The movie

I put on my one direction shirt and my red sweater and jeans. This was gonna be awesome. Even though I already watched it on the 27th of August. It was gonna come out on 10th October which confused me since its already out. Maybe they'll translate into German. Anyways I caught the bus and took the train. Now you're wondering why I take the train. It's because I live a bit far away from Konstanz. The main stations are Konstanz which is where I go to school and then comes Allensbach where most children live. Then comes Radolfzell but that's another story and last Singen. Not! There's another big city after that which is Engen. Singen is 30 minutes away from Konstanz but I take the train. Cihan lives in Konstanz so yeah. After 30 boring minutes, I finally arrived. I walked to the Lago and went in the cinema. There were lots of girls. More girls than before. The crowd was big so I couldn't really see him. "Antonia!" I saw him with a big packet of popcorn. I went up the stairs and the guy wanted to see my ticket which I forgot to buy. Cihan showed him a second ticket and the guy let me through. "Hey." He stared at my shirt and chuckled. "I have one direction infection." I joked. I stole the popcorn and he ran after me. "You'll never catch me!" I shouted. I got in the cinema and sat down where he came running after me. He sat down and took the popcorn. "Hey! That's mine!" I pouted. "I bought it." I rolled my eyes and the movie began. We could hear their voices so girls started screaming. I've already seen this so it wasn't a surprise. We watched it and then it ended. What? All they did was put German voices instead of theirs so it wasn't special to watch it again. Then a lady came up and told everyone to sing best song ever. She put on the music and a camera guy filmed us. I sang very loud. He smiled at me and listened. When the song ended we all shouted things like I love you One Direction! "I want you to rock me!" I shouted and I heard people giggle and laugh. The camera stopped filming and we all got out. "That was cool!" I said happily. "Yeah." We walked together for a bit and then I saw Linda and her friends come out. "Linda!" I ran to her and we hugged. I love hugs! "Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked me and then winked when I felt hands wrap around my waist. "Ok I'll leave you two." "Bye Linda!" I could hear her say something to her friends and they screamed. They then looked at us and I swear I saw one of them take a picture. Anyways, this was an awesome day. "They don't know I've waited all my life just to find a love that feel this right. Baby they don't know about, they don't know about us!" I hummed to myself. We went to McDonalds and I bought a milkshake since that was the only thing good there. "You have a beautiful voice." I frowned. "No I don't, I suck." "No you don't." Then I kept giving reasons why I suck but he beat me when he said. "You have a hidden talent and that's singing like an angel." I smiled at his comment. "What time is it?" I had to catch the train soon. "17:20 pm." He said after looking at his watch. "Oh I have to go in ten minutes." He nodded and then his eyes met mine. We kept staring at each other for a while. Even though he didn't have brown or blue eyes, he still had beautiful black eyes. "Um.. I think you have to go. It's already half past." "Oh crap! Thanks for the movie!" He waved as I ran across the street.
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