liked him. Didn't she swear to not tell anyone? I just walked away. "Antonia! Antonia!" Linda called after me but I just ignored her. I ran outside and breathed in the cold fresh air. Linda came out. "Sorry Antonia! I didn't want to but it just came out of my mouth. I, I'm sorry." Linda pouted and I groaned. "Linda, I know you didn't want to but that was really embarrassing." We hugged. "Come back?" She asked... Read Full Chapter
on September 23, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush

Truth or Dare gone a little wrong
Cihan P.O.V
The canoe trip was today and I was super excited since Antonia and I were going to be in the same room.... With other people. I saw here arrive with her normal school bag. She was wearing a pink I LOVE MUSTACHE shirt with a black mustache necklace and leggings. She was also wearing a black jacket and black and pink shoes. She sure loved black. She hugged Linda and Lena. Wow, she sure hugs a lot. The teachers arrived and instructed us. I was put in a boat with Antonia. Yes! The te... Read Full Chapter
The canoe trip was today and I was super excited since Antonia and I were going to be in the same room.... With other people. I saw here arrive with her normal school bag. She was wearing a pink I LOVE MUSTACHE shirt with a black mustache necklace and leggings. She was also wearing a black jacket and black and pink shoes. She sure loved black. She hugged Linda and Lena. Wow, she sure hugs a lot. The teachers arrived and instructed us. I was put in a boat with Antonia. Yes! The te... Read Full Chapter
on September 23, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush

At school again
Cihan P.O.V
"And we danced all night to the best song ever, we knew every line now I can't remember how it goes but I know that I won't forget her cause we danced all night to the best song ever! I think it went oh, oh, oh, I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it goes...." Her voice was beautiful and angelic. She was singing for Linda. I heard how she was in singing mode so now Antonia is a radio for Linda. Today Art was cancelled so we had nothing to do. I just sat there and laughed w... Read Full Chapter
"And we danced all night to the best song ever, we knew every line now I can't remember how it goes but I know that I won't forget her cause we danced all night to the best song ever! I think it went oh, oh, oh, I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it goes...." Her voice was beautiful and angelic. She was singing for Linda. I heard how she was in singing mode so now Antonia is a radio for Linda. Today Art was cancelled so we had nothing to do. I just sat there and laughed w... Read Full Chapter
on September 23, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush

A kind of date?
Antonia P.O.V
What? "I'm sorry but the trip was postponed to December the first." That's just great. Three more months to go. "And when are we returning?" I asked without raising my hand. "On December the 24th." "But that's one day before Christmas!" I said, quite annoyed. She just couldn't do that. "Yes, I'm sorry but all flights have been cancelled due to the hurricanes." I face palmed. The bell then rang. "Ja man!" I heard Cihan shout in his cute German and Turkish accent. I looked at the... Read Full Chapter
What? "I'm sorry but the trip was postponed to December the first." That's just great. Three more months to go. "And when are we returning?" I asked without raising my hand. "On December the 24th." "But that's one day before Christmas!" I said, quite annoyed. She just couldn't do that. "Yes, I'm sorry but all flights have been cancelled due to the hurricanes." I face palmed. The bell then rang. "Ja man!" I heard Cihan shout in his cute German and Turkish accent. I looked at the... Read Full Chapter
on September 23, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush

At school
Cihan P.O.V
I couldn't sleep. My hair kept falling in my eyes but I simply pushed them away. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Those cute cheeks, that beautiful smile, those eyes that kept on sparkling, her curly hair and that funny laugh who'd send butterflies flying through my body. I loved every single thing about her. Yes, we don't talk but I find her adorable. Just a crush, I keep saying but sometimes when I see her laugh with my friends, I feels if she was the only girl in the world.... Read Full Chapter
I couldn't sleep. My hair kept falling in my eyes but I simply pushed them away. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Those cute cheeks, that beautiful smile, those eyes that kept on sparkling, her curly hair and that funny laugh who'd send butterflies flying through my body. I loved every single thing about her. Yes, we don't talk but I find her adorable. Just a crush, I keep saying but sometimes when I see her laugh with my friends, I feels if she was the only girl in the world.... Read Full Chapter
on September 23, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Crush

His visit
Antonia P.O.V
I gave the piece of paper to my dad. He read while I just kept staring out the window. Please say no! Please! I know America! But I didn't want to go with Cihan. I do have a crush on him but I just don't like the idea of being in a room with someone who I never talked to. Why couldn't it be another boy like Manuel or Niko. I knew them and they were funny but Cihan, I had no clue. "Wow. A trip to America. Isn't that what you've always wanted." He smiled, his eyes lighting up. "... Read Full Chapter
I gave the piece of paper to my dad. He read while I just kept staring out the window. Please say no! Please! I know America! But I didn't want to go with Cihan. I do have a crush on him but I just don't like the idea of being in a room with someone who I never talked to. Why couldn't it be another boy like Manuel or Niko. I knew them and they were funny but Cihan, I had no clue. "Wow. A trip to America. Isn't that what you've always wanted." He smiled, his eyes lighting up. "... Read Full Chapter
on September 23, 2013

on September 19, 2013

Twilight: Aaaaaah!!!
What is it Twilight?
Twilight: I can't find my book and I need it, what do I do?
I'll help you later ok but now I'm trying to announce a winner,
Twilight: Oh, for what?
I did this mini competition, anyways, the winner is XxRainbow_DashxX! Come and claim your prize (which is anything you want)
Rainbow Dash: I won? See More
Yep, congratulations!
Spike: Awww.... I lost.
ChokolatLover: I lost too. Let's go eat some chocolate Spike, I'm sure it'll make us feel better. And congratulation Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Thanks, I never lose :p
What is it Twilight?
Twilight: I can't find my book and I need it, what do I do?
I'll help you later ok but now I'm trying to announce a winner,
Twilight: Oh, for what?
I did this mini competition, anyways, the winner is XxRainbow_DashxX! Come and claim your prize (which is anything you want)
Rainbow Dash: I won? See More
Yep, congratulations!
Spike: Awww.... I lost.
ChokolatLover: I lost too. Let's go eat some chocolate Spike, I'm sure it'll make us feel better. And congratulation Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Thanks, I never lose :p

You didn't really write why they were together but you gave a good explanation saying that scootaloo looks like Fluttershy and Big Macintosh daughter :) which I thought was cool so you won
on September 22, 2013
on September 18, 2013

I totally forgot to announce the winner *apologizes*. I have been so busy studying. Anyways, and the winner is.........
Spike: Oooh! Ooh! Is it me?
I'm trying to announce the winner Spike
Spike: Ok!
So the winner is.......
Rainbow Dash: Hey Moonlight, what's up? Wanna race?
No Dashie, not now. See More
Rainbow Dash: Too bad, maybe later?
Yeah sure, so the winner is....
Spike: Oooh! Ooh! Is it me?
I'm trying to announce the winner Spike
Spike: Ok!
So the winner is.......
Rainbow Dash: Hey Moonlight, what's up? Wanna race?
No Dashie, not now. See More
Rainbow Dash: Too bad, maybe later?
Yeah sure, so the winner is....
on September 21, 2013
on September 18, 2013

thanks for trying out my quiz
on September 15, 2013