
I just ran out because I was mad. Linda just told him and them that I liked him. Didn't she swear to not tell anyone? I just walked away. "Antonia! Antonia!" Linda called after me but I just ignored her. I ran outside and breathed in the cold fresh air. Linda came out. "Sorry Antonia! I didn't want to but it just came out of my mouth. I, I'm sorry." Linda pouted and I groaned. "Linda, I know you didn't want to but that was really embarrassing." We hugged. "Come back?" She asked. "No. I just want to watch the stars." She smiled and went away. I sat on a bench near the river. The stars were beautiful and I couldn't help but cry. I don't know why but I cried. Maybe because of all these mixed emotions like who did I like more Niko or Cihan and did Cihan like me? I couldn't get it out of my head so I sang. "Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked in, So shame on me now
Flew me to places i'd never been, Till you put me down oh
I knew you were trouble when you walked in, So shame on me now
Flew me to places i'd never been, Now i'm lying on the cold hard ground
Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble, Oh, oh, trouble, trouble, trouble!"
I didn't finish the songs because soon after that I gave up and fell asleep.
"Wake up!" I jumped and saw the teacher glaring at me and Linda nervously smiling. "What were you doing sleeping here?" The teacher asked but how was I supposed to answer. "It's not her fault, we shouldn't have left her outside. We forgot to bring her back." Linda explained. "Ok but this bettor not happen again." Linda wrapped me in a warm blanket which felt nice. I got in the room and they were all eating on the floor. "Hi." Niko said. I smiled. He always greets people like that, it's funny. Linda gave me a plate with pancakes and chocolate on top. "Thanks." I ate while the others talked about random things. I just thought about my life in South Africa before we moved. How I didn't need to talk German all the time. How I had fun and had lots of friends. How things were cool there and I loved it but now all that is gone. I'm now in Germany. I have a few friends but we don't hang out everyday. I try speaking German but its really hard. Because we moved I stopped playing soccer which was something I loved. I didn't join a club because last time I tried one, I got sick for one whole month. Coughing, sneezing, throat ache. All because I went there in winter. Stupid me. "Hello?" Sabrina snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" "Niko just asked you something." "Oh, I didn't hear." "I said are you alright?" I put my finished plate on the tray. "Yeah." I faked a smile trying not to cry. "No you're not." Cihan whispered. It's like if he could see right through me. "I'll go change." They exchanged worried glances while I locked the bathroom. I then came out wearing a white shirt that said LIFE IS A CHALLENGE, KEEP SMILING and jeans. Nobody talked or so they didn't until the teacher told us to pack. Manuel joked around while Niko and Cihan talked. Linda and Sabrina laughed a lot while I kept cool and just packed ignoring everybody. After that we all paddled back. This time we didn't hit anything. Thank goodness. Today was my brother's birthday. 2nd of October. He was going to Switzerland to play Laser tag with some friends while I just shopped. After hours of shopping alone, I went home, jumping on my bed. Ah! Bed, sweet bed! I felt my iPad vibrate so I checked it out. "Hey what you doing?" "Nothing." "Hmm... Don't forget the movie!" He said and added a wink. What movie? Oh right, the one direction movie, like I'd forget that!
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