Cheek out my mini animation. . It's not much as it's me getting use to my new program. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/316/c/3/blink_test_by_fireheart2firestar-d866plg.gif
on November 12, 2014

I'm bored. . Anyone on and wanna roleplay?
on November 08, 2014

on November 04, 2014

Check out my cosplay group. We are starting in 2 weeks. 2 weeks till a video. Yay. Ill be Sasuke (from Naruto)

BubbleGum Candy Studios
BubbleGum Candy Studios is on Facebook. To connect with BubbleGum Candy Studios, join Facebook today. Join Log In BubbleGum Candy Studios Studio Like Message Share More About · Photos This the facebook page for our cosplay to answer private messages/questions... More Information 8 likes Photos by BubbleGum Candy Studios BubbleGum Candy Studios Sep 21 at 8:31pm · Just a shout out 4 Shikamaru Nara 4 a happy birthday! He is turning 17 (in our eyes) today, september 22nd. Happy Birthday Shikamaru! And Happy Birthday to Ino 2moro! 1 BubbleGum Candy Studios Sep 14 · Hi all, this is just a message wishing Kakashi-Sensei a happy birthday as today - September 15th - so here is some tribute photos and the link to our tribute video to Kakashi in honour of his birthday.
on September 26, 2014

Anime_Fanguy asked a question
should I leave Qfeast? (1) I dunno about this so I thought id let you decide
on September 26, 2014

on September 03, 2014

The new doctor. Thoughts on him?
on August 28, 2014

Name: Leo
Age: adult
Role: Lion
Personality: PLayful, ambitious, kind, fierce, protective
Extra: Nada
Other: found as a cub on the Black-market
Age: adult
Role: Lion
Personality: PLayful, ambitious, kind, fierce, protective
Extra: Nada
Other: found as a cub on the Black-market
on August 20, 2014

im up for a RP :-B

Arina: it's fine I'm about to return most of them anyways ( I have to go to Karate now :()
on August 20, 2014
on August 18, 2014

I have had it with Qfeast, they have taken down my stories as they are "not for 13+" I feel insulted as my stories are inspired by what has happened in my life with my siblings.. if Qfeast doesn't give back my stories im LEAVING

What! Really Qfeast, if people aren't mature enough to read them, they whouldn't read them! X-(Anyway, there are lot of younger people who write a lot of weird Sterf, so I don't see the problem! Qfeast, let him take his stories back! By Glaux!
on August 17, 2014
on July 18, 2014

on June 23, 2014

Hey I'm not dead! Hehehe, Hi friends and followers, sorry about lately I been busy and wow hard to believe it's been 18 months since my life-saving surgery
on June 23, 2014

hey friends and fellow followers.. wanna watch anime free in sub/dub?
well go to this link: http://www.watch-anime.net/anime-list-all/
well go to this link: http://www.watch-anime.net/anime-list-all/

Watch Anime | Watch subbed/dubbed anime series online
Watch subbed/dubbed anime series online
on June 10, 2014