The project

He was cute, handsome and bad. My mother never wanted me to date at a young age but I've always wanted to have a boyfriend. I know I'm 12 but still, love has no age, right? I had a crush on the bad boy, Cihan. He was super cute. He had beautiful black hair, black eyes and a perfect tan. He was perfect to me. I know it's stupid but we've never actually talked to each other. Yes, I've seen him staring sometimes, yes, we've said hi a few times and yes, I was friends with his friends but we've never ever talked. I sighed as I heard my alarm ring. I turned it off. Another boring school day. So before we start the story, I'd like to introduce myself. Hi, I'm Antonia. I'm 12 years old and I moved to Germany. I have brown, curly and short hair and brown eyes. I'm not too short, not too tall and I'm not exactly thin. I used to live in South Africa when we had to move because of my dad's job. The last day was painful. After school had ended, I hugged my BFF's and cried in the car watching them wave. The flight was tiring and I wasn't in the mood for anything when we arrived at the airport. School holidays had just begun in Germany so we drove through Europe and even visited France. It was exciting and we had fun, we even went camping but afterwards, we had to go to school. I was super nervous when we entered the class room. All eyes landed on us. Aka, My brother and me. My brother was older but we were in the same class cause I jumped a grade because I was so smart. My brother had straight, short and brown hair. He also had brown eyes and was shorter than me. People always thought we were twins but we had a one and half year age difference. "Time to wake up!" My dad said entering the room. "We know dad!" I said, sounding a little annoyed. He walked out and I got clothes out. What to wear? If only they had uniforms just like in my old school then I wouldn't have to take so long in the morning. Great. I put on some jeans and a cute shirt. I ate breakfast and looked at my hair. I hate my hair! I just brushed it before tying it into a ponytail which made my face look bigger. I brushed teeth before checking the time and grabbing a jacket. "Bye dad! Have a nice day!" I kissed him on the cheek and went down the stairs. I opened the door and fresh air hit me instantly. Agh! I walked to the bus station and waited. The bus arrived and I got in. Another boring morning, I thought while getting out of the bus. The train arrived and I looked for seats. I sat by the window and my brother sat next to me. "I came prepared." He said while taking out his phone and headset. "Look how many videos I downloaded." He said. I looked out the window. I forgot my stupid headset, great now I can't listen to songs. I checked my playlist out. One direction, one direction, one direction, Nero.... Yes, I admit I'm a one direction fan. Saturday, I went shopping with my friend Geena. I had bought a lot of shirts and surprisingly found a one direction T-shirt which I've been looking for everywhere. Saturday was awesome and I loved the Chinese buffet but what I didn't appreciate was the name tags were switched. You see, I wanted turkey and it was in the same container as the duck. On the left, it said it was duck and on the right, turkey. I took some not realizing that it was brown. When I sat down, I noticed it and wondered why it was brown because turkey was white not brown. Then I realized it was duck. Geena had laughed at me and I tried eating it but it was disgusting so I only ate the rice and vegetables. Luckily, that tasted good without meat. "Next Station, Konstanz. The train ends here. Exit on the right." I got my bag and waited for my brother to stand up and leave. We caught another bus and finally arrived at school. The first lesson was History. I groaned and went in the classroom. Well this is gonna be boring. The lesson was so boring. We were talking about the French Revolution in our city and to be honest, this city was old and crappy. After that was English. I smiled a little. I loved English. Weird right? Not really since I had to talk German pretty much everyday when my mother language is English and of course it was hard since I wasn't a professional at speaking German. German was hard but somehow I had managed to pass the seventh grade but now we were in the eighth grade and it was pretty much harder. I sat down and took my books out. "Good morning class." The annoying soft voice said. "Good morning Mrs. Polka." I know right, Polka? Weird name. Even though I liked English, I didn't like the teacher. She was our music teacher last year and sucked. I hated her. She smiled and wrote something on the board. "Ok class. So this will be our first project in pairs." Project? Interesting. I hope I can be with one of my friends, I'm not good at translating. "Sadly, I will be choosing your partner." What? No! If I end up with one of those German dudes, I am gonna die. "So first. Geena and Timo." Wow. Geena had a small crush on Timo. I wonder if she's smiling right now. "Riccardo and Lisa." Haha, my brother and Lisa. They were both small so it was perfect. "Ronja and Niko." Lol, these two hated each other. They groaned. "Isabell and Moritz." Oooh! "Manuel and Sabrina." Wow, how are they gonna work? They're like best friends and won't stop talking. And then my name came up. "Antonia and Cihan." Wait what? My partner was Cihan? I gulped. No way! My partner was my crush. "Oh!" Niko said. I turned and glared at him. He chuckled and looked at Cihan. Whatever. "Now before you go to your partner. I would like to explain the project." Oh so now, you wanna finally tell us what's it about? "This project will be about America." I raised an eyebrow. "You will each have to write a small journal of what you saw in America and then present it to the class." I raised my hand. "Antonia." She smiled at me. "But miss how can we when we're not even going to America?" "But we are." What? The whole class started whispering. "You will each have a room with your partner to work on your journal." My jaw dropped. "But miss! What if our partner is the opposite gender?" "It doesn't matter, you'll just have to get used to it." She then looked back at the class. "Antonia please hand these out." She gave me papers and I read it while handing them out. It was a paper with information about the excursion. As I handed it out to Cihan, he smirked at me and winked. I didn't know if I blushed or not but I could feel my cheeks heat. Wow. I had a feeling this was gonna be a long excursion.
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